Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Letter Seven: Obama's Sitting Ducks (2-26-2009)

Letter Seven: Obama’s
Sitting Ducks (2-26-2009)

I see Obama is proudly standing his ground on sending the Iraqi troops home. Let me rephrase that. I see President Obama, is following basically the same plan President Bush set forward before Obama was president, and reneging on his word, that he was to bring home the boys. What does that mean? Well, you have to read between the lines, it means, he is going to leave in place, 50,000-troops, more than we have in Korea or Afghanistan, more than we have in Japan, what for?
Your guess is as good as mine. Being a soldier for 11-years I realize you just can’t up and leave, and we are not, but if you leave 50,000 soldiers in a war zone, and they are basically, as they said, support, meaning, not much infantry, they are sitting ducks for the enemy. Strategically, we are in a good area in the world, surrounded by enemies, and if we leave a hole, it will be filled, but that will happen with 50,000 troops or 15,000 troops, not with 142,000 troops though. So it is best we leave them all there, or take them all out except a small contingent, say 5000 to 10,000, and to the extreme, 35,000, but not 50,000, that would be my guess. He wouldn’t understand this though, not being a soldier that is why, he is on a merry-go-round, and he doesn’t know how to get off it—yet he is listening to the people as he whirls and whirls and whirls around in his same circle!
How about a plan C? I bet he hasn’t got one, so I’ll give him one; do what you said you were going to do, that is what the people expect, not a modification after you get into office, it looks like you tricked us all. And maybe he did, that was the original plan, A, now he went to plan B, the Bush plan, and for Plan C, is going back to plan A.
We have to admit, that when you are standing outside of the White House looking in it is easy to point fingers, but one inside looking out, you come to understand, pointing fingers is easy, in comparison to doing what you said should be simple, lead the people to think so.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hello Out there! Everything’s Just Dandy!

I see kids are having kids nowadays, eleven to thirteen, it all goes, nothing forbidden: no discipline, thus, no limits: I hear complaints out there on this matter, but I say: what do you expect, you can’t teach Godly things in the schools anymore, the ten commandments, where do you think they will learn such things? We got what we planted, and now we are saying, “I can’t believe it.” Don’t be so silly, most parents out there are lazy parents. I told a person the other day, “Your daughter is eleven years old, and can’t spell ‘Get,’ correctly. The father got mad at me, and told me to mind my own business. That he loved his daughter so very much. I said, if you love her, you wouldn’t be looking for a wife on the internet every night, and riding your $26,000 motorcycle down to the gym every night, you’d be teaching her how to spell ‘get’.” Well as you might expect, that didn’t go over very well, I’m the bad guy on the block now.
I see eleven year old kids killing parents, and men throwing acid in women’s faces. The Priests are having sex with everyone under the sun, kids in particular. Everyone’s yelling for Equal Rights, even at the Oscar’s. Especially for homosexuals, they want to dance down every street of America and with jockstraps on, like they did in New Orleans when I was there. They want to teach our kids what is right and wrong in schools as our teachers. They think God is on their side, as if he’s a commodity, you pay your way, and you get his blessing. I perhaps got their god mixed up with mine, there presumptuous god, might be, that little guy with the arrow (cupid).
Anyhow, we got a war to fight in Iraq, and Iran says they are a peaceful country (as does North Korea), but are trying to buy influence: I will not kill the Americans in Iraq, if you turn your back to the Nuclear question, we got a right to have this bomb, and we are not going to use it on anybody, not even our hated enemy, Israel, we just want it so we got something to do, something to look at. And of course Omaha believes all this. Why not, everything’s ok out there.
Even the kids got ‘rights’ more rights than parents, they got the right to slap a parent in the face, and if he hits him back nowadays, they’ll run to the police, and of course, who goes to jail, we all know who. And the girls know they can get an abortion now, Obama, is making sure of that, without consent, and they say Obama is more popular than Jesus Christ, I heard that remark forty-years ago. I mean if the parent says no, big deal, you still have to allow it, and support the brat. When we should have taught the girl in the school the ten-commandments, those things we threw out because someone went to the Supreme Court, and a few judges made a decision for a 300-million people, that is suppose to be right, and now the law. And these judges were of course, atheists.
And people say, “How is it out there?” It’s just dandy, it is the way we made it, and when we get mud in our face, we deserve it. So everyone out there stop crying. Mr. Milk got his way, and Penn got his Oscar for best actor, and it didn’t look to me as if he was acting, rather enjoying his scenes of kissing men throughout the movie, and someone stood up and bragged how they were going to drag America to the pits of Sodom and Gomorra, which is not far from where we are now.
We got some little wars going on also, and some terrorist wars going on, and no one wants to support them, let the Americans do it. I would say to Europe, the ones that want to throw their cards in, you got NATO, and if Obama is looking for soldiers in Afghanistan, as he says he is, take them out of NATO, since it is an American product. And let them fend for themselves, it’s about time Europe stops sucking American tax payers dry. If the euro was based on defending ones homeland, Europe would be at a fatal loss, and the dollar would be at a remarkable high.
The question begs to be answered, “Why is everyone complaining out there?” We all got what we deserve, what we fought for, rights without responsibilities, (up the nose) what you are witnessing now is the erosion process which started fifty-years ago. Parents are no more than a financial burden, ticket, and once used up, not much good to anyone. Hollywood is controlling the Right’s groups, we got a lot of them: for dogs, cats, prisoners of war, who kill American’s and they want them on our streets now. No other country will take these birds of pry, but they will complain. And Obama, again, will offer them a handshake, when he should be cutting them off so they cannot pull the triggers of those AK47s, to kill more Americans.
Industry, companies run the governments now, no more standing up guys for what is right or wrong, and it comes under, self interest, and Globalization, the word was unheard of in the 70s, now it is a household word, and one that goes along with Armageddon. Get drunk and pay the bills that are the best I can say, because we are in for windstorm. Or else we better change in hurry, and not the way Hollywood would like us to.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Obama: Entertainer of the Month ((letter: 6)(2-20-2009))

Obama: Entertainer of the Month
The Entertainer ((Letter: 6) (2-20-2009))

If Obama does anything well, it is that he entertains me. He should be in line to take over the David Lettermen show when he retires; he’d do well on it. He has dropped 9-points, and he’s only been President, one month. He is going to give financing for old mortgages to old mortgage holders, you know those that didn’t pay their mortgage on time, went to Disneyland or Los Vegas; it’s called in old fashion terms, rewarding the thief, while the hard worker pays on time. I know what he’s going to say: everything’s not perfect. I swear this guy is walking like a duck in circles. But he’s a proud one, I sure can say that. I just hope no real big crisis happens, God help us all then. They say, two out of three American’s have approved of his stimulus program, so that leaves 100-million unsatisfied customers. That may grow pretty soon; and if I was at the race track, I’d not place too much money on a horse with those odds, two out of three is a winning hand, but it tells you something: you can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time, and that is the corner I’m standing at, and soon he’ll show up there I’m sure. American’s voted for popularity, not change, or down to earth, politics, they voted for who could entertain them the best, and he was the best showmen in town, and it shows as he tries to figure out what he’s going to do, and to be honest, he doesn’t have clue. It’s too early to say “I told you so,” and I hope really I don’t have to, but if the shoe fits, I will. On the other hand, I may owe a few people an apology, but I’d bet on that, I think I got a winning horse there, and I won’t have to apologize.
He signs bills and doesn’t know where he’s going to but the killers in the Cuban prison; there is even talk about giving them citizenship, are we all going crazy? I’d say send them back to their countries, the ones that want to put them in the electric chair, or hang them, and be done with it. The last group of 400-prisoners that were set free because of all these rightwing, self-righteous, human rights people, 67 of them went out and killed more Americans, more British, more Iraqis families, don’t the human rights works have a heart for the innocent, or only for the criminals. I was once a advocate, supporter in one of the groups, for prisoners worldwide, and the group asked me to send letters to get folks free, and I did, and I got a letter back from the Congress of the Phillipions, asking me if my group told me all about the fellow I was trying to get free. And I said, I think they did, and they sent me documentation, and he had killed three men, which no one told me about, and they had families, and so forth. And I confronted the issue, and it was explained to me: it was guerrilla warfare, against the government, again something I had to pull out of the man I was trying to free from prison. ´ Point here is, sometimes we just do things, out of emotions, thinking they are right, when we should do them out of thinking, investigation, and then proceed. I wrote the folks back and said, “I was never told the whole truth,” and that was Amnesty International, the liars, I had confronted them, and said I’d not do their dirty work for them ever again, I worked for a Federal Branch of the American Government back then.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulus win; right on the Obama Track (letter .5)


I wrote four articles thus far on the new president, he is quite predictable, and everything has come to pass that I’ve written, and nothing has been for the good, except giving a black lady a home to stay in, and he didn’t do it out of his pocket, rather, out of the tax payers of America’s pocket, all the same it was a good gesture.
And now he is saying loud and clear and in so many words so is his beloved, CNN, and so are the White House Democratic Senators, the blind singing songs to the blind, they all must think American is some big fat donut.
It is all about the stimulus program, that it is right on track the Obama track that is, no one else’s track, yet we got CNN and all these other folks on the Obama teams yelling: united we stand, the Democrats and Republicans, now how silly can one be. He’s a Harvard man; he shouldn’t play the public for being dumb even if most of us out there are dumb, because it is insulting; he forgot the old saying: ‘What goes around comes around’ and it will bite him in the behind, sooner or later, such foolishness always does.
He had three republicans go along with his program, and 11-Democrates walk away from it, what does that tell you. It tells me, his own people know better, don’t agree with him. But we deserve what we get, and we will get it right where it hurts. We were all hyped up over a new hero—thinking he was Mighty Mouse or something, because he told us what we wanted to hear, and he threw a lot of salt in our soup, so it tastes good, but that is all we got for our time and money: salty soup.
I’m not negative, I’m a realist, like it or not. This is where we are at. In thirty years you can say, this is how it was…thirty years ago I remember a few presidents saying this and that, and the public going haywire over it all, and now what was considered foolishness then, is now…
I wish CNN, and the folks at the White House would stop calling it a ‘win’ it sounds like they were playing a game and won, and we all know it was already bought and paid for, long before he went and begged for the Republican vote, which he never got. It is like a boxing match, one that was fixed before the boxers even got into the stadium.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Tucan against One

In the morning after breakfast in the lodge dinning room, Chick Evens and his wife, Delilah, moved out to the open air patio, where there were three hammocks, they were deep inside the Amazon, one hundred and twenty five miles from, Iquitos, Peru, it was the month of March, of 2001, their first anniversary.
He had slept well, was looking fresh and wholesome, for his past middle age appearance. He picked up a magazine as he slipped over and into the loose and dangling hammock, constantly looking about for Big Beak, the Tucan mischievous bird. Although it had a colorful beak, and was a large and beautiful looking bird, it was a pest at best, a provoking menace at worse, that had attacked Mr. Evens two days in a row, but was the lodge’s mascot, an icon of sorts.
He was, the Tucan, simply an attention seeker among the people of the lodge, and Evans did not allocate any of his time, nor wish to accommodate the bird with any of his time, thus, avoiding giving any attention at all to the bird, whom he called the Beast-bird, or the Bird-beast, and this annoyed the Tucan.
This was his third day at the lodge, and he’d be leaving tomorrow, and he was hoping to lay back and enjoy the rest of the morning, when Big Beak arrived, another nickname, Evans bestowed upon the bird, shaking his feathers in the sunlit heated morning, under the shadow of his hammock.
The Tucan then started making noises under the hammock, if they had anything in common, it wasn’t this, it annoyed Evens; although the one thing they did have in common was the sun, the fresh air, but not the sight of each other.
“Here he goes again, with them confounded weird noises,” said Chick to his wife.
The Tucan moved down towards the end of the hammock, and with its long stretched out, hard boned beak, he grabbed a hold of Chick’s toe, it was hanging over he hammock, and he wouldn’t let go, until Chick took a swat at him, missed him with his round folded up magazine by no more than an inch, which only enticed the bird-beast to play more games to get more attention.
Several faces looked at Evens, about thirty-feet away, folks playing checkers, reading books, and having loose conversations, they gave him a ‘shame on you,’ look.
“Shoo,” yelped Evens, but the bird insisted on staying.
The feathers on the bird’s throat, stood out now, it was war, or at least a battle to be.
The Tucan came around towards Evens’ hand he let it loose, dangle over the hammock, and when the bird came to bite it, he grabbed his beak, and shook the bird, and let him go, and the folks now had turned to look at the American that was beating up on the poor helpless Tucan, but Evens paid them little to no attention, his thoughts were on the bird.
The bird was now madder than a hornet, and attacked Mr. Evens, trying to reach him, and Mr. Evens gave the bird a good swat, and that stopped his onward thrust, and Evens took that as a victory. But the onlookers were starting to get restless.
For several minutes the bird circled under the hammock, devising his plan of attack or retreat.

“Have you and the bird got over your squabbling yet?” asked Delilah.
“Very funny,” responded her husband, “too bad he doesn’t go over there to visit you.”
Evens was now talking to the bird, as if it was a deaf, child, “Read my lips,” he said, “go away, leave me alone.”
“You simply should not pay the bird any attention, and it will go away, be nice to the bird and off she’ll fly to visit someone else.” said Delilah.
“I’m tired being nice to this bird-beast, I don’t want to be nice, I want it dead or gone out of my life.”
“Don’t talk like that, if people hear you they’ll kick us out of here,” said Delilah, adding “she’s not going to eat you up.”
“I’ve tried hard to be its friend, I’ve come to the conclusion, no American can make a Peruvian Tucan happy, no matter what.”
“No,” said Delilah, “you got to be more patient like us Peruvians.”

Written 2-13-2009. Dedicated to Rosa.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Solutions to World Problems (the real deal)

Solutions to World Problems by
D.L. Siluk

If I was the world leader here is what I’d do:

1) Go to Washington D.C., and get all the Obama followers, and Obama, off the Happy Pills they are using, and bring them back to reality, or, restart the stimulus program from scratch…with 830-billion happy pills, for everyone in the world. If you can’t beat them, have everyone join your clan.

2) Israel and Palestine, as Hamas and the PLO have both claimed: we will never give up, until Israel is out of the equation, I would order Israel to march the Palestinians to their beloved neighbors, such as Syria, and Egypt, and Iran, you all the ones that back them up with guns. They can buy them weapons, but how about living with them, that’s another question evidently, perhaps the wolf doesn’t like its own kind; and if I had to, I’d push them over the boarders, and let them have the problem of keeping the peace, of course in Israel, there would be peace, once you got the problem out.

3) I would stop yelping at Iran about the Nuclear issue, and give to their old enemy the nuclear bomb likewise, Iraq; next, I’d move all our troops out, and let Iran build their bomb, as Europe and the rest of the world seem to want, since they do not support an Israel, or for that matter any kind of air strike to bury them, and they think talk´-therapy will do the trick, let’s see what happens, I think there will be to big bangs, thus the problem is over.

Do the same thing with North Korea, let them build a nuke, we will most likely anyhow, and if we don’t let them, they will in secret, now give the south the big one, and Japan, and Taiwan, and let China cuddle her baby Taiwan, and see what the North has to say to the South, when everyone’s packing pistols, it’s a different story.

4) These are rough times for Alaska, an egg cost $2.00, just one, and fuel is costly, and all that kind of stuff. My recommendations are: move to the lower 48, or kill more whales, or polar bears, or pump more oil from those big reserves you folks have. There are solutions, and that should put the egg business out of business or lower the price a dollar or so. You can’t have your egg and eat it too.

5) Michael Phelps, I would have the Olympic team, stop counting on him to bring his support team to the rescue (they are leaving him also), and start raising some more pigeons, to see which one will be the easiest to groom for future Olympics. Mike is on a high, leave him be, like Brittney: you can bring a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it unless he’s thirsty: he’s got to see the light by himself, you can’t force feed him indefinitely.

The world is lucky I am not the world leader; I’d would simplify things, a bit, and the above is just a start…!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Conference and Presentation: new book "The Windmills" by D.L. Siluk

Conference and Presentation: new book "The Windmills" Poetry
Of Juan Parra del Riego

On March 15, Dr. Dennis L. Siluk will attend a conference in Lima, Peru talk on “The importance of Culture,” along with his new book “The Windmills” ((Los Molinos)(The Selections of Juan Parra del Riego)), in English and Spanish.
It will be in San Juan Miraflores, those wishing to attend, please contact Rosa Peñaloza for details (there will be between 200 and 700 guests).
In July, 2009, in Huancayo, Peru, Dr. Siluk will have his presentation at the Continental University, again those wishing to attend please contact Rosa, if they want a personal invitation.

Juan Parra del Riego, his poetry describes and interweaves the thorny parts of his life. This is a first time ever translation of the young poet’s poetry into English, who died in 1925, who became the master of Polirritmo in the time of Modernism in Poetry.

The book will available in March, at bn.com, Amazon.com, abe.com and all the large to small bookstores internationally.

Free Lunch Jolie in Thailand

Free Lunch Jolie in Thailand

Before I get into this little overview of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, playing the roll of do-gooders, on the international scene for the United Nations, let me say Jolie is a good actress, she perhaps took some lessons from her father, he was also good, Brad on the other hand, should take some more, he was never a good actor and still has not improved all that much, why he gets what he gets for acting, is not because of his acting, and if I was him, I’d grab it and run like crazy before they discover his true acting ability, he reminds me of Rock Hudson, couldn’t act worth a dime, but because he was good looking, and he was the ideal deal, of the day, he got his part, and he milked it until the cow went dry.
Anyhow, back to the United Nations, and Jolie and Brad, perhaps more with Jolie, she’s somehow been named the unofficial ambassador for the UN, that really means, they use her to use her acting skills to brainwash you and me: she’s hot, but she’s not that hot.
Here is someone like Obama, who knows nothing about international affairs, government, or the armies within those governments, their traditions, culture, and way of life, customs, all to do with the way a person thinks. In this case she is badgering the Thailand Government, telling them how unfair they are that they will not take in the poor souls from neighboring Rangoon, now neighboring Myanmar, the generals of that country when they took over changed the official name to the now unofficial name, the government being equal to North Korea in its secret mission to humanity.
The point being, should she not be protesting the government of Rangoon, and the UN doing the same (they are doing this backwards it seems) there is an old saying: you deserve the government you allow, and there is a natural law, if the law does not produce justice, then it is time to change it (and this is when force comes in, you know what I mean, like in the Revolutionary War of 1776, and the Civil War of 1860-65, here in the good old USA, that is how Brad and his sweetheart, two folks who never seen a day of combat, like Obama, but got their freedom nonetheless).
Another point to this is, the world is in a depression, perhaps not her world, but everyone else’s, and countries cannot afford to give everyone bed and breakfast because a pretty movie star makes a plea, perhaps the UN should give them guns so they can go free their country, like France did for America, so we could use them on the British, whom now are our close friends, and one of the few, and not have to move to someone else’s home land, like Mexico or Canada.
The United Nations always tries to play Robin Hood with someone else’s money, and now with someone else’s voice and movie star status.
I don’t know if Angelina is simply unaware that life is not simply black and white, there is a lot of gray, and when she makes statements for the United Nations, she shouldn’t think it is written in stone, and in most cases, it is written in the wind, they forget it the day after they say it, they all have jobs, and they want to keep them, so they can put in ten years and head onto the Millionaires club, and I’m not kidding, they got one at the United Nations, you need a pass to get in it, I was there.
Another point is, the majority of these folks are Islamic, and why does she not plead to the Islamic world to let them go there, you know what I me, like to like? The oil rich countries, it kind of shows you where they are on this subject: tell her to call Iran up and have them send over a care package, I doubt they even know about the refugees.

Bottom line is, nobody likes feeding someone else free, go ask your neighbor for a free lunch.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Michael Phelps: how sorry is he?

First of all, my wife is a swimmer, and likes Michael in the sense of a hero, of Heroes. Now let's admit, he did not commit the unpardonable sin, but my wife was depressed all evening over it, kind of like took the wind out of her. I'm a hard man to please, but she convinced me that Phelps was the real deal, that this young guy had it together. Matter of fact so much so, I told my Godchildren, as they now are going to college, eat, sleep and study, like Michael Phelps does; I took my wife's opinion he was OK. I am a licensed psychologist, and have a doctorate in education, so I am not easy to convince. But Mike proved himself worthy of my wife's respect, and I for once went along with it.
But now I wonder, how sorry is he really? That is questionable in my mind anyhow. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake, and correcting it, saying you are sorry for it, when you mean it. But did Mike really mean it; perhaps he meant: I'm sorry for getting caught, not for smoking pot. The word sorry is simply a word with no action, it is not an action word; you prove it after the fact.
The question comes up then, how many times in the past has he been sorry for things, he did, and did not correct his behavior thereafter. One must look at this simply because, a one time thing is one thing, twice is a pattern, and if we keep saying, 'OK' and he keeps saying 'I'm sorry,' it makes us look gullible.
Kellogg, evidently has some good industrial psychologist's working in their department, they caught this concept early on, and suspended his contract, and stopped the funding for the US Olympic team (of course the Olympic team is running in circles now, trying to convinced everyone Mike is young, and thus does silly things like young folks do, which is a silly way of looking at responsibility vs. responsible behaviour, he is doing a job, and getting paid for it, a professional, this baby stuff, you leave behind you, and now Mike you are man, I don't like these silly excuses when you are on a world wide stage).
Was this smart of the Kellogg Co? oh yes, yes indeed; you see, I am 61-years old, and for 40-of those years when I've walked down the grocery isle, I have often looked at that Kellogg cereal box, turned it around to see who was on it, or even on the front, I'm not even a fan of swimming, nor football, nor baseball, but rather boxing and karate, and I never have noticed one of those athletes, on the box, wake up Kellogg's, and do it right; none the less, I still look at the boxes, the so called heroes of sports. And I if I was Kellogg's I'd not want a dope addict on it.Now back to the 'sorry' stuff! Mike was sorry in 2004, for driving under the influence, in simple terms, endangering the public with his alcoholic behaviour: he was sorry then too of course.
What Mr. Phelps needs to learn is, first, he is replaceable, and there are many people standing in line waiting and perhaps wishing he'd fall, so that they could take his place, sorry to say but he already knows this; second, if the Gold Medals are too heavy, spend some of that money you got from Kellogg, to have someone else carry them. Third, if you're going to be a dope freak, do it in hiding, it will come out anyhow in the wash, but you got a little more time to fool the public, and if Kellogg is not looking directly at you daily, maybe them. Third, we have enough deadbeat heroes out there; get off the podium stand, no one likes listening to a druggie.
Incidentally, he is a liar also, he pledged to "My Victory" an anti drug organization, and I suppose he's sorry to them also. And Mike, I'm really sorry I have to write this article.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Faith Based Obama (Is he hiring or firing?/letter 4, 2-5-2009)

Faith Based Obama
Is he hiring or firing? ((Letter: 4) (2-5-2009))

Should the Government continue to give money to Christian organizations, that do well for mankind, or not? Or for that matter, should any religious organization, take federal funds, and be subjected to hiring outside of their values and faith? Bush never had a hard time with this question, but it seems like Obama does, is it based on winning friends, or losing friends I think, yet I feel the decision should be based on ethics, it is not a matter for discrimination. What is ethics anyhow? Principles and morals; the one thing the opposing forces do not have. Of course these forces are going to try and hogtie Obama. To me it should be left alone, but if you want to get heated about it, we should stop sending free money over to the PLO (millions and millions of dollars, and millions more coming out of the UN, which we give billons to), and the billions to Pakistan, and Egypt. They are Islamic, and for Islam, not for Christianity nor do the represent our values, and if we are talking about discrimination, it comes in a big tax free package to them, gift wrapped, with no strings attached, other than, please listen to us now and then: and no one is screaming about discrimination on how they use the funds. The PLO, instead of buying food, gives it to Hamas, to buy weapons to kill Jews. And the Muslim world criticizes the United States for giving money to Israel: they would prefer we send their care package to them. Everybody in the Middle East has their hands in the pockets of the tax paying people of America. And we are squabbling over some pennies given to churches, and so forth in America. Wake up and look around. See what good they are doing, and if they are doing well, leave them alone. Do you think the Middle East is giving the world freely, a humanity gift? No way, they charge for every drop of oil. Without their oil it would be one big sandbox, and the hounds would be chasing the fox.
I see Obama almost trembling over this little stuff, you can’t please everyone Mr. President, and this doesn’t even belong on your agenda more than a flash. Tell the complainers to go home and find something better to do with their day, they got too much time on their hands; we got too many crybabies out there.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Iran's Nuclear Mission (Deadly!)

Iran’s Nuclear Mission

Iran is doing exactly what Iran said they’d do, create a monster to destroy Israel, they now have launch capability. I worked with nuclear weapons, in Germany, it is one thing to have the nuclear fat boy, or the actual chemicals and trigger device to set into a big round encasing, holding a 280-megaton bomb, which we had 90-of them at one site, at one time, back in 1974, but we had no launch capability, thus, if Russia came over the hill, we would have had to bury them deep, and that was our mission. It was a scare mission, not a particle one, because we were playing the paper tiger, but nowadays, that will not work.
But Israel knows much more than I do, and they know launch capability, means in hard words, blackmail capability, or total destruction capability. And do you trust someone, who is un-trustable, and you know this? If you do than you are what they call, gullible. Hitler and Stalin worked on that premise. It is one thing to have the nuclear bomb on your side, or as it has been said, you got the gun. But when everyone has the gun, it don’t mean a think that you have it also.
Iran has already said they would bury Israel in the desert sands, and we should take that statement seriously, too many Americans think the Islamic world simply talks for no reason, they do brag much more than they are capable of doing, but once they acquire the knowledge, and capability, they use it. All you need to do is ask the Kurds, and the chemicals they had to enduring by Saddam.
And need I say, they are closer to acquiring the real deal with nuclear blast than you’d like to believe.
Will they use it? That is like saying, did Stalin kill 40-millon of its own people, of course they will, and if their own people get in the way, they’ll do what Stalin did, perhaps quicker.
The only reason Israel has not hit Iran thus far is because the United States has pulled them back, but this is not a smart think to do forever, and Obama, needs to reason this out, if indeed he’s capable of seeing the trees in front of the forest. And that’s questionable in my mind, although I know his generals see reality.
Israel on the other hand has to count the cost, if they do nothing, Russia will soon be their untouchable amigo, like white on rice, and if then they hit Iran, we are looking at a ripple effect. And Obama will have to bury his head like an ostrich, to hide from the mounting issues, I wouldn’t want any president to have to deal with the after effects of a nuclear strike on Israel; Iraq will look like a Boy Scout picnic issue in comparisons.
Iran will have its nuclear bomb soon, they are grooming it this very minute, and now has its launch capability, and the devils tail is not far behind. Iran wants their rights, without responsibilities, and who knows, maybe they will get it.