Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Book of Interplanetary Life

The Book of Interplanetary Life

Part II

Introduction: In the book “The Books behind Methuselah” I have looked into may issues that have bothered me about man’s existence on earth, such as: the rise of man, his encounter with Giants, the Nephilim, and the Old Ones known as the Shinning Ones (or other aliens), and from the Bible and other sources I’ve also looked at personages, such as Adam, and Melchizedek, Darwin, Methuselah, God Himself, and Jesus, the foundation of the demonic world, Lucifer—or the Devil himself, and in particular, the Circle of Refaim as a location, meeting place for the Nephilim. I have gone back perhaps fifty-five million years looking at this overall picture, in the nine previous books within “The Book of Methuselah.”
One area, in this tenth book now added to the other nine, is “The Book of Interplanetary Life” (for the most part within the Milky Way). There are two questions here for the author to underline: “Has there ever been life, or beings on these planets, perhaps civilizations?” Second, is there any life at all on these planets now?
I want to look at science, archeology and with a twist of theological rhetoric…

Is there Life Beyond Earth?
(The short version)

The tapered point of view is this: yes, yes, to both questions. Perhaps there is life now even on such planets as Jupiter’s moon, Europa, within the liquid water under its icy ocean. Also water has been found on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. And as the old saying goes, where there is water, there is life.
Mars, scientists say: Mars once had life, because it once had water. Also, many Astrobiologists, within their studies, have proclaimed alien life once existed on Jumper’s moon Europa, or could have: because of the thick ice sheet on that moon, and under that ice, closer to its mantle, hypo-thermal vents could exist there, give life to such things as worms, living off the gases produced from the vents. So there are possibilities here.
How about our moon? My answer to my own question is why not? But what kind, Is the more rounded out question to be? On Earth, as recent as a few years ago, microbiologists have found some microbes two-miles under the surface of Earth and these have been converted into water; water being made up of two-hydrogen and one-oxygen particle. So now the scientist has been looking at planets like our moon, where water has not been found.

Meteorites, Microbial, and DNA-based

To my knowledge, there of course are no born moon folk, or people of that status on the moon, other than those we have sent to the moon, on the moon, in the sense of oxygen-breathing or multi-cellular organisms, that have lived on our planets within our solar system, and in particular Mars, but putting that aside for the moment, how about other forms of beings? I mean, creatures, beings with other or different biology or chemistry found on earth? Surely life forms have evolved outside of our solar system on other planets (microbial), and some maybe even transported across space to reach earth. I myself have part of a meteorite, fifty-thousand years old, who’s to say, something was not within that meteorite when it landed in Arizona, at what is now called Meteor Crater? It most likely sailed around our solar system for eons, and then simply landed here on earth one day. Bacteria is a great space traveler, they can withstand almost anything.

How about Icy Pluto? Where there is friction and movement, there is heat. If there is ice, and there is ice on Pluto, and if it can melt, and heat makes ice melt, there can be life.

How about the over heated planet Mercury? Most people would so most likely not, being too close to the sun. It would seem most hostile to life (700 Kelvin, or 430 degrees Celsius). On the dark side, it is well below Zero. With no, or nearly no atmosphere, and water, it would seem those ‘Most people’ are right!

On Mars and the Moon: perhaps in the Mariner Valley of Mars, which is as long as the United States from New York City to California, and as deep as the highest mountains in the world, and which might have been a source of drainage, or river at one time, life surly could have existed around this monstrous geological wonder.
But now on Mars with the machines we have sent there, we can boast of seeing three-hundred feet above its surface (and even down to eighty-one feet), seeing massive buildings, as if it might be of a military base of some kind, a Government cover-up, for the most part. When an object fell from one of Earth’s mechanical robots, giant spacecraft came out of hidden areas in the foreground, and circled this item, with in a twelve mile zone, or area, there was reported 1500-cases of UFO’s, and NASA, has footage on this I’ve seen. Along with footage on “T Shaped,” structures, and a Face (1998), which is most likely a landmark of some sort that the government has smudged up for us to look at for some odd reason, these are landing spacecraft, and hidden trees in other structures; also triangle shapes of buildings: a cover-up to a high degree, but why?

On another issue, the Moon has a base on its dark side, with images of tall buildings likewise, and towers, large structures a half mile in size, reflective surfaces, many photos of these have been smudged, again why?.

It is becoming common for astronauts to have witnessed objects while working out in space on the space shuttle or space station, denied but so very obvious. The only question remains in this area is when will NASA, or our government, acknowledge this publicly? Possible when it becomes most necessary, and when they know the public is acceptable, and not so fearful; or when they want to install fear; some of these aliens maybe friendly, others not so friendly. Some of these alien spacecraft have been measured at going 7000-mph, within our own atmosphere.

Who are the Aliens?
(Past and present)

What do the Aliens look like?

Agharians: Perhaps there is a great underground world, here on earth, thousands of years old, where aliens have lived. So it has been claimed; in some hollow area inside the Earth, one with a high degree of civilization, economic organization, as well as social and cultural. Such a people have been called the Agharians.

Alpha Draconis: a reptilian race for the most part; said to have plans of invading the earth when the time is right.



The Anakim (also referred to the 'Els', short for 'Elder Race' orsimply as the 'Giants' the a part of the Nephilim civilization)

Amoeba like creature: a disease carrying creatures found over the artic circle by NASA.

The Andromedans: who have been here with the other alien races on earth for nearly 6000-years; about 2000 of them, 18,000 others? From what I’ve heard, they’d prefer all aliens leave the Planet Earth, and let us humans sort things out for ourselves. It sounds like as if we can’t, and perhaps we can’t. But it seems they have some values here.

Historical Data: Have been within the space community for over three-million years, in the Constellation of Andromeda. Distance from earth that they crisscross—150 to 4,000-light years; Humanoid form of life, in appearance; Nordic-Caucasian. Can also be Asian looking, or oriental? There height ranges from 5.7 feet tall to 7 feet tall. Long fingers and long toes, women slightly shorter; there spacecraft ranges from fifty to sixty-five feet across, command ships are over 2500-feet in length. Some have called these, the gray demon of the Nephilim. They sinned against the birds and beasts of the world.
Draconian Gray: reptilian type, such skulls have been found in Canada, four fingers (there are many classification in this category or type of alien).
The Draconian Gray

Sumerians, from Kodesh to Ur (ancient cities of Iraq): Ancient Sumerians came to set up an advance civilization in the land of Iraq. Pictograph cuneiform writings (of which I have one) can confirm this writing existed, and so did they and they believe their ancestry was of that alien race.

Serpent of the Light

The Nephilim, Mythological and Biblically Speaking: I can see a patter developing here, and the truth of the matter is obvious we are not alone here on planet earth, and haven’t been for a very long time, and we may find this all out at what is referred to: the end of this age, which ends in 2012, so scriptures have indicated.
On another note, the Milky Way means “Serpent of Light,” in mythology, how it got that name I don’t know, but Lucifer the shadow of the Nephilim is that serpent. This is the serpent that eats its own tail. Now let be backtrack a moment, when I mean find out, I mean, openly find out, it will be pert near spelled out, someone is on their way. The old ones, the gods before Adam—the antichrist, all will appear, will be on our doorsteps, the Nephilm I have mentioned throughout this book, and other books, they are the ones who imparted humankind with its secret knowledge. Some people think on December 21, 2012, we will witness galactic events, I’m not all that reassured on this date, only that, the Army of the Nephilim have designs to return soon to earth, with or without its friends; one-way or another, possible with Lucifer, and surely the antichrist is already here doing his dirty deeds preparing the road out of Washington D.C. and Belgium, and perchance, every capitol in the world, if they do, the conspiracy NASA and other countries are harboring, will open up wide and end.

Time: Time and Space, equals space time, both are intergraded, they are not separate, light is transmitted as a partial, and much of the work believe it or not, is theological. God made a cryptogram of the universe, perhaps in the building of the Jewish Temple, Solomon’s Temple as it is often referred to, and we are or can be, God’s treasure hunters, if indeed we want to undo the riddle. The Jewish Book of Light, gives credence to this statement: creation created can be verified, by sacred Geometry, if one can unscramble the riddle of the Temple.

Written: 4-21-2010

The Cover Up and Threat
(Alien Integration of Earth)

Part II

A Threat: President Reagan feared a threat from outer space, why? What did he know that we don’t know? And George Adamski claimed to have visited Venus. General Douglas Macarthur said our next great war will be an interplanetary war. Scientist Hermann Oberth, father of modern rockery, said UFO’s are from outer space, and contact has already been established. General George Marshall said contact has been made, and UFO’s could wipe us out if they wished. Admiral Roscoe Hillencoater, first director of the CIA, acknowledged, the next step was up to the Aliens. Others who know about UFO’s and sought out studies in the area were: Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter, who said he saw one himself.

Indoctrination: Believe it or not we are being slowly leaked information; we are being programmed, by television programs, by books on aliens, programmed to accept this once phantom phenomena.
Had these phenomena been brought out as fact in the 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s, surly our human cultures and institutions would have collapse, and caused chaos, but are we ready now?

Learning about their Presence: We all know Area 51, is an American Alien study area, and we all know 3500-pilots have voiced they’ve run into alien space craft, all documented. And perhaps the silence in this area is because the Aliens want to continue their abductions without any hindrance, as they have been doing. Therefore, they do not wish it to be public recognized as fact, and the Governments of the world, knowing they have no control over it, say nothing in fear the public would demand something, and why buy the cow if you can get the milk free.

These aliens, the tall and small gray’s as they are known out of the eleven species of Aliens known, have brought the Russian and American governments under constant threats, some are actually helping these two nations. Valiant Four, is a name of one of the aliens.

On May 20, 2012, and one June 6, 2012, and on 21 December, of 2012, strange things will be taking place right over our heads, be alert (perhaps the Beginning of World War III)

During Operation High Jump, Admiral Bird, and his armada, of ships and planes that went to Antarctica, between Dec 31, 1946 and January, 1947, took 70,000 photographs in mapping the continent, the planes spent 220 –hours in the air doing that, covering 22,700 miles. After the task was completed, Admiral Bird’s plane was missing for three-hours. He would explain later he was taken into a massive underground city, and spoke with aliens, who had expressed their concern that the Atom Bomb was used, and that in the past, they tried to stay out of the affairs of earthlings, but it would now be impossible. That in the near future, there would be a WWIII, and it would destroy much of the earth, and they would be available to help put back the cultures of the world.

Written. 4-22-2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Blood Lagoon of Taijin, Japan (Dolphines)

The Blood Lagoon of Taijin, Japan

Since 1980, now for thirty-years (2010), the fishermen of Taijin, have killed over 750,000-dolphines, within their lagoon. Indeed this is a lot of death, for a high concentrated sea creature full of mercury that is toxic to eat. Why on earth would a group of fishermen want to do that?
Here is an animal that can swim, forty-miles a day, in the open ocean, yet we keep cooped up in the likes of Sea World, as if they were prisoners of war, to put on shows for mankind, as they die right and left of stress—because of this so called entertainment gimmick. Yes, in many ways they are like humans, they get bleeding ulcers from stress of the high volume of noise their system has to endure, absorb.
They socialize, and they commit suicide by not taking a last breath when they’ve had enough of the constant expectations man puts upon them—when they have what we call a nervous breakdown, or chronic episode of depression.
The dolphin hunters of Taijin, they create a wall of sound around these sea creatures, surrounding them, driving them crazy, and into Taijin’s lagoon, and then blocking the lagoon, slaughter them like pigs. And then sell the meat to whomever will buy it, or mix it with other fish, and sell it (there has got to be a better way of making a living). They get about $600-dollars per dolphin, unless they can find a ‘Flipper,’ type dolphin, then they get the gold “$150,000” thus, bringing it on to Sea World.
It could be said, dolphins are mini whales. They have body language, and can read sign language; they are also self-aware, and can anticipate.

I wouldn’t be writing this article if mankind were starving to death, or if Japan had no other source of produce to sustain their livelihood, but when it comes to senseless killing, and when you fill the lagoon up with blood, you’ve got to be accountable to someone. Actually, feeding dolphin meat to anyone is damaging to their health, it can cause deformities, and has in many children; it can cause brain damage, sight impairments, hearing loss, and memory loss.
Have we all become so wicked we no longer have a conscious, or heart, or fear of God, that to rape the seas for no reason other than, a little profit, we will not be judged accordingly—think again. Amen.

Written: 4-20-2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Barack Obama's: One World Government

Barack Obama’s: One World Government

(Update by Dlsiluk 4-2010)

I keep saying to myself, have said to myself for fifteen months this president will show something worthwhile sooner or later, but it just hasn’t happened. But let me tell you what I think, and I suppose this is my umpteenth message on the President.
I’ve noticed in 15-months, he’s played more gulf than President Bush played in eight-years. I’ve noticed with him he likes to smile a lot, when he feels everything is fine and dandy, when things are going his way, if things are not, the friendship fades quick, and he points the finger to ex presidents for his lack in leadership and stability or stabilizing the country, and he will push and push everyone aside to get his way even if it’s hindsight. He has more excuses than any president I’ve yet to listen to. He has let in more Islamic snakes in America, and now we are becoming a fear based society—I think he likes that. He is at odds with Fox News. He is no model of post-partisanship—as I said, friendly and deadly. He seeks a one world Government, and my guess is he’ll try to hand over our nuclear supply to the UN, so they can direct whom will be under the gun, shoot off the ugly heads of those who defy them: this is where we are headed folks.
Fifty Muslims activists now work on Capital Hill today, infiltrating into congress. The Serpent of Genesis is hard at work.
Soon the banking cartel will enslave mankind, as the United Nations becomes the nuclear watchdog over nations, and they will be the only ones that can push the buttons, America will be at their mercy. It’s called the new world order.
The New World Order will depopulate world growth, not increase it. The New Age is nothing more than what Communism was prior to it, a big hoax. And we have been sold out and we are being led by megalomaniacs. Sleep well tonight, while you can.