Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama: the World’s Crackerjack Box (Ltr. 13)

Obama: the World’s Crackerjack Box (Ltr. 13)

They, the world, each and every country and its entire leadership, sum total, are looking for the prize in the box, the Crackerjack Box. The world respects Obama, shows him regard, but so does half the world give respect to such terrifying regimes, as North Korea, Cuba, Russia, China who have enslaved neighbors, like Tibet, for one example, and given the chance, North Korea would do the same to South Korea, as they’ve done to their people, as Russia has done to Georgia. And respect has been given to several African countries, and its leaders who have butchered thousands of their own people, so yes, they have given him respect, but no more than, and no longer than, their hope maintains in getting something for nothing, they want that prize from the Crackerjack Box. I hope our president counts the cost, everything cost something, and all the goodwill he is giving away is nice, but nice is like saying sorry, after some tragedy, and sorry doesn’t pay the bills, nor does nice, but it can’t hurt, as long as they can see the big bat behind him. Meaning, like China and Russia, they talk softly and carry a big bat, they just hide it. Obama is a new fish in an old sea, which makes him mysterious to the onlookers. He’s not a bully yet; not like China or Russia or North Korea. And anything mysterious, that has a golden throne, is going to be examined closely. As soon as any country in the world, or kingdom in the sea, senses a violation of their goals their values, their hopes, he’ll be condemned as a fake, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, an imposter. It is easy in this new global world to go from a shinny flower to a weed, faster than it took to become the flower. Obama has not yet felt the force of the wind; he is still on a high, from winning an obvious win. We need friends, but we don’t need scavengers.

"You Snooze,You Lose" ((New Global Values and Morals) (3-31-2009))

You Snooze, You Lose
((New Global Values and Morals)(3-31-2009))

Prime Minister Brown of Britain, said it best, and I shall paraphrase: we have no Global Morals, nor Values, speaking economically.
Let me be frank, and speak for the whole world in general, we do have values, values being those things in life we value the most, but they’ve changed, and as far as morals go, those things that are under the heading of ethics—I used to have to take an ethics class once a year to keep up my counselling license—teaching me to maintain my principles, a code of behaviour, honour (respect, regard) not like today, it is a code of horror. We don’t have the same old style, or type we had forty years ago. Mr. Brown should remember we took them out of the schools, with God, and Liberty, and saluting the flag, at least in America we did, and usually the world follows America, right to the abyss sometimes. Anyhow, we got want we planted, ‘You snooze, you lose,’ that is our new morals and values in a nutshell. If you don’t like it, it’s too bad, it is what we planted, and it is what is being harvested, and it is why were in such a worldwide crisis today. I feel sorry for the young generation; they have to live with the garbage we planted.
I had to teach full grown men, while in my counselling career, those coming out of prison, into a halfway house back into society, that without discipline, there are no limits to a person’s behaviour; nothing to govern them by if you do not have a moral code (meaning good behaviour). They thought I was talking Greek. We got what we deserve; now we are complaining. Doesn’t that beat all? What did Mr. Brown expect; flowers from planting in manure for forty-years. Trying to teach an old wolf morals and principles, and discipline, and values, is like trying to part the Red Sea, good luck.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama: no pain, no gain! (Ltr, 12, 3-23-2009)

Obama: no pain, no gain!
(Letter: 12) 3-23-2009

We live in a world where people don’t want to feel any pain anymore; this is especially true with the new generation. Give me the fixit pill. They want the quick fix remedy. There is an old saying: no pain, no gain. It is the same thing for grieving, out of sight out of mind. Bury the person where I can’t see them. Obama’s world is the in the forefront of this movement. Let’s give the world a sugar high. They do that in the Army, when you are running, give you a candy bar so you can keep running, and salt pills incase you sweat it all out. Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way. So now the Government is going to buy all the bad moorages, so the banks don’t have to take the loss, which is really called bankruptcy, since so many people filed bankruptcy on the banks, and then the government is going to sell them bank to the banks in lots I suppose, and let the banks work with the Real estate companies, and sell them back to the public, but he doesn’t talk about the new bankruptcy laws in effect that make it harder for a person to get a bankruptcy or get out of dept, and that is because the banks want it to be left alone so they can enslave the individual, after they make their recovery. You see, the little person had a way to wiggle out of the banks imprisonment, and now they’ve talked the President into re-enslaving the people.
I only took Economics 101, in college, but a made over million in Real estate and rental property in the 90’s, the honest way, and when a furnace went out in one of my places in the winter, I live in Minnesota, the bank was more than willing to borrow me $10,000 to fix it, but I had cash, so I didn’t have to. Plus, they never liked me paying off my loans early, there is a reason for that—two reasons, first, all interest is free money, second, keep everyone in enslavement. Now the banks are in a bind, and who is going to fatten their pockets? You got it, our savior, Obama.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Obama Twist (Ltr, 11, 21 March, 2009)

The Obama Twist
(Ltr, 11, 21 March, 2009)

When the dance, called the twist came out in the 1960s, everyone wanted to be part of the fad. It was the thing to do, like the hula-hoop, and everyone jumped on the bandwagon to learn how to twist, and shake their hips to keep that hula-hoop balanced properly. It was a change, because we all know the world keeps changing, and this was the new thing on the block, like Elvis was. In the political arena, it has always been upscale towards war, who can take what they’ve longed for away from the others. The only thing that has changed in this arena is how to acquire it. When you want a bomb that can reach Israel, and destroy it, like so many dictators in the past have tried to get, get it one way or the other, Syria is also after it. And one of them will use it. Justify it as everyone turns into marshmallows. This is Iran’s quest, Syria’s quest, the Middle East Quest, all the Arab countries would like to see Israel destroyed; Iran is the only one brave enough to say so. If Israel has learned anything, it is how to think like its enemy, the one thing we have never paid any attention to, is not trying to think like our enemies, we think they think like us, and they don’t.
A friend of mine, back about fifteen-years ago, a professor, with a PH.D., who taught at a well known University, her and I sat one afternoon in a bookstore and talked about the world at large. She was like Obama, a lover of peace by way of talk therapy and wishful thinking, not an once of experience in war how the mind works, or cultural matters, and if it was up to her, the United States would have grounded all its military might long ago: buried all its nuclear weapons, cut the Army perhaps to clerks only. She meant well, and I liked her, but I asked, “Don’t you think while your creating this glories world, somebody might want to take it away?”
Well, she lived in a bubble, as does Obama, and by the time she could figure out her response to me, there was a war in Kuwait, and I told her when the war started, “They did what you suggested the United States should do, now what?”
As we all know from those days, women were raped, people misplaced, oil wells went up in flames, and for the most part, Kuwait was under the heel of Iraq, and it’s Army.
Kuwait was the envy of the Middle East as far as lifestyle went and money. When it came to preserving their freedom, or protecting their wives, they were as helpless as a blue jay in the grip of a hawk.
Iran will do what they want, and say want they need to say, and no matter what, it is the bomb they are after. As I said before, once Russian ties the knot with Iran, it will be too late.
We are worried about swatting fly’s when there are dirty infected camels to kill.
North Korea is no different, only that they want the nuke to blackmail the world with, as they have in the past. People think there is a big difference between Bush and Obama, in this arena. As far as Iran goes and North Korea, Obama is just easier to push around, with Bush they had to bite their fingers a little, and Russia had to count the cost. Russia no longer is afraid to put their cards on the table since Bush is history. If the world thinks they are safer because of Obama, they will have rude awakening. Bush was wrong on many of his later decisions in the White House, but Obama is wrong on a lot of his beginning decision and he’s just been in the office a few months, let’s hope he can shift gears before it is too late.


Let me give a quick piece of advise to the President, he won’t listen I know, although he did pay attention to that little girl who wanted her school painted so who knows. It’s not time to plant a victory garden, as they seem to be doing near the White House, I suggest, they neutralize Iran and North Korea, and Syria, then they will have something to be victorious over. I’ll even provide the seeds.

My recommendations for Israel is to get off their stool, and take some action, before it is too late; the US is not going to start WWIII over you folks most likely, although we have a commitment, I doubt you can trust Obama to sent in the fleet when you get hit, and I mean hit hard. I do realize you get billions of dollars from the US to stand down, but you got to over look this, and do what is right for your people.

Advice for South Korea and Japan: you got three choices: continue to be blackmailed, get the nukes ready, because Obama is not going to stop the North in doing so, or burn your candles low so the North won’t shoot straight, when they get the fat boy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Knock-knock, Anyone Home at the Whitehouse? like Obama...? (Ltr, 10, 3-14-2009)

Knock-knock, anyone home at the Whitehouse?

Letter No: 10

What’s new on the Obama Train? Let me see. Korea warned Obama to be still about their shooting a rocket into space that can hit the United States, and he told Hiller, “Leave it alone.” So that issue is settled. Russia is moving back to Cuba, to have their jet fighters ready on the four runways that they have, as well as Venezuela, being considered, we’ll soon be surrounded by our so called friendly enemies; for whatever purpose they feel necessary. Obama, is busy with other things, like visiting with a girl from North Carolina, who wants her school painted, a black girl of course. Any white girls out there need your school painted? The Governor of the state says in essence: we can’t use the stimulus money for pet projects, and I agree, let’s keep it on the up and up, what is good for one school, the other one should get likewise. It looks like we got kids running the show.
Iran isn’t scared anymore, no reason to be, Obama assured them no matter what they do, we are going to use talk therapy with them, not threats and bombs, they are really our friends, we just haven’t given them time, perhaps 40-years isn’t enough. Although they are on the threshold of a nuclear bomb, and he thinks it will be used for baking bread.
What else is new within his 100-day count down? He is doing away with the Bush Terrorism program to hold terrorist on suspension, we now have to see them blow up a few dozen buildings or, kill a few more dozen soldiers, get it on camera, bring it to the courts, and pinpoint the man with the machine gun in his hands, then we can put him in jail for a few years of rest and recuperation, let him go, and give him citizenship.
He is still giving away the US treasury, slowly but surely, every week he has a new pet project to give a few billion here or there, I think he has his own personal list. But we have to be patient he says. He’s given some money for construction projects; I bet all his friends, perhaps a few relatives who are contractors are ahead on his line. I don’t want to get into the dollar projects, it’s too deep. But I’m still waiting for him to do something he said he was going to do.
What everybody saw in him I don’t know, but before he was elected president, I predicted this, and it is all on the internet, and he is holding true to his values, not mine.
Now I know some folks will not want to publish this, those in love with this hero who has done nothing yet, it usually goes that way. If I was writing glorious things about Obama and pretending he was actually doing something to help someone other than himself, it would get five stars, and be put on most internet pages in 24-yours, it tells you something: people still want more pain, they are brain washed with dead-hope. And you usually get what you deserve.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Obama, the Paper Tiger in DC (Ltr, 9, current events 3-9-2009)

Letter No: 9
(Current Events)

Obama, the Paper Tiger in DC

We have some real problems, we are warning everybody everywhere, and everyone is saying the paper tiger has spoken now let’s do what we said we’re going to do. We should do one of two things: shut up, or put up of fists.
Korea has been telling us for five-years, it is going to build a rocket that will reach the United States, and now they have, and now they are going to launch it, and we are warning them not to. What is a warning? It is only worth what you are willing to do. Bush proved his warnings were deadly. Obama, his warnings are like a paper tiger, and he have Hillary to speak on his behalf. And that is why Korea said, “We’ll go to war?” Not sure who with, I suppose they mean the United States; if so, I think we better call Bush back.
They have been blackmailing Japan and South Korea for twenty-years, and the US for almost as long. The point is, now they will have the stuff to really do what they been saying for twenty years they’d like to do, blackmail and point their guns.
The Question is “Do we go to war?” Or let them do what they did on December 7, 1941. Bomb Peal Harbor; we keep thinking they will not, but have we forgotten 9/11; Iraq is over, let’s move on, we got other business and interests, and we’re dogged down there, so we’re afraid to do anything elsewhere. We should readjust our thinking to those that can hurt us.
We want to build a shield in Europe, let the Europeans do it, not the tax paying folks in America, we’ve been paying their bills for sixty-years, when is enough, enough.
Back to Korea, let them start the war, blow their rocket out of the air, and if they do start a war, well this time let’s finish it, and be done with it, and forget an armistice. But Obama, not knowing the military world, is at a party singing Happy Birthday to Kennedy, who was the character in the book “Dark Waters.” And dark they are.
We are also warning Iran. What is all this warning business; let Israeli do what they do best, like Elvis would say, “Taking care of business.”
We’ve been paying Israel to stand down, like a clown, while they build a nuclear plant, for power they say, when they got more oil than Exxon. Now let’s stop kidding ourselves, they don’t need it to warm their homes—it’s hot enough over there, and they don’t need it for gas, only half the population can drive, women are not allowed, and they don’t need it for cooking, they need it for Israel. They said they want to obliterate Israel, and Obama thinks, talk therapy will work, that’s only in the movies.
On the third subject here, I wish he’d stop spending all the tax money he hasn’t collected yet. He’s giving $160 billion to the international banking system, for a smile, to keep the rich from falling on their knees. And another one trillion to a stimulus program, his own party don’t want a party to, but like ducks they are in line. And this is just the beginning. The Ice berg is deep, and if it comes up it will be like flooding all of Greenland.
The only thing I can say about Obama in his less than two months in office is, he gave a black lady a home, or some financial support, and that came out of the tax payer’s pocket, not his. I think he forgot, money is earned, not grown.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Obama: Real Money to Monopoly! (Ltr: 8, 3-3-2009)

Obama: Real Money to Monopoly!
(Letter: 8)

I can’t really count that high, nor as fast as Obama is pending our tax paying money, but let me take just a simple look at a few items. I know it is easy to point fingers, but Obama, did a lot of that when he was running for President, made a lot of promises, acted like the Messiah, and now is going to cure cancer, with twenty-billion of American dollars: seeing is believing. And he’s going to cure the ills of America with another 1-trillion dollars with the stimulus, and he has gave—almost giving away, 160-billion to the international lending banking system, with little to no interest. America is a free style economy, you have a right fail, and a right to go broke, who on earth can expect a 160-billion dollars bail out, I can’t get $60-free, much less 160-billion, to feed the rich, because they made bad decisions. I think he’s in league with the Bush Administration. I voted for Mr. Bush the first time around, the second time, I wish I would not have, but what took Bush eight years to do, is taking Obama eight weeks, to sink the economy deeper into the abyss.
In addition, keeping 50,000-troops in Iraq, and another 17,000 in Afghanistan, is no simple task, it takes dollars. Where is he going to get this? The American Economy, contains about 13-plus, trillion dollars per year, we are spending 20-billion at the UN, another 450-billion on the Military, not counting the 1-trillion we’ve already spent on Iraq, who could care less about Democracy. They’ve said it loud and clear—“Get Out,” so lets go, take care of our own. They get air-conditioned air tents, while our old folks get heatstroke; and I’m not kidding.
They take the dollars and throw shoes at our leaders. I don’t care for a lot of leaders out there, but I’d not get physical with any of them, and at first the man said: “I got emotional,” and then he said to his fellow men, “I practiced throwing the shoe,” now that he might get 15-years in prison.
And he is a hero in Iraq, doesn’t that tell you something? It should.
We have to put up with Iran killings along the boarder, pay Israel not to shoot down their nuclear plant, pay North Korea not to hurt South Korea, its all dollars and more dollars, and not one thank you.
Nobody wants to help us in Afghanistan, and it makes no sense to stay there and pay for 52,000-troops there. Between the two wars it is costing a billion dollars a week. I know the Generals and industry want us to stay, it’s a money maker for them, but we’re going to have to start paying with Monopoly money pretty soon.
It seems to me we went from a hot boiling pot of water, into a hotter frying pan. I get the impression, President Obama feels a strike of his pen, is magic: we do not live in the world of the Wizard of Oz.