Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama: no pain, no gain! (Ltr, 12, 3-23-2009)

Obama: no pain, no gain!
(Letter: 12) 3-23-2009

We live in a world where people don’t want to feel any pain anymore; this is especially true with the new generation. Give me the fixit pill. They want the quick fix remedy. There is an old saying: no pain, no gain. It is the same thing for grieving, out of sight out of mind. Bury the person where I can’t see them. Obama’s world is the in the forefront of this movement. Let’s give the world a sugar high. They do that in the Army, when you are running, give you a candy bar so you can keep running, and salt pills incase you sweat it all out. Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way. So now the Government is going to buy all the bad moorages, so the banks don’t have to take the loss, which is really called bankruptcy, since so many people filed bankruptcy on the banks, and then the government is going to sell them bank to the banks in lots I suppose, and let the banks work with the Real estate companies, and sell them back to the public, but he doesn’t talk about the new bankruptcy laws in effect that make it harder for a person to get a bankruptcy or get out of dept, and that is because the banks want it to be left alone so they can enslave the individual, after they make their recovery. You see, the little person had a way to wiggle out of the banks imprisonment, and now they’ve talked the President into re-enslaving the people.
I only took Economics 101, in college, but a made over million in Real estate and rental property in the 90’s, the honest way, and when a furnace went out in one of my places in the winter, I live in Minnesota, the bank was more than willing to borrow me $10,000 to fix it, but I had cash, so I didn’t have to. Plus, they never liked me paying off my loans early, there is a reason for that—two reasons, first, all interest is free money, second, keep everyone in enslavement. Now the banks are in a bind, and who is going to fatten their pockets? You got it, our savior, Obama.


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