Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stimulus win; right on the Obama Track (letter .5)


I wrote four articles thus far on the new president, he is quite predictable, and everything has come to pass that I’ve written, and nothing has been for the good, except giving a black lady a home to stay in, and he didn’t do it out of his pocket, rather, out of the tax payers of America’s pocket, all the same it was a good gesture.
And now he is saying loud and clear and in so many words so is his beloved, CNN, and so are the White House Democratic Senators, the blind singing songs to the blind, they all must think American is some big fat donut.
It is all about the stimulus program, that it is right on track the Obama track that is, no one else’s track, yet we got CNN and all these other folks on the Obama teams yelling: united we stand, the Democrats and Republicans, now how silly can one be. He’s a Harvard man; he shouldn’t play the public for being dumb even if most of us out there are dumb, because it is insulting; he forgot the old saying: ‘What goes around comes around’ and it will bite him in the behind, sooner or later, such foolishness always does.
He had three republicans go along with his program, and 11-Democrates walk away from it, what does that tell you. It tells me, his own people know better, don’t agree with him. But we deserve what we get, and we will get it right where it hurts. We were all hyped up over a new hero—thinking he was Mighty Mouse or something, because he told us what we wanted to hear, and he threw a lot of salt in our soup, so it tastes good, but that is all we got for our time and money: salty soup.
I’m not negative, I’m a realist, like it or not. This is where we are at. In thirty years you can say, this is how it was…thirty years ago I remember a few presidents saying this and that, and the public going haywire over it all, and now what was considered foolishness then, is now…
I wish CNN, and the folks at the White House would stop calling it a ‘win’ it sounds like they were playing a game and won, and we all know it was already bought and paid for, long before he went and begged for the Republican vote, which he never got. It is like a boxing match, one that was fixed before the boxers even got into the stadium.


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