Iran's Nuclear Mission (Deadly!)
Iran’s Nuclear Mission
Iran is doing exactly what Iran said they’d do, create a monster to destroy Israel, they now have launch capability. I worked with nuclear weapons, in Germany, it is one thing to have the nuclear fat boy, or the actual chemicals and trigger device to set into a big round encasing, holding a 280-megaton bomb, which we had 90-of them at one site, at one time, back in 1974, but we had no launch capability, thus, if Russia came over the hill, we would have had to bury them deep, and that was our mission. It was a scare mission, not a particle one, because we were playing the paper tiger, but nowadays, that will not work.
But Israel knows much more than I do, and they know launch capability, means in hard words, blackmail capability, or total destruction capability. And do you trust someone, who is un-trustable, and you know this? If you do than you are what they call, gullible. Hitler and Stalin worked on that premise. It is one thing to have the nuclear bomb on your side, or as it has been said, you got the gun. But when everyone has the gun, it don’t mean a think that you have it also.
Iran has already said they would bury Israel in the desert sands, and we should take that statement seriously, too many Americans think the Islamic world simply talks for no reason, they do brag much more than they are capable of doing, but once they acquire the knowledge, and capability, they use it. All you need to do is ask the Kurds, and the chemicals they had to enduring by Saddam.
And need I say, they are closer to acquiring the real deal with nuclear blast than you’d like to believe.
Will they use it? That is like saying, did Stalin kill 40-millon of its own people, of course they will, and if their own people get in the way, they’ll do what Stalin did, perhaps quicker.
The only reason Israel has not hit Iran thus far is because the United States has pulled them back, but this is not a smart think to do forever, and Obama, needs to reason this out, if indeed he’s capable of seeing the trees in front of the forest. And that’s questionable in my mind, although I know his generals see reality.
Israel on the other hand has to count the cost, if they do nothing, Russia will soon be their untouchable amigo, like white on rice, and if then they hit Iran, we are looking at a ripple effect. And Obama will have to bury his head like an ostrich, to hide from the mounting issues, I wouldn’t want any president to have to deal with the after effects of a nuclear strike on Israel; Iraq will look like a Boy Scout picnic issue in comparisons.
Iran will have its nuclear bomb soon, they are grooming it this very minute, and now has its launch capability, and the devils tail is not far behind. Iran wants their rights, without responsibilities, and who knows, maybe they will get it.
Iran is doing exactly what Iran said they’d do, create a monster to destroy Israel, they now have launch capability. I worked with nuclear weapons, in Germany, it is one thing to have the nuclear fat boy, or the actual chemicals and trigger device to set into a big round encasing, holding a 280-megaton bomb, which we had 90-of them at one site, at one time, back in 1974, but we had no launch capability, thus, if Russia came over the hill, we would have had to bury them deep, and that was our mission. It was a scare mission, not a particle one, because we were playing the paper tiger, but nowadays, that will not work.
But Israel knows much more than I do, and they know launch capability, means in hard words, blackmail capability, or total destruction capability. And do you trust someone, who is un-trustable, and you know this? If you do than you are what they call, gullible. Hitler and Stalin worked on that premise. It is one thing to have the nuclear bomb on your side, or as it has been said, you got the gun. But when everyone has the gun, it don’t mean a think that you have it also.
Iran has already said they would bury Israel in the desert sands, and we should take that statement seriously, too many Americans think the Islamic world simply talks for no reason, they do brag much more than they are capable of doing, but once they acquire the knowledge, and capability, they use it. All you need to do is ask the Kurds, and the chemicals they had to enduring by Saddam.
And need I say, they are closer to acquiring the real deal with nuclear blast than you’d like to believe.
Will they use it? That is like saying, did Stalin kill 40-millon of its own people, of course they will, and if their own people get in the way, they’ll do what Stalin did, perhaps quicker.
The only reason Israel has not hit Iran thus far is because the United States has pulled them back, but this is not a smart think to do forever, and Obama, needs to reason this out, if indeed he’s capable of seeing the trees in front of the forest. And that’s questionable in my mind, although I know his generals see reality.
Israel on the other hand has to count the cost, if they do nothing, Russia will soon be their untouchable amigo, like white on rice, and if then they hit Iran, we are looking at a ripple effect. And Obama will have to bury his head like an ostrich, to hide from the mounting issues, I wouldn’t want any president to have to deal with the after effects of a nuclear strike on Israel; Iraq will look like a Boy Scout picnic issue in comparisons.
Iran will have its nuclear bomb soon, they are grooming it this very minute, and now has its launch capability, and the devils tail is not far behind. Iran wants their rights, without responsibilities, and who knows, maybe they will get it.
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