Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week One with Obama (he is acting instead of reacting)

Week One with Obama
He is acting, instead of Reacting ((Letter: 3) (1-28-2009))

I see CNN, and a few other folks have evaluated Obama’s first week in office, and therefore so shall I (and it looks to be there report more positive than mine). Some one said, he is doing a good balancing act. It is more like he is acting, not reacting, he has a good psychotherapist by his side, that takes practice.
Anyhow, how is he doing? To me, not very good, He is simply taking from Peter and giving to Paul, as far as the Middle East goes. And saying “Look! I did what I said I was going to do, and then makes an about turn, by sending 30,000 more American troops next door, to Afghanistan from Iraqi, and a lot more money to build their so called infrastructure, now that we’ve poured a trillion into Iraqi’s. Thus, the balance in the Middle East is the same, even though it may look different.
Then there is an implication that he is going to congress and try to present his logic to the Republicans, for spending the $825-billion dollars. It has been said, he has enough democratic support, he really doesn’t need the Republicans support, but like a good guy, he’s going to go talk to them. Now listen up please, he is not going over there to change his agenda, he is going over there to try and persuade, and the word persuade, really means, in plain talk, manipulate, the Republicans, to march along with his tune, for the sake of unity, for what it looks like to the rest of the world. He already has his agenda set, matter of fact; he had modified Bush’s old agenda for spending the money, which was made up by Republicans, so it is really more a slap in the face if anything. He would be better off not going at all; just do your thing.
He is like he has been from the beginning, secretive. In some countries that is called a man with no blood in his face, one who can look you in the eyes, and stab you in the back (figure of speech of course, for those folks who cannot read between he lines).
So no, not one thing worth while has taken place since he took office, worthy of acclaiming he is doing his job according to the wishes of the majority of the people in the United States. To the contrary.
The best I can say for him this past week is, he is not afraid to say he’ll go after terrorists even if he has to cross boarders without permission. Although that is one thing I would have kept secret until after the action. I hope now, he doesn’t say he’s sorry for saying what he said. He’s got to learn to shut his mouth some times, even though he loves to talk, and saying ‘sorry’ doesn’t help either. And as far as Pakistan, I know they do not want our unarmed robots flying about their boarder, and there is a good reason for that, the terrorists are losing sleep, and their president wants our president to give them information where the enemy are sleeping so they can go wake them up, but we all know better don’t we, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. In this case, America sends a lot of dollars, tax free to them, and the terrorists, pay in other ways, to the government, of Pakistan, so they got both pockets full, or two birds with one stone, and they are trying to find the weakest link in the chain, and keep boy pockets filled at the same time, but you can’t keep feeding a dead duck. So they got to think.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Goodbye Big John Updike

Goodbye Big John (a bad tribute for John Updike)

Farewell John Updike, man of the day, sorry to here you pass away, but at 76-years old, you are old white and gray, what can I say… (the poem part, now the article)

…and he wrote a lot, so he was happy.
Now for my two-cents, on the matter of his writing and I read a lot, perhaps several hours a day, everyday of the week, in libraries, and bookstores, and I saw John’s books day after day, year after year, decade after decade. And ever so often I’d pick one up, of his newer books, or one of his old ones I hadn’t examined yet, see I said examined, and there is a purpose to that word, because overtime I picked up a lot of his books, sat down to read them, chapter after chapter, I was glad I never invested in one though, to the point of brining it up to the teller, and paying hard earned cash for, they never interested me beyond the second or third chapters (which were always dull); and when I skimmed the book, seeing if a middle chapter was perhaps hiding something of value, I’d find to my recollection, nothing. The first chapters were never good, and therefore I shouldn’t have expected the other ones to be any better, but I was hoping for a miracle, I think.
I know he had to make a living, so he put his sexuality stuff in there, and it sold. Too many authors nowadays sell their soul for a few bucks. He was no different. He even won some prizes, which are becoming more for popularity, than for good writing.
I do have to acknowledge he was a prolific writer, but then, many people are obsessed with one thing or another, and he was with writing. He will be quickly forgotten, because he has never written anything worth remembering: sorry to say, yes he wasted all those years.
John Kerry, honors him today, as does his home state, not sure what for though.
Norman Mailer, has criticized him in the past, and I would consider Norman a much more attractive writer than John by far. So those who are saying: I got a sour mouth, so does Mailer if indeed anyone is saying that.
My idea of writing, just to write, is like sleeping just to sleep, or eating just to eat. I eat when I’m hungry, I sleep when I’m tired, and I write, when I got something worth saying, and I have a lot to say. The End.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama's Bombing One-hundred

Obama’s bombing One-hundred
(Letter Two)

He says, President Obama, he will bring home the troops in 16-months from Iraq (I want to see this), he said that on 1-22-2009, and he said that during his march to the White House. That so far is the only practical, workable decision he has thus far made worthy of his office, and something tells me they will be there longer, seeing is believing: as they say. I hate to make fun of this guy but we really got a lemon wherever, and whoever found him. I don’t need to look for things to criticize; he force feeds us to eat them raw.
We got a President here, who is just signing papers, orders, thinking he’s Allah, or God and things will simply just fall in place because he’s got a horde of people under his wings following him like a bunch of ducks, he’s got to be a little more responsible.

1-23-2009, I am not sure if the President had Economics 101 at Harvard or not, but if he did, he didn’t learn a thing. This guy is calling for America, telling them that we are going to go through a great crisis, one that has not been seen for 26-years, and what I plan to do is spend more money on Government cars, and grant programs, and updating federal buildings, and telling everyone to go out and borrow money to update their houses for winter, and summer cooling, and what exactly he is talking about is beyond me. He says unemployment is going to hit the high mark, so go spend, because that is what he’s going to do himself, with our tax money, or perhaps it isn’t tax money, just paper the Federal Reserve is printing up. We should, reverse all that, I knew he had no plan, but thought someone would clue him in at the last minute and not make a fool of himself, sorry to say, it didn’t happen. I would tell the college students, to go home and help their families out, not to be part of the storm that is about to hit the United States, and beg for a free hand out. And tell the government employers, they can due with a two year old car for awhile, and tell the credit card people not to rob the public with 20% interest rates so people can afford to used their credit cards to stimulate the economy, and tell…oh well you know what I mean, talk sensible for once.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Siluk Horror writer: Bram Stoaker Award (2009)

Siluk Horror writer: Bram Stoker Award

Announcing the Horror Stories and books by
Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D.

Under consideration for the Bram Stoker Award

For best short fiction collection, 2009

See his horror books: the Tiamat trilogy, series, plus several short story horror books, “Death on Demand” (to include the renowned story, “The Rape Angelina of Glastonbury, AD 119” read by many of his 150,000-monthly readers) (and: “The Seventy Born Son”); “Dracula’s Ghost,” has eight trying stories, and “The Tale of the Jumping Serpents of Bosnia, another Colleton of eldritch short fiction (to include the growing interest in “Night Ride to Huancayo” a horrific supernatural tale). Also, the psychological thriller, “The Mumbler,” and “Manticore, Day of the Beast” And his book on visions “The Last Trumpet…” and “Angelic Renegades…” he is the unknown crown horror writer of the decade. Also see “After Eve” [a book of historic adventure].

His books can be seen on Amazon.com; B&N.com; abe.com and all the other internet big and small book dealers.

For those interested in the readings of Mr. Siluk’s books, he invites you to email the following:

stokerjury@horror.org stokerjury@horror.org

See Reviews by Benjamin Szumskyj on Dennis L. Siluk (and visit his many websites http:// dennissiluk.tripod.com

BENJAMIN SZUMSKYJ is a qualified teacher (Bachelor of Arts in Education / Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, minor in English) at a private high school. He also has a diploma as a librarian technician/assistant and a graduate diploma in Christian Studies. Szumskyj also acted as convener on the horror panel of the 2005 Aurealis Awards. In addition to being a member of the Australian Horror Writers Association, he is also a member of the (American) Horror Writers Association. His blog can be found at SSWFT, which is updated irregularly.

"In the Pits of Hell, a Seed of Faith Grows" - a review of The Macabre Poems: and Other Selected Poems (Volume III) by Dennis L. Siluk for Calenture: a Journal of Studies in Speculative Verse (Volume 1 # 1: September 2005).

"Interview with Dennis L. Siluk," for Lost Sanctum #2 (Wild Cat Books, 2006).

“He Is What He Writes: The Weird Tales of Dennis L. Siluk" for Dissections: The Journal of Contemporary Horror #2

(http://www.simegen.com/writers/dissections/February%202008/dissections_page_06.html>, 2008).

The Gaza Uprising--and Ki-Moon's threat

The Gaza Uprising—
and Ki-Moon’s threat! (1-15-2009)

Sometimes I just can’t figure people out, that is to say, are they faking their stupidly, or are they really as stupid as they sound. And today’s a good example of that, with the following statement, from CNN (which of course if you follow this most recent uprising between Israel and Hamas you will also see how one sided CNN is on who they prefer to be the winner of the war, or at least I see it that way), anyhow the statement reads: “ Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday that the shelling of a U.N. relief agency's compound in Gaza City was "a grave mistake," the U.N. chief said.” Let’s look at this closer.
Can we not get a Secretary-General at the UN who is not pro Palestine ever? This guy Ban Ki-moon is from the moon. Rocket him back. I mean, do you really think Israel cares what Ki-moon says, and he says it like he is superman “a grave mistake,” I repeat, what does that mean? I mean, what does he think he can do to Israel the UN has not already done?
First of all, the UN is and always has been for ages one sided, they are Jew haters, and everyone knows this who pays any attention to what is going on at the UN. I mean, the Jews can’t even represent themselves at the UN. Can’t walk down the halls where the Palatines, walk, it is worse there, than it was during the Civil War in the USA, with the Blacks. If it wasn’t for the US veto power, the state of Israel would not exist.
If it was up to the UN, they would have Israel sit down quietly, and be targeted by Hamas, until every Jew in Israeli was dead. And that is not funny, but it is a fact. They are asking them to do what no country would do right at this moment, have asked them several times to lay down and die. If Mexico was sending over rockets into California, what to you think the response would be? And if Ki-moon said, “It would be a grave mistake to attack them back,” what do you think the people of the United States would say? Remember Georgia and Russia a few months back, that is the response the US would give Mexico, and to the UN, well, since we give them $20-billion dollars a year they may not sound off too loud.
But the point here is this: the UN has no cards to play with Israel other than convincing he US to betray Israel, and with the new president coming into office, who knows what, we shall find out soon what side of the fence he prefers: and they will not condemn Hamas, face to face, and the citizens of Gaza are—and they already know they are—the sacrifice for the so called homeland (which in the back of their heads should be all of Israel, to include the Holy City). Their job is to keep Israel busy, warn down, until the Arab world unites into a confederation, and obliterates Israel, somewhere down the road; the code of the people.
In any war, you go to win not to put a bandage on a wound that needs an operation. Wake up Mr. Ki-moon; we’re all not dummies out here, as you’d like us to be.
Last but not least, the question comes up, referring to the compound fired upon that belongs to the UN today, or perhaps over there it was yesterday. The UN assumed without investigation, Israel was at fault, and perhaps they were, but it is a 50 to 50, toss of the coin at the moment, meaning, perhaps the beloved Hamas, on their behalf, did the dirty deed, and if so I wonder if they will get their hands slapped by Mr. Ki-moon, which they could care less, but it would be interesting to see. Second, the UN must, or should try to realize it is in a war zone, not Disneyland.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Movie Review: The DLS Movie Awards for 1-2009

Movie Review: Movie of the Month (1-2009)

It has been a long time since I did a movie review, or given my opinion on movies, I avoid them, as I try to avoid my opinion on many areas in arts until I find something extraordinary to write, or it stands out above the rest. Having said that let me pick out a few movies worth my time, and the best of the best.
Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in “Righteous Kill” was a worthwhile movie, and gave everyone a surprised ending. They are both well seasoned actors, and it appeared for a while they went backwards in acting, now they got a serious roll, instead of some quick earned cash where all they got to do is move their baby finger.
Another worthwhile movie was the recent one by Liam Neeson, whom seemed to me had retired from the screen, he is back, “Taken,” is a move that we all can identify with, and he does what we’d all like to do, Liam doesn’t let the movie goers down.
The remake of “The Day the World Stood Still,” most remakes are not worth their salt, like the two or three made of “King Kong,” they just get worse, but this one was good, actually a little better than the original and I saw the original when it first came out, and that is hard for me to say.
Keanu Reeves was good in movie, I think he kind of stepped back for a while making movies not worth making, but he made up for all that lazy time, this time, and got paid for acting, instead of just being there. Good Job, he is a young actor, and is back on track.
A strange move called “Red,” came out with Brian Cox and Tom Sizemore (Robert Englund), it is a slow going movie at first, and one does not expect what happens to happen, vengeance is sweet, and the acting is smooth.
But for my money the best of the best, was the movie “Gran Torino,” by Clint Eastwood. The acting is good, even by the actors I never seen before. The theme is good, the plot builds up, and the ending, fools you, and you’ll be satisfied.
It is a movie with a lot of bad language in it, swearing that is, and I don’t care for that, and there is too much of that in movies nowadays, but somehow it fits in this movie, I hate to say. It is Mr. Eastwood’s best movie, or show since “Unforgiving.”
“Appaloosa” the cowboy move, with Viggo Mortensen, Ed Harris in it is a worth while move, and Renee Zellweger plays a worthwhile part, actually her part remained me of someone in my youth, along with Jeremy Irons.
They, the movie makers, seem nowadays to have a hard time making good old westerns, but this one is worth my time.
Well, I hate to tell you what I think of the rest of the junk out there, and there is a lot of it…so if you got nothing good to say, it is best leave it alone.

Last Notes:

I remember Clint, when he was playing in those early cowboy movies, over in Italy, he always got the last punch in. And those Dirty Harry movies, he killed every one, I think he borrowed Elvis' upper lip for those movies. Anyhow, in his second to last good movie, "Uulnforgiven," he went home to retire. In this most recent movie, the Gran...he dies. What is the message here? Perhaps this is his last one, his last movie. Now he can rest, or play with his music, he like that I undersand. Or maybe can do some good for mankind, besides entertaining them for thirty-million to start. Anyhow, good luck.

To be quite honest, I don't have a lot of anything for actors. They come and go, and fade into the dust, when they think they will live on forever, and live like it. Well, if that is the case, farewell to a man who did nothing but act which he did well, and like everyone in such a career in Hollywood, he will be replaced soon. And forgotten soon after.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Scramble to Understra (Poetic Prose, with Commentary on form and Allen Ginsberg)

Scramble to Understra

Ancient frozen dome cloaking Greenland is so vast these days—that it shell-shocks me (and many others), they crashed into what they thought was a cloud overseeing it, so says, the Ice Data Center, afar in the horizon. Flying over it, one can scarcely see Colorado—or thereabouts, and I am a veteran of both Greenland and Antarctica, this ice could erode fast enough to raise the sea beyond our cities boundaries, I fear that the rise is seas in a warming world, nervously will be, sometime soon. Scramble to Understra they say, wherever that is; perhaps under the sea.

The flanks around Greenland, in spring and summer will melt, however, a marathon they fear, much greater than the upper estimate by about two, different; for a lengthening spring of warm years to come, a century of observations, made last year by the Office of Intergovernmental of Blue Lakes and Rivulets; a meltdown, and climate change. Scramble to Understra they say, wherever that is; perhaps under the sea.

Ever higher on the ice cap, the melting surface, seas rose more than a foot, in the 20th century, absorbing up as much energy, says the panel’s assessment, which reflects sunlight, natural factors known to contribute to ice flows but called Moulin’s, well enough to estimate with confidence. Scramble to Understra they say, wherever that is; perhaps under the sea.

Note: Sometimes written poetry must take the form of free thought, when I say that, I mean, instantaneous, such as free association for the mind (meaning, you look, observe, and do), unregistered, and under no chemicals, just free, to see how the mind develops, what it sees and knows, the voice, the inner voice of the mind, the second voice, knows what you know, and what you don’t think you know, it pulls out the psychological elements, Allen Ginsberg tried to do, but couldn’t achieve: his mind was too involved with other things, pride and stardom, and materialism, all things he told the public, he told his conscious and tried to have it tell his subconscious, he didn’t care for, but his mind and spirit knew different, it got in the way—there are three parts to the soul and they work in unison, should you infect one, you limit all three—this was an issue in his poetry, so did his views on Communism, Vietnam, and religion, gay rights, he sought, but never found, his mind was clogged, like a persons veins with fat; in his book “Empty Mirrors,” he should have stuck with that premise that developing style, it would have given him more freedom to understand the style he was after. Long line poems, or short line poems, or poetic repetition, or free flight, it all amounted to experiments—why? Because they were experiments, and if so, how can it be, as he wanted it to be, free. “Howl,” is the worse poem ever written. You comb a poem the way you comb your hair, and you don’t think, or talk to your second self, saying: it should be this way or that way, you just do, and freely it falls as it should, it’s in they eyes. When he met, Bob Dylan, he was so infatuated, he couldn’t compose a proper line of poetry, thus, we see his real mind.

Monday, January 05, 2009

To the Palestine War-Lords (a Poem)

To the Palestine War-Lords
((1-6-2009/ No: 2536) (by: Dennis L. Siluk))


How have you fed your people upon lies,
And cried “Peace! Peace! And knew it would not die!
For now the iron demon takes to the sky,
And in your new-found city and lands,
Vigilant and fierce a deadly dragon flies.
Twenty-thousand cannons echo your ruling,
To whose philosophical exhortation to you bend your knees
And lift unto the Lord of evil your eyes?

This is Hell’s work: lower you hands from heaven
Lest those hands melt, from holding up the sword!
There stands another blood stained alter,
At your bowing, there stand the infernal seraphim
Give unto Satan, your conspiring secrets,
For the blood of nations, flow by your mandated credo.


Be yours the doom Palestine’s voice foretold
As unto Babylon, O ye has cursed the Lord,
Cast the evil sword, its shadow upon you own kind
And for whose pride a million souls grow cold!
You shall reap what you have planted, and hold!
You have murdered and claimed God’s permission,
And at your judgments, desolation stands;
For in your hearts, minds and souls, God has left them grow cold.

Your soldier’s parish and your civilians drown;
You are the vulture, and the fist, beating on the weak.
It is ye, whose words have sickened the clouds,
Infected the rivers and the people’s hearts:
Your prayers mislead, nor give good will:
Hide on the brow of the murder-Satan, or Cain.


Lift not your voices to the gentle God:
Your god is of shambles! Let your nation
Moan, they shall be your sacrifice to your king and deity:
Bel and Moloch, who offer fire and death,
A world in which ye preferred, with lies;
Learn now from horror and truth,
What God has tried to teach you!