I see kids are having kids nowadays, eleven to thirteen, it all goes, nothing forbidden: no discipline, thus, no limits: I hear complaints out there on this matter, but I say: what do you expect, you can’t teach Godly things in the schools anymore, the ten commandments, where do you think they will learn such things? We got what we planted, and now we are saying, “I can’t believe it.” Don’t be so silly, most parents out there are lazy parents. I told a person the other day, “Your daughter is eleven years old, and can’t spell ‘Get,’ correctly. The father got mad at me, and told me to mind my own business. That he loved his daughter so very much. I said, if you love her, you wouldn’t be looking for a wife on the internet every night, and riding your $26,000 motorcycle down to the gym every night, you’d be teaching her how to spell ‘get’.” Well as you might expect, that didn’t go over very well, I’m the bad guy on the block now.
I see eleven year old kids killing parents, and men throwing acid in women’s faces. The Priests are having sex with everyone under the sun, kids in particular. Everyone’s yelling for Equal Rights, even at the Oscar’s. Especially for homosexuals, they want to dance down every street of America and with jockstraps on, like they did in New Orleans when I was there. They want to teach our kids what is right and wrong in schools as our teachers. They think God is on their side, as if he’s a commodity, you pay your way, and you get his blessing. I perhaps got their god mixed up with mine, there presumptuous god, might be, that little guy with the arrow (cupid).
Anyhow, we got a war to fight in Iraq, and Iran says they are a peaceful country (as does North Korea), but are trying to buy influence: I will not kill the Americans in Iraq, if you turn your back to the Nuclear question, we got a right to have this bomb, and we are not going to use it on anybody, not even our hated enemy, Israel, we just want it so we got something to do, something to look at. And of course Omaha believes all this. Why not, everything’s ok out there.
Even the kids got ‘rights’ more rights than parents, they got the right to slap a parent in the face, and if he hits him back nowadays, they’ll run to the police, and of course, who goes to jail, we all know who. And the girls know they can get an abortion now, Obama, is making sure of that, without consent, and they say Obama is more popular than Jesus Christ, I heard that remark forty-years ago. I mean if the parent says no, big deal, you still have to allow it, and support the brat. When we should have taught the girl in the school the ten-commandments, those things we threw out because someone went to the Supreme Court, and a few judges made a decision for a 300-million people, that is suppose to be right, and now the law. And these judges were of course, atheists.
And people say, “How is it out there?” It’s just dandy, it is the way we made it, and when we get mud in our face, we deserve it. So everyone out there stop crying. Mr. Milk got his way, and Penn got his Oscar for best actor, and it didn’t look to me as if he was acting, rather enjoying his scenes of kissing men throughout the movie, and someone stood up and bragged how they were going to drag America to the pits of Sodom and Gomorra, which is not far from where we are now.
We got some little wars going on also, and some terrorist wars going on, and no one wants to support them, let the Americans do it. I would say to Europe, the ones that want to throw their cards in, you got NATO, and if Obama is looking for soldiers in Afghanistan, as he says he is, take them out of NATO, since it is an American product. And let them fend for themselves, it’s about time Europe stops sucking American tax payers dry. If the euro was based on defending ones homeland, Europe would be at a fatal loss, and the dollar would be at a remarkable high.
The question begs to be answered, “Why is everyone complaining out there?” We all got what we deserve, what we fought for, rights without responsibilities, (up the nose) what you are witnessing now is the erosion process which started fifty-years ago. Parents are no more than a financial burden, ticket, and once used up, not much good to anyone. Hollywood is controlling the Right’s groups, we got a lot of them: for dogs, cats, prisoners of war, who kill American’s and they want them on our streets now. No other country will take these birds of pry, but they will complain. And Obama, again, will offer them a handshake, when he should be cutting them off so they cannot pull the triggers of those AK47s, to kill more Americans.
Industry, companies run the governments now, no more standing up guys for what is right or wrong, and it comes under, self interest, and Globalization, the word was unheard of in the 70s, now it is a household word, and one that goes along with Armageddon. Get drunk and pay the bills that are the best I can say, because we are in for windstorm. Or else we better change in hurry, and not the way Hollywood would like us to.