Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Selected Articles on the United Nations, in our Time by: D.L. Siluk

Criminal Trials For The United Nations And The European Union [Part 1]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 13, 2004

It has been my belief for a long time [and so I have stated it in articles and books] the United Nations [UN] and the European Union [EU], should be brought up for charges by the United States, if only to show the people of the United States the criminal charges and enabling they do for terrorism around the world, and the robbing of our treasury. The fraud they do the tax paying people of the United Status is a mortal sin. I do not say this lightly, these robbers at the United Nation's are a prying, envious, and jealous people of the third world majority, and it has worsen in the past twenty years to a point one has to be blind not to see it; from the Carter Administration through the Clinton, both advocates to this dilemma [and it goes back much farther]; Carter unknowingly, and Clinton and Hillary more than willing for some odd reason to allow the treasury to be used by the UN and EU for their piggy pay expenses.

The assistance they give to the PLO with our money for weapons, is one of many crimes, as they reject money Israel wants for roads. By every means possible the UN assisted Saddam Hussein "Oil for Food," while the third world geezers stuffed their own pockets, and allowed the Iraqi people to suffer [As France and Germany hollowed over their contract losses].

The UN-secretary general is as anti-American as bin Laden, and has in my eyes assisted in the terrorist net-work, and he uses his half-witted power to drain the United States treasure for his own purposes, and his third world friends. That is why the world is hoping Kerry wins; Bush will not allow this to go on. Kerry like Clinton will allow the rape to continue. They have robbed, raided, and drained the United States Treasury for their expenses; they think our treasure is a common storage place or their diets, and it is their job to direct our funds.

The UN and EU are the most morally corrupt deck of cards the globe has yet to create; far more cleaver than China and Russia. And are open enemies to us, we see this on a daily bases, grabbing every opportunity to assault us. Matter of fact, had we not spent so much time trying to pacify the UN and EU in the beginning of talks about war with Iraq, we would not have lost as many lives as we have now. But they do not care about America's dead, only about two- goofballs from France, who tried to soak their pickets with money, and are begging the United States to stop the war machine and let the Iraqis kill a few more Americans so they can get the two French men home, so the terrorist can go kidnap some more, and play the cycle for as long as it is playable. This strategy, that allowed them to have more time to regroup, killed our sons and daughters. And the Financial [FT] Times, has some stupid count down to a 1000-count of dead, how unprofessional - if not morbid; and in a column they wrote a few days ago, some columnist: stated withdrawing troops should start now. I'd like to invite that columnist to go live in Iraq [I might even consider paying his way, one way to, not back - to Iraq], once we withdraw all our troops [should it be soon]; you see he is most likely sitting in some fat leather chair in the FT office, safe as a honey bee, but go to war, moron and see what it is like.

The EU and UN should be on trail by the US courts for all the criminal charges that are linger out there. If you want specifics, and don't believe I don't have them, I just do not have space in this article to plant them, and all those saying "He's full of it," you should do some home work and see how full of it we all are by allowing this to continue. The fact is, we never did have any friends out there, and we all seem to be saying: "Look at all the friends we lost," we lost nothing we never had any that we never did pay for. And let me add a rock-hard note to this - beware: we owe them nothing, exactly, nothing, we pay for their defenses, not them paying for ours, and we best start using our treasure for our own security. Europe says they do not want our leadership, fine, let them have their own, and let them finance it. [Part II, Specifics, if I can find the energy.]


Kofi Annan; The Assistant To The Antichrist [2]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 14, 2004

[Real differences with the US vs. the EU and UN]

For you poets out there you might appreciate the old poem by Mary Howitt [a part of it anyway] called: "The Spider and the Fly":

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly...
Up jumped the cunning spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlor; but she ne'er came out again!"

Instead of me writing all I'm going to write, the little poem, or part of the poem sums up the UN and EU vs. the US. We have big differences; the UN and EU, vs. the United States and Kofi Annan the UN-secretary-general along with France [Mr. Chirac] know this. And it is imperative we do not leave our national security in their hands, in their greedy little third-world hands, in Europe's old Europe pockets. They want international relations to control our US Military and treasure, like in the Carter and Clinton eras. And when George W. Bush took office thank God he called a stop to it. The United Nations [UN] has lost its purpose, which was to settle disputes peacefully, not to supply the PLO or other countries with weapons for terrorism; consequently I feel they have lost their usefulness completely. It is not hard to see the UN and EU are not on the same road we are on, but want to control our road, none the less.

Security Counsel: the highest force on earth it has been called, for peace, and now all they are is bent on hogtying the United States, trying to get us to ask permission to go to war. The UN does not believe in "preempting terrorist," their policy is "hit after the fact" G. W. Bush, and his Flyboy-father of WWII know, you do not want to be hit first, like Clinton allowed on his watch as president. Had he taken action, 9/11 would have never occurred - it took time to prepare, had he taken action sooner it would not have occurred. The EU and UN want to take the "surprise," away from our military as to warn them before we get them, as we did with the five months delay in the Iraqi war, which caused many lives, not French or German lives, but American lives. Had we attacked as Bush said, we would not have given the enemy the time to set of their strategy. But France being one of the five permanent members on the Security Counsel insisted, and Germany being one of the 15-members in the rotating members, objected. And so do the French send flowers to the mothers of the dead American soldiers? No, they are only concerned about the French. Why are democracies subject to the Security Counsel, and all other countries not. As the UN and EU are talking terrorism, only the US is fighting it.

Hezbollah: Like the PLO, Hamas and al-Qaeda, Hezbollah is simply another terrorist group, but this one is interesting, it fly's the "UN" flag besides its flag which has an AK-47, Russian Rifle. So who is supporting who, the UN is supporting terrorism. Or so it looks.

The Assistant to the Antichrist: Annan is what I consider the birth pain of the Antichrist. He is for nuclear proliferation, looks the other way anyway, which to me means exactly that. He is best of friends with Arafat, the Godfather of terrorism; he and Hillary are two peas-in a pod. He wants the US to abide by the Geneva Convention, which the rest of the world violates at will, and he again looks the other way, and he says nothing. He is worse than the Nazis, and uses the UN flag to cover up all his misdealing. Mr. Kofi Annan has been around for a while [l997] as the head man at the UN, the king of kings he thinks he is, on the devils watch. If he gets the Nobel Peace Prize, God help us all. Mr. Bill Clinton loves him and would like to see him get it, probably because he was too lazy to get involved in world affairs, and let him run the show. Matter of fact, he made Clinton have American Soldiers in Eastern Europe take off their patches and put UN patches, and blue helmets. He tore the soldiers apart, and Veterans have not forgotten that. Clinton even signed the ICC agreement, but it didn't pass and Bush threw it in the garbage can where it belongs. That would have made all Americans subject to the World Court, and boy would the third-world love that, and Annan, and France, and China, and Russia - and lets not forget Kerry.

The terrorist groups: Hezbollah, Hamas, PLO, Islamic Jihad, Al-Agsa [PLO], Martyrs Brigade, all friends to the UN, and who supports them? Annan. How? With American money, by checks given to them, $25,000-checks [through our friends, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia], and UN funded money.

In a like manner, is it not funny that Russia and China combined pay less than $35- million dollars to support the UN, and the United States pays 7-billion [22%] of its annual income. And those 17,000-employes of the UN get a salary totaling 1-billion. Now who is paying this: American tax payers, mostly?

Mary Robinson, like Hillary Clinton both believe the PLO's cause is just, and therefore, so is suicide bombers, and therefore, so is the $25,000 dollars they are giving to the families that lose a lost one. We have so many forces working against us, our own kind, plus our friends, so called friends it's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys. But the good guys are not in the EU or UN; actually they have both lost their usefulness as far as I can see.

Iraq. I want to repeat myself a bit. Iraq, because of the delay of our war in Iraq - delay of five months due to Germany, France and the UN [and after Iraq violated the UN rules for the 18th time], because of this it allowed the enemy, the insurgency in Iraq to develop. That is right next to saying, and I firmly believe it, Germany and France killed our American boys in uniform, put them in their coffins - put them in harms way. Had we went to war, and not warned them, given them time, which no Army should [surprise and deception, is a virtue for an Army at war, and hitting them in their weak area] we would not have the Financial Times exploding the 1000th soldier dead in Iraq. Many things are forgivable but this is down right savagery.

France is so prancing around as if it is a world power and Germany is piggybacking them. Listen up, little Israel could take over all of Europe tomorrow should the United States evacuate and look the other way, and we should leave Europe, we spend 40-billion dollars on their defense, and it does us no good, it is of no value anymore. While they build their economies, we support their defenses. We should shut down the UN and NATO tomorrow, and save a bundle of money, and use it where it is needed, in Iraq; I do believe the people in Iraq and Afghanistan would appreciate it better. Mr. Annan would go crazy though. Everyone thinks if Bush stays in office we will have another war. Listen up, we are at war, and it is because of such people as Carter and Clinton. They gave the world a message that the United States was for sale at a cheep price, and people like Mr. Annan grabbed the opportunity, as did the ruling elements of the UN which just happens to be the third-world countries now.

The General Assembly: is a worthless, toothless 191-member assembly at the United Nations that get fed and put to sleep every night on American dollars, and does nothing. Russia knows this and so does the CIA. They don't even know what their countries want, and vote like our emotional biased judges here in Minnesota, activist judges, and now we got activist UN members.

Clinton: I keep coming back to him and Annan because along with Arafat, they are the world's three stooges. That is to say, they play the role, but are smart not to let on to the world stage their cleverness; Clinton, if I was him, I'd not sleep a night the rest of my life for killing all our American boys. Yes, he is responsible, he did nothing when the WTC was bombed in l993, and nothing when the Saudi Tower was hit in l996; and nothing when our embassy was hit in Africa in 2000. And had a chance to kill bin Laden, and called off the raid after mulling over it for hours on end. And then he handed Haiti and Kosovo over to the UN, with American troops under them. He did very little when the USS Cole was attacked. What was this guy thinking? He was looking for the UN flag I think; what a president. Should Kerry get in, we will have the third president who feels the UN is our savior, and we may possible not recover this time.

Torture: a note on our enemy, our used to be enemy, Iraq. The UN, Annan, forgot to mention the abuse, torture and down right murder of Americans in the Iraqi war - American Prisoners; he only picks our dirty linens and shows them to the world. We were wrong to torture the people, but the Iraqi soldiers did not play chess with the Americans either, or bring them McDonalds. And had I been there and seen what they did to my fellow comrades, I might have gone a little crazy and did the same thing. I hope I would not have, but under stress one does not always play by the rules, as Mr. Annan would like Israel and America to do.

Inclosing, let's hope the UN does not take over the Internet, for they are having a meeting on that very subject soon; also,let me say the UN secretary General is not for America, and neither is the EU, and we've always knew Russia and China wasn't, that hasn't changed either. We really do not need a UN that doesn't function, or EU that at every corner is trying to bring us to our knees. Let them go and disband NATO. This is not isolationism; it is getting our priorities back into focus. We will never please these people unless we allow them to rape us, and when they do, they will herd us around like cows.


United Nations Part 3; Secrets [Allies And Our Dear Friends]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 15, 2004

Had a guy write me today, he was upset I wrote about our dear and noble United Nations the way I did [I told him I hadn't even started], didn't know crap about what was going on is the reality of it; he thought I shouldn't know, because he didn't know; what an uninformed goofball. I told him to go take some time and check it out, then come back and tell me what is and what isn't the truth; he's too lazy to do the work, just the mouthing off - figures so. But you know, the UN knows most Americans like this goofball is uninformed, and that is exactly what they prey on.

This is my 3rd article related to our Allies and the United Nations. And I hope my last. I think it was yesterday [9/12/04] North Korea had a blast, people think it was nuclear. It wouldn't surprise me. Maybe my email friend knows about this, maybe not. When I was in Vietnam, they blew up a huge Ammo Dump, and when they hit it perfect, it shook the whole peninsula, and threw me six feet in the air, and there was a mushroom above my head. So I think this will fit into the premise of my article.

It has been predicted at he Pentagon that between 2008-2015, we will be attacked [go to nuclear war] with China. That they will have the capability to do so; they should have they stole it from us. I do believe our friends and foes, allies want to bring the USA down to its knees, if I am wrong, then why is all this happening, I shall explain. If I write any more articles on this subject, I might just as well write a book on it. Anyhow...

There is so much greed out there that our allies lost the motive for ethics, principles and loyalty; now having said that I want to present a few facts, and I hope the deadhead, the goofball is reading this:

1) What weapons are being used by the Iraqi insurgents to kill our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan? Does my email friend know? How about French, German and Russian made weapons, if you don't believe me, go check it out.

2) How does al Qaeda get their arms? The CIA says: China, for one.

3) The EU supplies arms to: Iran, Syria and North Korea [terrorist nations]. And Eric Linder, that is not what you call Bull-sh**, it is fact.


Point: we should all know by now [but I doubt Eric does], France and Russia were cooperating with Saddam up unto the day the war broke out, and which I talked about in the second article on these less than loyal friends that, Saddam exploited with the UN's knowledge, the "Oil for Food," program. Matter of fact, they filled their pockets with payoff money close to 5-billon dollars from Iraq. And Iraq got close to 6-billion from pumping oil into Syria and Lebanon illegally, how else could Saddam buy 48 - palaces? Not by collecting taxes, no one has a job over there but his henchmen.

Point: The big three arms suppliers are Russia, China and France, in the world of supplying Iraq. They supplied them with 12- different armaments. France with 120,000 items. China about 400,000 items, and Russia, how about 13-million. These armaments are killing American soldiers. And the UN knows about it Eric, check it out. Actually 17-countries are supplying the culprits, our so-called friends.

Iran, Libya, Syria and North Korea received a large amount of assistance from guess who: our friends, Germany and France. So the bullets in the heads of our sons and daughters came from our friends.

The United Nations gave Iraq 12-years of appeasement, which did nothing to stop the floating in of weapons, and oil for weapons. Kofi Annan is the Assistant to the Antichrist to blame for this. Iraq skimmed about 6-billion through this oil smuggling gimmick, and five billion kickbacks for the UN. Eric's choice, the UN, he can not believe they'd do such a think, or else he thinks the rest of the world is as misinformed as he is. It was not "Food for Oil," but rather, "Food for Palaces and weapons."

Syria continues to seek CW

Syria has a stockpile of nerve agents sarin in Damascus, and are working with the Russians with it.

Western European countries are a main source for missile training for North Korea.

The next attack on the United States will most likely be with WMD, and to be honest I didn't have to read any reports on this to figure it out, but that is what the CIA figures, and I think they are doing a good job, and not getting any credit, as even is the FBI. Bush and his team. When it comes Eric, you can say: he told me so, of course it will be to late.

After the war settled down in Afghanistan, General Franks disclosed to the United States Government [if anyone was listening] al Queda was developing deadly chemicals, biological and nuclear weapons, thus, they found the paper trail, and guess what, the Islamic terrorist have them now.

Cuba has nuclear Energy source.

Iran-Russia is under missile developmental stages.

China is selling Iran Chemical weapons [2004]; or was they may have stopped since we have discovered it. But after they stole our technological nuclear launch capability, they sold it to Pakistan, as we now know; they have it, and have threatened India with it.

Germany is selling Iran military aircraft.

The UN allows Libya to violate sanctions by buying computer parts in Europe.

Belarus Arms being sold to Iran. Wake up Eric wake up before it is too late, and all those folks out there like you. I hope Bush gets in, but whom ever makes it, I hope is vigilant enough to see this needless UN and EU on our backs, we should be tired of carrying them.


Secrets of the Arms Selling

Somehow I think I do not know any secrets, if I know them, they are available to be found. But after I research these things out, I'm always surprised, and think: gee, it was a secret; up to the day I found it out it seemed so. Now before I get into this area I need to clarify something: I know and you know, the US is the biggest sales of arms in the world, we sell about 40-billion worth of arms a year, compared to Russia and France, who sell about $30-billion together, and Germany and England who sell about $10-billion combined, thus we sell about the same as the top four-arms seller I grant you that. But we sell it to our friends, our allies, not the terrorist, that is the big difference, and Europe will suffer for that, for the terrorist will use what the bought from them, on them. They have tired already to use poison on them, and failed, they may not next time.

It was right when Mr. Rumsfeld implied, it was not time to relax on this war called "terrorism."

And it was right when Zebari, an Iraqi Kurd addressed the UN and told them they had failed to provide peace and security, that is why the US had to step in; had it been for the UN to continue, Afghanistan would still be under the terrorist rulership, as would Iraq. If the world cannot turn to the UN who else, surely not the EU, they can be conquered overnight by Israel, they play the superpower role, but are far from one.

I'm surprised [Israel] takes so much crap from the PLO, if I was Sharon; I'd drive the terrorist right to the Red Sea. When three countries attack one country, l967-l972, and you win the war, just like in any other country, the land you conquered, is yours. But for some odd reason, the UN feels along with others, it is their gift to the PLO to give. And why should we support them, because they are terrorist that is why. If Russia tried to take Alaska away, we'd fight. If France tried to take everything back west of the Mississippi, we'd fight. If England tired to take back the 13-colonies, we'd fight. So why is Israel any different? Three bullies tried to whip Israel, and lost, it is booty. The land we are talking about does not belong to the EU, or UN or US, it belongs to Israel. And to be quite frank, Israel has a lot more hidden weapons than humanity knows about, and I dare say, enough to fight even Russia, if need be. And they will have to soon, and are getting prepared. Like Taiwan, China will try to take it, and Taiwan needs to get some assistance in the near future or be like Tibet, sink into a gofer holes and get sucked out by the Chinese and killed like mongooses would.


I also know some are going to say: "Well, America in the l980's sold or gave weapons to Iraq to fight against Iran." And they'd be right. And so we did some stupid stuff ourselves, but this is the 21st Century, and things area more critical. We cannot afford to sell to our enemies, or Islamic countries. It should also be noted, a lot of money going to the terrorist comes from drug trafficking. And the future is a bit bleak, I'd say, with al-Qaeda having poison gases ready now to use will use them soon, and cyanides - poisons for food and water, will be used; also, mustard and nerve gas, ricin; they have it all available, it is just: when, where and how.

Closing Statement: Islam has never been told, "salvation and the pleasures of paradise" do not go hand in hand; one belongs to God, the other to Satan. This they will find out when they wake up from their suicide bombings, wakeup to find they are in the mosque of hate filled with demonic beings. I suggest they put on their track shoes. But until then, earth must deal with these creatures, for massive causalities will be expected from Islam.


United Nations Part 4; [Mini-Babylon]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 16, 2004

This will be my 4th article [or now you can call it: part IV, I suppose] related to the United Nations. Right when I think I had said all I wanted to say on the subject, I find, I out guessed myself, there is plenty more. Well, I will try to put it to rest after this article, but I got a few emails that reinforced the fact, the fact I needed to write this one, for it is I or someone else needs to bring to the surface the corruption of the United Nations. Someone asked what my qualifications were. You know, that is really funny, what I would ask is: "That is some pretty heavy information you are providing, is it fiction or true," and I wouldn't wait for an answer, if it really mattered, I'd go check it out. But you get the goofballs with the concerned. The goofballs are not concerned about, if my information is right on, rather if I have a right to publish it. Listen up Goofballs; if what I write to you is new, and astonishing, and unbelievable, go check it out. I did my homework, now you go do yours. And what would make me qualified? Twenty degrees in political science [or my three degrees]? How about working at the United Nations [I was there once], or how about having a friend there [I have one], or how about reading newspapers, books magazines? How about all of the above? People get mad at the messenger: get mad at the message and do something about it, or stay a goofball all your life. I do not really spend much time with these firecrackers, they got really nothing to say but gobbolegook, but it is interesting to see how many are misinformed, and get mad that I write what is actually happening.

The world is off balance, and the United Nations is the one trying to keep it that way. The neoconservatives [liken to Kerry, Carter, Clinton, excreta.), has joined the UN who has tried to explain among themselves the need for the United States not to dominate the world, preferring our US Military to be under their wings, so the UN can dominate. Should this happen, as Clinton would like, and Kerry, we will be puppets on a string for them. And another thing I want to say before I get into the bulk of this article, Vienna is right by not wanting Turkey into the EU. I've been to Asia Minor [and to the UN, where they read papers all day, and send email back and forth to their friends], and the Turkish people are fine people, but this is the 21st Century, and Islam would live to baptize Europe into their mosque, the hard way. I personally hope they do, like Bush, but that is out of revenge, and so I should retract that statement.

Emily Dickinson, a great poet once wrote:

"Surgeons must be very careful
When they take the knife!
Underneath their fine incisions
Stirs the culprit,--life!"

Underneath the UN banner, is nothing but stirred up culprits.

1) Iraq has lost about 30,000-sodiers, and about 8,000 civilians, in the most recent war with America, I know, we don't hear about that so much [only our 1000-lives taken by the Iraqis], not sure why, it only says we are cleaning house.

2) Code Falcon, is a project by which the US will be able to send non-nuclear missiles to any country in the world by 2010 AD, this is kind of a secret I suppose, in that, the media has not hyped it up, yet it is available information if you know where to look. In any case, I think this is great, not negative, where the neoconsertives publishes it as.

3) The Bush policy will allow Christian groups (for were we not founded on Christianity - yes) to compete equally with secular groups, the UN does not like this; as if we belong to the EU, or should allow the UN to make our policy.

4) Did you know India pays less than 1-million dollars to the UN, and has more personnel than most other countries on the payroll? Why not, the US puts in 7-billion, get on the payroll boys. Thus, who is paying Annan's salary, you and me?

There is an average of three persons for every job at the United Nations, and the United States is pacifying this, and to blame for allowing this corruption to go on. That is, when you pay 22% of the bill, you should have 22% of the say, not 1%. And for some odd reason we keep turning our heads the other way, and pay, pay, and pay.

Suggestion: the way to bring about reform is to insure no employee is allowed to work for more than 10-years in any UN position, or agency, and to tie the number of staff from any country to its contributions to the UN system. I bet the UN- millionaires club would not like that to happen, did you know they have one. Oh yes, big time, guess who is the head man? Mr. Annan.

Prior to 9/11, a few months prior, I was at the UN, and it is true, they all read newspapers, more than work, and email half the day long, and write books. The big question I think for the USA is this in a nut shell: Is there a return for the United States on its investment? A question that every company asks, we should ask, to me there is not. We are paying people to join the UN-Millionaires club. We are allowing China, Russia and France to sky on us in New York. Did you know that the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPE) has over 25-billion dollars in it, not Francs, or Euros, but dollars! And our SSAN-fund is dwindling [take our 7-billion and put it into the Social Security Fund]. A gift from the American tax payers: to the goofballs out there, go check it out; I will even give you its website: www.unjspf.org ; you can't ask more than that now can you.


The UN-60-years ago was founded, or in l945, next year it will be sixty years old. I was born in l947, so it is two years older than I. Should I ever do a movie or book on this subject, "The United Nations," [Mini Babylon], it would be a "Fahrenheit 911," like Mike Moron's books, I mean, Moore. He is becoming a movie star I see, with the three stooges: Penn, Robinson, and Eastwood, Eastwood has joined the clan; Sharon S. belongs in it too, but she's a lady, and like the Spice Girls, and Whoopi Goldberg, seem to be followers more than leaders.

Again I have to say, I must blame the US for its contributions to the UN's confusion by giving it so much money [I would even be tempted], they don't know what to do with it all so they all live the life of kings. This fraud is the biggest scandal in US history; and deserves a Tony Award.

A) If an employee at the UN spends 10-years in an organization, and is professional, s/he will produce a million dollar bank account, most likely, have a free housing allotment, and a free gas card.

B) Mr. Kofi Annan, now 66-years old, been at the UN since l962, is the most corrupt of the lot. But lets not forget Dr. Shashi Tharoor, from India (under-security general) I like them big titles, the bigger the title, the more justification for the $$$$'s. He is 48-years old, earns $180,000 a year; and he gets a free house and gas, and he sits at his desk and writes books. Who is paying him: it isn't coming from India's treasury, they put their money into the nuclear program, so it is you, the Americans. Give him a giggle, on me, tell him I said to get off his dead behind and do some work:

I don't like "if's" or "buts", but I'll produce one, in this closing statement: if I was president of the US, and I would not want to be, the first thing that I would go do - besides get rid of the goofballs - is close the UN down. I would dismantle it tomorrow, and let Washington debate whatever they seem to debate at the UN at the Nations Capitol. Then I'd turn the UN building into condos, and sell them; then I'd pay back Americans for all the loose change they had to pay these third world money hogs.


United Nations Part 10; The Devil's Parlor

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 23, 2004

Well, somehow I think this article is going to be less substance and more attitude; I listened to John Kerry on the David Letterman Show [9/20/04], and if he didn't sound like a fairy, I'm not sure what [and so I've heard rumor to that affect anyhow]. He looked like Bucky-the-beaver. One difference between him and Goerge W. Bush is he can lie better. This guy has just not anything, I mean nothing that brings out any will in me to vote his way.

And I listened to Bush at the General Assemble at the United Nations speak [9/21/04]; and I was disappointed. The reason being, he gave too much credit to the UN and NATO for helping in Iraq. What are they doing? The UN has 20% of what they should have there for the coming elections, and complain they can't hold elections in January; thus, they create the problem, and then complain to the US, throw it at the US, as they had intended to in the first place saying they created the problems; and NATO, our 40-billion financial burden is prepping-up for doing some minimal training in and for Iraq, which France and its allies are rejecting [Germany and Spain]. Let's get it straight Mr. Bush, how can I support you when you're giving credit where credit is not due. I was actually stunned to hear you credit these tax eating monsters. Take the funds out of Europe and the manpower; send it to Iraq, problem solved for NATO and the UN, and the elections.

And Kofi Annan, he spoke of course at the UN today, and all day long. He said the PLO is killing Israelites, and Israelites are destroying Palestine homes. He got that one right, I was shocked. I thought after I heard that, maybe there is hope for this guy. He said then, "All have a duty to restore...respect...No one above the law." That means you also Mr. Annan; he neglected that, and left out the prestigious United Nations, as if it was steady and within its own law, far from the truth; liar, liar, and so forth. He is worse than Kerry and Bush.

I also listened to a woman who wrote a book on the United Nations, she was on the radio today, I think it was FM 93, can't remember for sure, but she was taking phone calls, and I told myself - after listening for about half an hour - she's not doing very well answering the questions concerning the United Nations, other than saying it is a big organization and as one, one has to look at than when evaluating its missions, etc., so for and so on. Then I said to myself, I'd not go on the radio, or had never thought about it, simply because I'm sure I'd not be all that good with the answers, but listening to her, I'd have done great, and she got a book out; all she really was, was an apologist for the UN's incompetence. Oh well; not sure why we got to apologize for NATO, or the UN, or for anyone. If you screw up, just say so, if not good.

Bush wants to put more money into a new committee at the UN, for assisting democracies, and called on the world nations to assist. Again, he disappointed me. First you got to clean house, for god-sake, how much money do we got to give these unmotivated chumps - we already give them 7-billion for running to the whore houses over in Budapest. Yet I still feel Bush is the right man for office, but he got to be Bush, not a fairy, I mean, not like Kerry.

Incidentally, I think it's been going on since l994, this North Korea thing on nuclear weapons. It has been almost [98.5%] proven, North Korea has eight [8] nukes. Instead of begging these jerks to stop, and having them blackmail us, just give Japan and Taiwan all the nukes they can handle, and watch China get involved: you see when the equation changes, so does the attitude. China doesn't mind North Korea having them, because they are on China's side. And Russia does not mind Iran having them, Iran is on Russia's side; so lets change the equation.


United Nations Part 11; [Goofballs Galore - General Assembly]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 24, 2004

[The Woman] Got an email from a woman today, Marge [another Jane Fonda] somehow I can't preannounce her last name yet. She was mad because I sounded on the United Nations, and she implied I didn't talk enough on my doings in Vietnam that I must had been drunk all the time (she should had read some of my other articles had she really been interested). I emailed her back, wasn't sure what me being in Vietnam had to do with it [she sure weasn't there, all she did was read about it with whomever], but she got the drunk part right, I sure was, like Kerry [maybe not as much, maybe more] - but I wasn't high like he was on dope everyday; and I didn't get a Purple Heart for any scratches I may have gotten - I guess it is ok to sound on anyone she doesn't like but the ones she does like, its forbidden; I just didn't put on any bandages like John Kerry in Vietnam and parade around: look at me, look how hurt I am; his own team from Vietnam, about eight of them will not support him for president, that is saying something. She's mad because she happens to be in the Goofball catagory. It's ok honey, just got to live with it.

I think she's having a hard time believing the United Nations would be subject to any wrong doings, like Kerry. Not sure where she's from, Never-Never Land I think. For some odd reason she thinks I have to conform to her literately standards; let me remained her in the USA we have what is called the First Amendment - for now, with Kerry we may lose that also. And she didn't like that I used the word "African," I suggested she go buy a dictionary, and look at the subject matter. And last but not least, she thinks I lust after money or hate women or both. Not sure in what order. I like money and I like women. I'm not gay if that is what she was inferring to. And I don't hate women because they have money, all the more power to them. And I don't hate Kofi Annan because he is African - it's a fact; I don't hate him anymore than he hates me being an American; for that is what I am. But before I get into this new area of the United Nations, I just wanted to share Marge's provocative email: for her life is centered evidently on her illusions, not reality. Annan cuts the US down almost daily; David Letterman and Jay Leno cut the President down almost daily, she should be protesting them, but she protests me - because I cut down the opposite. Good show, like I've always said, there are enough goofballs out there to fill the Mississippi. It's a two way highway your on Marge, not a oneway.

Iran Testing the Water:

There has been some word-plucking from the Iranian media, concerning the diplomats; particularly the ones negotiating with the IAEA; they feel we American's [not anyone else, like the EU or UN], will not be happy until we deprive Iran of Nuclear Weapons; I thought this was a world goal. They know the issue will not be resolved in November, and they know we are considering striking them, or Israel, I'd had hit them log ago. By the time the UN and EU get going, we will not have to talk anymore they will have the weapons. And around the corner Syria is picking up on this, and of course, North Korea has had them since 1994, and now Brazil, all because the UN and EU are farting around. We might just as well let them have them, since the UN and EU don't care; and load Japan and Taiwan up with as many nukes as possible, they will need them. You see Russia wants Iran to have them, as China wants North Korea to have them, they just don't want anyone else to have them, pro-American.

Oh we are fighting a war way beyond the grips of the cold war.

Iran Testing the Nukes:

Iran feels the passage of the most recent bill, and/or any bills are illegal and barbarous concerning their right to have nuclear weapons, and that the IAEA is against Iranian nuclear technology, Mr. Musavian, the orator of the Iranian delegation, said: "From the beginning of the crisis, we have insisted that Iran's right to exploit nuclear technology in peaceful ways must [be] recognized, and today the three European countries have obviously and officially recognized all Iran's rights according to clause four of the statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency"! What is he talking about: rights, rights to use nuclear weapons [he implies to only have them]? So what concession has been made by the Europeans? They underestimate the Iran is the essence of it. But Iran is trying to convey to their people Europe will go along with their show, as will the United Nations, it is the bad guys, the US they need to fight.

"[From Iran] ...regarding yesterday's resolution of the board of governors, if Iran softens its position on its legitimate rights and agrees to admit and implement the resolution, America and its allies will not need to refer the dossier to the UN Security Council because what they seek to achieve by doing so will be achieved by Iran's acceptance of the resolution.

Don't they intend to deprive the Islamic Republic of Iran of nuclear technology?"

Apparently our respected leaders have forgotten that America and her allies have frequently said that their final goal is to completely deprive Iran of nuclear activities, and during the last two years they have violated all international rules, the NPT, and statute of the IAEA, and safeguard agreements in order to achieve their objectives. Therefore, are we not simple-minded..."

- I see U.S. Ambassador John Danforth greeted Secretary-General Kofi Annan with a congenial "Kofi!" at the start of the day; are we playing games here, with our diplomatic obsequiousness of "Mr. Secretary-General."

- I see Annan ringing the Japanese Peace Bell, too bad he doesn't adhere to it, while watching all the people die in Sudan. The US is the only one I hear condemning them.

- Haiti where I have been [some years ago] pleaded for help with their most recent storm; in addition, speakers expressed their compassion and outrage over the attack of a school in Russia this month that led to the killing of more than over three hundred people.

Annan summed up the guts of the General Assembly, during a lunch with world leaders that almost sat on top of one another, around tables, at the Delegates Lounge. He toasted to world peace and said in essence, the "rifts" remaining over the Iraq war will heal. Yet he will not lift a finger to assist; a two-faced African; who loves money and women; not that I blame him.

United Nations Part 12; [Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmman: CTBTO]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Sept. 25, 2004

His wish is coming true, he is a learned man, a man of importance, a rich man, a man of pleasure, and a man that will do anything to stay in that position. For those who do not know him he is: Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission, Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmman. A big title, and as I have mentioned before, the bigger, the richer; being rich is better than being poor, I'm sure he'd agree with that. But who is he:

He was a refugee from Eastern Europe (Sudaten German) and endured a childhood of hunger, poverty and social exclusion but he vowed to get out of it and become rich; and good for him, he achieved his goal. But with every treasure and effort, sometimes we got to step on people, its part of the compensation for being poor at one time. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Now he compensates by overeating (pork) and drinking beer - I used to like beer, but it got me in trouble, like it is getting him in trouble. I'm sure he says something like this: we are mortal and time is like a puff of wind, suddenly we are gone, dead, so do it now. An old philosophy from the days of Gilgamish, King of Uruk; he actually, kind of actually, reminds me of Gilgamish. I shall explain. He personifies the seven deadly sins [like Gilgamesh, read the epic if you wish to know more of him] and has a voracious appetite for food, sex, money and power; not sure in what order. He hates people who come from a middle class or rich background. Dr. Hoffmann has visited more countries than the Pope and has had sex with more persons than Ron Jeremy. It is no secret to his staff, or amongst the UN as a whole his activities. Furthermore, He grants promotions to both men and women in return for sex. He is a great admirer of Adolph Hitler and Daniela Rozgonova is his mistress. He spares no opportunity to ridicule President George W. Bush and his Administration. He is a man who totally lacks human compassion and emotional intelligence.

He thinks he has a good sense of humor but as Mark Twain once said: "A German joke is no laughing matter." Physically he looks like he was designed by a horde of elves; this short fat, pink faced man who walks around in a bowtie. He is a racist of the first order and is one of the most insecure persons in the United Nations. Unless Dr. Hoffmann is not removed by the U.S. very soon he will continue his anti-American activities.

Wolfgang Hoffmann, born 27 October 1935, married, two children, German national, University and State law degrees and a Doctorate in International Law; Mr. Hoffmann entered the German Foreign Service in 1965.

Postings to the: Permanent Mission in Geneva from 1965 - 1966; Consulate General in New York from 1967 - 1970; Embassy in Ankara from 1973 - 1977; Permanent Mission in Vienna from 1981 - 1985; Embassy in London from 1985 - 1988; Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva from 1993 - 1997.

At the Foreign Office in Bonn Dr. Hoffmann served as: Desk Officer for the Indian subcontinent from 1970 - 1973 Deputy Head of the Science Division from 1977 - 1981; Head of the Environment Division from 1988 - 1993; since March 1997 Mr. Hoffmann serves as the Executive; Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO PrepCom) in Vienna. www.ctbto.org

How we got all these overpaid anti-American in the United Nations, and being paid with American dollars is beyond me. But I hope Bush is restored to office, and let's start with getting Kofi Annan out off or payroll and then Hoffmann, and then his girlfriend. It is like paying someone to sit down and slap you in the face, then pay him for doing a good job at it.


United Nations Part 17; Special Report [Timothy E. Writh]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 5, 2004

Timothy E. Wirth, president, UN Foundation can't figure it out why the United Nations is getting so much bad public attention. If he can not figure that out he needs to be replaced also. He needs to review articles and address them; we need a foundation the world can trust, not one filled with spies trying to drain the United States, bad mouth them at ever corner, take the tax money out of the mouths of Americas. It is like a bad wife, or useless one, you're better with none, than with one that works against you. Timothy is simply trying to keep his job, so I don't blame him for shooting his mouth off, I'd do the same if I was starving, but I don't get paid for this article, so you can see where I'm coming from, its not a job, it's a duty; or call it a contribution.

Take out the US and Japan and they'd go broke, that is 42% of their wages, and we get very little in return. Not a very good investment. I think we can do better.

Dr. John R. Bolton feels the same way from what hear and read. He questions the UN's IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency. Is this Timothy - one of those mishaps where "we are all wrong, and you're right," things? Must be, because I'm not alone on this; anyhow, what I was about to say, was Marion Baillot, says they are "...inefficient against nuclear proliferation..." exactly what we are paying the group to do. Now if I was inefficient, I'd not have a bank account, and whomever I worked for - after a while, if they kept me on the payroll, would go bankrupt, exactly what I am saying about the United Nations, you are bankrupt, the only thing carrying you from day to day is the American and Japanese tax payers. The rest of the world pay so little they don't count; that includes China who pays little and gets much, and Russia with all its oil, can't figure out how these two clowns get away with paying next to nothing.

Why doesn't the UN put suicide bombings, under the/or into the "crimes against humanity," because they are mostly centered toward Jews, that is another dilemma I find with the UN. If it wasn't for the US, the United Nations and its silly court system, would have them all hung from trees. As would the EU; and don't look so surprised, they all know it, except us Americans, we seem to be in the fog.

The Cuban spokesman said President Roosevelt handcuffed the UN and so does President Bush. He would have us let Saddam go and his Henchman so they could kill at will the citizens of Iraq, but then, the spokesman was being paid by whom other than a dictator like Saddam, Castro. So we let the slime talk at the UN, against us, and we listen, but be that as it may, they don't pay a dime, yet the UN let's them go play pool, use the computers, and the long distance phone calls, it's on the tax payers of Japan and America - not on Annan's country in Africa that gets a lot and pays if anything, a child could count it. So yes, a few things get me upset about the United Nations, as it should you.


United Nations Part 23; [New World Order]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 11, 2004

New World Order

Most of us have heard - now, for awhile of this New World Order - that it was/or is in the making, was/ and now is coming; we all heard of it for a while now - or should have, this so called New World Order [I repeat myself to insure you get this message]. I started reading about it in, or around l983, along with some of the first books I read about Globalism. This whole concept was a new world for me back then; it has been in the making though for over two-hundred years, for a long time. But Reagan and the Pope [John Paul II] interrupted its finalization. But I'm getting ahead of myself again; so the date has/was moved up to around 2010+ for it to be fully developed. France is one of the main pushers of this new order, and it actually did originate in England long before I was born, and the elite of Oxford, had their worksheets working on this concept. What we see in this developing New World Order, which the Pope has/or is against, really against; what we see is, in addition to the Popes agitation with this, a conspiracy to force the US into this dangerous World Government. Thus, we got the EU and the UN working together on this; along with other groups.

In Romans 12, it says in so many words [for us Christians, anyways]: do not conform to this world; there is good reason for that, we are being brought into Lucifer's/Satan's Road Map - France's Glory, and America's demise. The Counsel on Foreign Affairs is involved with this ongoing conspiracy. As Mr. Goodwater's book indicates, the Trilateral Commission is one of the agent's against America with this concept. In the book of Revelation, Chapter 17, we see the EU/revised Roman Empire taking hold of the world by force or dialogue: which ever works. The Club of Rome was for this world order also.

So these are dangerous times, and many forces are working against us, as Americans and Christians. But as it says in the bible: let not your heart be troubled, the Lord will be coming with thousands of his saints.

President Bush has resisted this movement also, but Kerry has not. When it comes about, we will be simply part of a worldwide computer chip.


Someone had mentioned to me yesterday the name Professor Norman G. Finkelstein. Born 1953, went to the University that F. Scott Fitzgerald went to, whom lived but four blocks from my apartment building I used to own; both went to an Ivey League college. Scott's books, of which I read most, and have most first editions, have more mistakes in them than my books have; and gee I only went to the University of Minnesota, the University of Maryland, the Troy State University (part of the University of Alabama system); a theological seminary [6-months], and est., so when I hear that, I'm almost impressed, but then when I check out his essays I'm not all that impressed, I think: where did all the brain power go; I mean logic and common sense, which is not all that common nowadays. But I thank this old dinosaur for this knowledgeable information on this guy called Norman, although I do not agree with much of his circular discussions, the dinosaur, but he makes more sense than Norman, and is less anti-Semitic (I think). I guess I look at what people say, and then what they do. And most say it is not true, and go do the very thing they are accused of.

But I'm getting a little off track, what I wanted to bring to surface was of course the United Nations anti-Semitic character. Now I do realize most of us know there is an ardent desire in the UN, with/by most nations to cripple Israel, if they could (they would). It is not new, and even Kofi Annan is well known for his hate in this area. So let's not pretend there is not a snake running loose in the halls of the UN after little Israel, Mr. UN. That is why Israel has to be careful, least they are eaten alive by the UN snakes.

But anyhow, why is it that over half of the UN's emergency meetings end up condemning Israel? I mean that is a big amount. Also, why is it that Israel is the only, I mean only, only, only - nation in the world, disqualified from joining the Security Counsel Membership? Yes, yes, the snakes have infested the halls with Semitic poisons. I realize I will not change a thing on this earth, but at least it should be down right clear.

From what I've read, and I have not read all that much, Norman is not for the Jew, and as far as I can see he is an outcast Jew. But that is his right, or racket; however it comes to be. He feels Israel has a Gestapo type security system. If I was living in Israel, next to the PLO, I'd have more then a Gestapo type system in place, I'd had built that wall mighty quick; I'd had built it twenty-five years ago. Matter of fact, I'd not had let the PLO move in, in the first place, after they got kicked out of Jordan, and Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. I mean, when your own kind do not want you around, you need a Gestapo type system in place, if you want to see the sun rise tomorrow anyways. This guy Norman also believes in armed resistance, but on the other hand I read a statement, he'd prefer dialogue, but then don't they all say that. I'm sure the PLO is happy to have a Jew who has published four books - it sounds like - against Zionism. It makes their day.

You would think, since the Middle East has 600-times the geographical land mass as Israel, that someone would give the PLO a little land as to build their nation on. But of course, that is not the purpose is it.

United Nations Part 24; [Zionism/Lucifer/Vienna's UN]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 11, 2004

Lucifer (the angel with the light)/Zionism

It is hard to figure where to start with all this UN-stuff, but wherever I start you can rest assure, the carrier of light, the angel of light has been there and the God of the air. If you look in the bible you will see he is none other than Lucifer, now called Satan.

I was corrected by Henk [Destree]; he said Zionism (said to me) is not the Jewish Movement, as I implied in my article, referring to the Lobby in Washington. Fetishism, I could use, I suppose. So lets, or let me look at this, how I could have screwed this all up so bad. I think what he is trying to tell me is that you can be a Jew, live in Israel and not be in the "movement," or "advancing of the Jewish National State of Israel." I can figure this out because one of the carriers of light against Zionism is none other then Professor Norman G. Finkelstein. But the truth of the matter is they normally go hand in hand. But for confusion sake - as Finkelstein would surely agree with, Henk (I think) since Norman has been kicked out of the good graces of the Jewish state, and Zionism, and Israel, we can separate them, but they are simply layers; so Charles, I'm sorry if I confused the swordsmen who would wish to cut off the heads of Zionist and not the heads of Jews.

Vienna's UN

The CTBTO-PTS Executive Secretary Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann hosted a breakfast meeting on 8th October at the Vienna International Center for a group of Ambassadors mainly Europeans who support his stay in this post as long as he desires. Something tells me he is rounding up all the folks he can muster to keep his job.

At a meeting held yesterday the European Union (EU/Satan's carrier of light) under the current Presidency of the Netherlands proposed the postponement of the vote to elect his successor till June 2005 so that the heads of the other Vienna-based international organizations, the IAEA and UNIDO can also be held and states and regional groups can nominate common candidates. This move has been opposed by the developing states as it is a clear ploy by Dr. Hoffmann to extend his stay and continue to abuse his position. The original vote was to be held on Friday, 8th October 2004. But you can't blame him can you, get all you can while you can. And he has put so much work into his deception, I mean, why not reap the rewards as long as he can, so I think he feels. But even he will only be used long enough by the Angel of Light, to satisfy his needs.

Dr. Hoffmann is planning another luxury trip (he loves to travel ((getting some sun, sand and sex)) this time to eight states: South Asia included, Bhutan, India and Pakistan which have not signed the CTBT and to Nepal and Sri Lanka which have not ratified it. Afghanistan, Bangladesh and the Maldives have ratified it of course. Hoffmann will also be at the UNGA in New York in late October to address the First Committee of the General Assembly (him and Annan and the Angel of Light, can figure out where next to go). How many more of his holidays will the U.S taxpayers, and Japanese fund (which is 42.5 % of the total UN budget) have to support such play? Daniela Rozgonova is likely to accompany him on his travel; she just can't keep her hands off this guy, what is it. He must be a swinger, or good company.

It is well know within the walls of the Vienna UN that the incompetence and abuse of power by Dr. Hoffmann and the Chief of the Public Information Section, Daniela Rozgonova is an on going saga with our tax monies. How long will this be allowed is a good question? And to be quite honest, I wonder about the personality of Daniela Rozgonova, it would seem to me it is a disorder (reminds me of a gal I had the pleasure of writing a while ago to, and they both seem a little like each other ((Alyce Ornella)). Anyhow, in my professional opinion, and I'm retired from counseling, thank god, I'd call it paranoid - Daniela Rozgonova; I can't prove that, but I sense it, I have like a scent, and it leads me to that, and by empirical data.

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives (maybe I might be her sinister motive, but I'm not around her so I've got to eliminate me). People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others (in this case she has let of course the horny Hoffmann in (and again Alyce comes to mind, not in the horny part, just the sinister motive part). They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others (here comes Henk). They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges. There is, something called illusions of people while in this state, involutional paranoid and other states of course. As there is in psychoses also a paranoid type (chemical use, and surely abuse should not be tolerated if there is a disorder present of this magnitude); but enough of that, it is of course conjecture. And like all of the above, I've got my opinion.

Nonetheless, I'm sure Daniela Rozgonova is still collecting her US$10,000 of tax free money, for "work" of some 40-hours a month, and I hear she likes them coffee shops during office hours. I like them myself, Barnes and Noble in Roseville, at Har Mar Mall has a good one, Gary is the store manager, look him up, tell him I sent you, I'm sure he'll give you a good cup of coffee, and Jerry is the manager of the coffee shop. Ann Rule was there the other day, nice lady. We got talking about disorders than I had to skip and watch the Presidents debate. She left a book there for me a nice inscription, than I ended up giving one of my books away. Not good for business. Anyhow, let me add, the fact that she continues in her post after four years of doing this same routine, means that the PTS management has no sense, or a bad sense of humor; or third, is getting rewarded on the side.

The recent PTS picnic, a lunch for the most part where Dr. Hoffmann and Daniela themselves with a group of 150-staff members and their young children, waited in line in the hot sun for over an hour, as an Ambassador said and I heard, kind of heard, "...his country and regional group want the 'German Swine Hoffmann replaced ASAP."


United Nations Part 25; [Fragments And Lashes]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 13, 2004

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom lashes out at the EU, while the UN looks the other way trying to figure out how to win the US election for Kerry [focus, focus]. It would seem the UK is not happy lately with their partner the EU; I cannot blame them.


Italy blocks Germany's bid for a UN-permanent membership on the Security Counsel; to me that would be like putting the Chief United Nations Officer-Annan as the Vice President of the United States, god help us all then. Good for Italy though. We all ready have two Europeans on the Security Counsel [France and England], do we really need more [?] I would say let Rome on before Berlin; President Berlusconi of Italy has been more of a friend than the Germans, whom we supported for fifty- years (get them off our welfare roll). The Romans know better than to trust the Germans, we should learn by them. Schroeder, the German Gestapo would love to put his heel under Rome, and then France and Germany can have a hay-day at the UN trying to put their heel under the US.

I suggest we give Asia another look, such as Japan, why not, they pay 20% of the total UN bill and get 1% of its rewards (if that). Russia and China pay 35-million together (but can buy rockets and nukes up the dupa - and in the billions of dollars), a drop in the bucket compared to Japan's contribution of 6.5-billion dollars a year, not yen; and get all the glory they want from the UN Chief, Annan, and France: that is loose change for Japan's donations. Plus, it would give a better balance for Asia; but China would most likely pick North Korea for the seat, and Russia would pick Iran for the Security Counsel seat. Iran has already tired to become Mr. Annan's opponent; better put, he'd like his job and has requested so.


Michael J. Fox, as we all know has turned from TV, to activist, with all respect intended, are we know using Fox's Parkinson's disease to get votes for Kerry. I have Multiple Sclerosis, should I use that to get votes for Bush. Come on now let's leave the voting for logic, not sympathy. I even see Kerry running to Reeves funeral, and give a lecture on Superman's behalf, hoping for possibilities. I thought I saw it all in campaigns, until now. Mr. Kerry paid tribute to the death of Mr. Reeves and told the public how inspired he was. I was not inspired by Mr. Kerry's uncouthness, but Mr. Reeves did contribute to those who bore his sickness, likewise.


I think the Financial Times [FT] is getting more biased by the week, like Dan Rather; but I suppose it is their right, since it is their newspaper. I will have to turn to the New York Times, which I used to read. John Howard won his 4th term as Australia's President in spite of backing Bush up in Iraq. Smart guy and a man with grit and integrity, more than I can say about Singapore, and South Korea, which are getting soft; the United Nations don't like this of course, nor does Kerry, but you know it is what the people want, and when you have an ally that is what that country should be.

Why on God's earth do we even have even one soldier in Old Europe is beyond me, they despise us, pull them out tomorrow Mr. Bush. And now South Korea is crying help, as I predicted they would, for us to leave our troops there in fear of the Panda Bear (China) and the Axis of Evil empire swarming down to eat them up, which they would do. I would tell them tomorrow: send an equal amount of troops to Iraq or guard your own country yourself; butch of belly aching cowards.

United Nations Part 26; [World War IV/Israel and Iran]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 14, 2004


It doesn't seem to click with a lot of people, not sure if we are in a fog, underwater, under a spell or just dumb. The issue, the real issue, the one under the surface, the one not always looked at, the one floating, racing around the globe is not Saddam per se, nor is it Iraq, or Iran and its nuclear quest like North Korea per se; nor is it Al Queda specifically, or Syria and Saudi Arabia who sponsor and support terrorist acts and groups in the name of Allah, harbor them in their backyard, breeding them like a litter of jackals in search of its next victim [s]; nor is it the United Nations directly, but is indirectly; and Israel normally the scapegoat for most everyone's owes, shouldn't be - but is part of this global phenomenon and global paranoia. It is all of the above combined, collectively. It starts at the United Nations and circles the globe from New York to San Francisco, to Japan and Java, Bali, the Pacific and right on to India and the Middle East to Berlin and Paris, and stops in Washington D.C. The truth of the matter is we are in WWIV. Plain and simple, WWI was fought in the trenches; WWII fought on land, sea and in the air, and WWIII, the cold war was fought in/with skirmishes, rhetoric repeat over and over; spies, finances and in body bags. Now WWIV - is upon us, it will be fought differently in that, it will be on our doorsteps, it is just a matter of time [has already started].

And so when we talk about how Bush sent troops to Iraq, and NATO is in Afghanistan, as well as Eastern Europe, and France is in Africa trying to put out fires, and South Korea is afraid of their own shadows now, since we said we were moving out, it proves it is not Iraq alone, it is the world at large, that is at war, and all of a sudden instead of fighting it jointly, the world has stepped back and let the USA fight it alone, for their own personal reasons and most of them prideful and financial. But in so doing they have allowed themselves to become vulnerable.

All I hear is countries and the United Nations talking about the USA and how they want more money [do this, do that, while they do nothing but talk, cheap talk]; the is EU talking about the World Trade, and contracts, while we are fighting a war; the World Court trying to get America to fall under its authority while we are fighting two wars; the world oil supply goes down, down and down - while China's use goes up, up up. We are living in dangerous times, somehow I think this division has opened up doors for the enemy in all directions - and showed America who can and who we can not trust (possible God sent); and let's not shoot the blame, or point fingers at the USA, it's a cheap trick, and one used often to take the focus off them. The "if's" and "but's" belong in your own backyard.

In a like manner, he world has let Israel fight its own battle, and when it starts to win the war of terror in its back yard then the world wakes up and gets in a moody position, but does not lift a finger to stop the terrorist acts, but finds room to condemn Israel for self- preservation, as it has now done to the USA. It's always the guy with the big mouth that that puts the penny in the donation slot, and waits in line to get a free meal thinking he done humanity a great service - that is the United Nations in a nutshell, concerning Israel, and now its arrogance towards the United States. On a last note, let me say, everyone is counting how much money we are spending on war in Iraq. Every war costs; but it has to be measured on what it would cost if we do not wage war. Possible another city bombed, or what.


The Question is arising in Israel [and at the UN], day by day, should or should they not bomb Iran's nuclear installations? It is a simple question for me. If my neighbor had a machine gun, and he was known for using it on his neighbors he did not like, he would not have it long I assure you of that, police or no police I would find a way to take it away or bury it, with or without him. Or put it another way, my neighbor has a wild dog in her backyard - or it is becoming wild, and it can jump over the fence I think, I've watch the dog grow from a pup, and in another six months should its master tell it to jump on me, over the fence, it will be able to do so; and it will some day I'm sure do it without the masters call. Thus, should I wait or should I kill it. It would be very easy to kill now, harder later, especially if it attacks me first. I have tried endlessly to avoid any such happenings, but she says she has a right to have a mild or wild dog, but she allows the dog to run around the yard without a careful eye on it. Should I do a pre-emptive strike on this dog? Or wait until it eats my little cute wife up? Things are never so simple are they? She wants her rights without responsibility.

Tel Aviv is considering such a move, and I can't blame them, I hope we sell them the "bunker buster," bombs they need, it will forestall whatever dreams they [they being: Iran per se] have on shooting one over to the University at Tel Aviv. These precision-guided bombs are capable of doing much damage underground. And anyway you cut the pie, Israel knows as does Tehran, Iran will have nuclear weapons by 2007, and use it for a first strike. Major-General Giora Eiland, National Security Adviser is very concerned on this matter, feeling, anyone trying so hard to get the big bomb is surely going to use it, blackmail with it, or both.

In the mean time Iran has not cooperated with the United Nations IAEA, and faces sanctions, which they laugh at - for they have defied the UN out right and think nothing of it. The question might be: how close are they to nuclear capability [launch capability will be in 2007]. Well, they are at the moment right on top of it. They are there. Who will be next to want it? Let me guess, how about the wild card: Syria; and why not Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Kam has bellowed out of his lungs, is so many words: should the IAEA not be able to persuade Tehran to stop its nuclear ambitions, the US should intervene militarily. First of all, the IAEA has failed already, it is written history. Second, let Israel do the fly over if they want (it is their gain or loss); all the better, save jet fuel for American tax payers, and they are pretty good at it. And why wait - for what?

[#27: Do we need the UN to oserve our elections; a new request from world leaders to control our country]


United Nations Part 27; UN-US Eagle-eyes and UN Corruption

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 15, 2004

Who wants want?

A number of NGOs (non-governmental organizations ((basically Kerry supporters)): Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the Economic Human Rights Project, Alliance for Democracy and National Welfare Rights Union want the United Nations (in essence they want to beak in) to monitor, observe closely the elections of November 2, 2004 - presidential elections in the United States, in fear Bush might make it a second term. A petition has been in the making. This of course would take a mandate from the General Assembly I would think [as a request from a Government, not a group, or legislative branch], and we could I assume veto it should it go to the General Assembly. The OSCE, based in Vienna is the main regional security organization, so it would have to - I suppose again, come out of there as a package wrapped up under crisis management/intervention. In addition, the Europeans would like to observe at first hand the elections also.


Europeans are not welcome in my eyes to observe anything in the USA except tourist attractions; that is, in election capacity for sure; they are not American citizens, and it is even rude of them to ponder the thought. As the France said to the US not long ago, "Stay out of our politics." The only thing they want is to influence the decision making.

The United Nations would do well to monitor their selves before they try to monitor us also; from what I see, they got a long and hefty road ahead of them trying to do just that; how on earth can one expect them to monitor us when they are so scornful and corrupt themselves. If they want to monitor so bad, get on over to Iraq, they are begging for them there. How come they did not want to monitor the Russian Elections? It is the old saying: clean up your own house before you try to clean up ours. I don't trust the UN's motives anymore than I do the Europeans: neither are they trust worthy - least they think I'm gullible.

And these cheesy - NGO-groups wanting US citizens to be subject to this is an act if not violation of our privacy. Go save the whales.

UN Corruption

Corruption in the United Nations, you got to be kidding. A woman wrote me about a month ago, just couldn't believe the UN was a pot of crickets, as they say in Peru: she even went as far as trying to make me feel as if it was a sacred temple, and I'd be hell bound for my truths. My dear lady (I think she has seen the Angel of Light, the one God kicked out of heaven, Lucifer the deceiver), the UN is a snakeskin; meaning, snakes shed their skins, as do other animals. In this case, we have to see where it came from - the snakeskin. It was the first skin: that being, the League of Nations, when they became so corrupt and squabbling, useless, and could do no good for world order or peace, it was abandon for - you got it, the UN, thus, it shed its skin. It's a simple matter of reviewing history. Well, now is the time to shed its skin again, and come up with a new order for peace. As the old saying goes, if it doesn't work and you can't fix it, throw it away. It is by all means, a costly old rusty rim on a new Catallac.

But let's look at this a little deeper. The "Oil for Food," generated some $67 billion dollars in profits for food. Where did all this money go? Supposedly there is a committee looking into this, but it is no surprise to many; why? because it is not only clear to the Iraqi government, but to the US Government as well where it all went. Let me explain. In January, 2004, the Iraqi Newspaper al-Mada came out with a list of 270- names, people-names, who were involved with the corruption (some 11-billion and possible much more), to include governments, activists, journalists and UN staff. A report came out saying a top UN official took bribes from Iraq to subvert the program. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said recently, he was funding a $30-million dollar investigation into this matter, funding it out of Iraqi funds - nonetheless. How will he save his soul, I don't know.

Anyhow, now it should be plain to see why France and Russia opposed the war in Iraq so strongly: they never wanted peace, why: payoffs in the billions. Thus, Saddam was their golden boy. Why else would they fight so hard against the US: money, money, money and more money; they were in stone-shock when we went against their golden wishes. They could careless if the women got raped or freedom to vote went down the drain, that is why they opposed us so cold heartedly now and then; nor do they care/or did they care about the children if they ate - they, like Saddam, took the food out of their mouths and bought their French wine with it (if anybody should carry the shame box, it is them); nor did they care who sat in the prison cells (except when the US took possession of them), or in the trench-graves, that they found back then and recently. The French are friends to no one unless there is a gift waiting. It was, and is money, money and more money all the time for them and the over stocked corrupt UN. The French are a profit for hire country, meaning: do as you please as long as you pay, and we'll look the other way.


United Nations Part 28; [Abortions/Gestaposim/Syria-Annan]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 16, 2004


The Bush Administration has not jumped at the chance to follow the many at the United Nations again, and they just can't figure it out. Really, 250-world figures jumped at the chance to promote Family Planning, but no one is saying, under the surface is hidden Abortion, no, they are just saying: Bush will not go along with the world agenda. Ted Turner the tycoon who funds the UN Foundation helped organize the dispatch.

Let's look at a few of these world leaders: Jimmy Carter, he's an old Baptist boy like me, and should be ashamed of himself for backing such a request. And Bill Clinton, he'll go along with anything for a joke. And 47-Nobel Prize winners, you can tell the value of the prize by the smell of the death that sticks to it. The Nobel Committee has lost its credibility long ago; it's an activist organization now, and not worth its salt; I'd rather get a Bronze Star.

The good thing about this is President Bush has held $34-million of its funds for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA); let Ted flip the bill if he likes it so much.

Also, Washington does not have to prove anything [as they think it should], if they want the money, they have to prove it is not for abortion, which they now proclaim it is not so they can get the money; yet in practicability, it is. If this is not so, where are they getting the funds to perform them abortions with? I personally do not want one dime of my tax money to go to the UN-Baby-Killer-Fund.

UN-German Gestapo's

Everyone seems to want to be part of the Permanent Security Council at the UN nowadays. Japan wants the prize, and China and South Korea oppose it; Argentina and Mexico want to stop Brazil from gaining a head seat on the committee; Poland and Italy want to block the Germans,-- while France and Britain support the Gestapo's. It a madhouse with all these UN aspirations, but what I find really, I mean really funny is: I want to say paradoxical, but really should say hypocritical, is this: Germany supported the war in Kosovo without a UN mandate, and it opposed the Iraq war, because the US and UK could not secure a Security Council endorsement. Schroder was of course the one behind this. Plus he was against toppling Saddam, even if the UN approved it. I think Germany was better off with Helmut Schmidt. In any case, Germany is going back to the days of Gestapoism.

Syria, can you hear!

The UN has been bellowing out its request that Syria pull out its 14,000-troops of Lebanon for a long time now and even got a resolution to that effect. What is the good of a resolution when they laugh at them, and threaten the UN, and the UN sinks to accepting payoffs? Even Kofi Annan's son is on the hit list for payoffs.

The UN says they will keep the heat on Syria, and want the secretary general to report back to the Security Council in three months. So what does Lebanon do for the next three months? The UN is a paper-tiger.

In addition, Syria, France and Russia are all three a sad case, to say the least. During the months before the war with Iraq, Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk Al-Shara, told the world, and the Security Counsel, war with Iraq was not the solution (as did France and Russia), that peace can be achieved without armed military. Now during all this chitchat, guess what, Syria was rolling in the dollars - yes, while this hypocrite was telling us we should have peace, he was getting paid off by contracts, from Saddam, while Saddam was buying machine guns, 20-million worth; and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs). So when the French, Syrian or Russian want to stand tall and say peace, look behind it for $$$-signs, pocket money. And guess where the delivery points were, right in Syria, at a sum of $1.2 billion worth of forbidden weapons.

So if you think they are friends doing us favors, think again, they care less about peace or terrorism until it hits home. And that goes for Secretary General Kofi Annan, one of the biggest heels the UN has yet to breed. Simply look at Rwanda and Sudan, which has proven he cannot influence a soul. Leadership is influencing, and this guy is a disaster waiting to happen; not only to world peace, but America per se. Furthermore, he wants 778-new positions for the UN, at 97-million dollars, now who is going to pay for it, how about his country. He's also worried about Japan pulling their 6.5- billion out of their UN fund that would mean the Millionaires Club might not survive. I wrote about that before, he of course belongs to it. And the concept is: if you can stay ten-years at any given UN, at a decent position, you will be in the club, thus you will be a millionaire, no matter if you were feeding pigs in Rwanda before you got to the UN.


United Nations Part 30; [The Goon-Squad In Terrorism]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 19, 2004

Let's get down to the grit-and-crap of the of the trash can of this issue. Terrorism is here to stay why - Right? Maybe not you say. Wishful thinking - maybe you're right. Well let's go back to the United Nations, we have to end up there one way or another, it starts there, and it will end there. As we all know, the Security Council voted to condemn terrorism recently. The resolution was brought forward by none-other than, Russia; still crying over its recent terrorist attack, had it not been for that, 9/11 did nothing to them to force this vote - or them coming forward. But when it's in your own backyard, well, it's a different story isn't it. And to be quite honest, it was not easy to even get the vote they got, a lot of neck twisting went on behind the scenes.

The main reason the United Nations is having trouble with getting a decent terrorist resolution, besides a simply vote in place, or even condemning it is not because of the United Nations per se, I hate to admit, or the West, but the collapse is in the Organization of the Islamic Conference [the Muslims], it has fifty-six of the UN's 191-members defending terrorism as a right, and the Qur'an and Allah backing them up. How can you fight them when you got their bible backing them up? You will never get a decent resolution out of that.

Solution [fight fire with fire; rights with rights]: People will say: this is too harsh, we are a civilized society; but remember who you are fighting, a non-civilized environment; the US/UK and Russia [leave the rest of the cowards out] should create a goon-squad, and start doing the same thing the goons do, attack. Use tax payer's money (why not, they use it for abortions), use it for killing the Islamic-goons, like Israel does. They got a hit squad, and when the unofficial-official government goes for a strike, strike them back. Matter of fact, strike them back anyhow - before they strike (they got big cities to, and places of worship). They got a lot of targets just like Madrid, and Russia and New York, and Bali. Who do you hit, how do you think these folks are supporting themselves, it's the nice countries like Saudi Arabia, and our friends in Syria, and Egypt, and Jordan giving them paychecks. If you see a paycheck coming from them, then they are the enemy. Too simply, right, I thought so. So wait until we get hit again. But once you fight fire with fire, see how fast they want to sign the "Terrorism," act.

United Nations Part 31; Peruvians Need Food Fast

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 21, 2004

The United Nations, believe it or not did one good thing, or is trying to do one good thing, or would like to do it, but hasn't done it, not sure why, but they are talking about it. I live in Peru as well as Minnesota, land of 13,000-thousand lakes (not 10,000-as they put on their car license-plates), and lots of cornfields. But the friendly people of southern Peru are starving to death - right this very minute. Their weather for some reason destroyed their harvests, and the UN has looked into this; someone must have kicked them in the chin. President Bush if you read anything today, read this--please.

The World Food Program [WFP] has said the people in Puno are getting little or nothing to eat up there in the southern region of the mountains. Where is the fly-ins with food? All going to some other place I think. We got some starving people over there, down there and then up. They could use a quick two or three million dollars to feed them for the next six months, it wouldn't take much on a world wide scale - Pepsi got more than that from the Iraqi Food Fund Program for Oil, for money lost during the l990 war - so it has been claimed (for an example). Call it emergency food or what. These people are the friendliest in the world, have done no one any harm, not like half the Islamic rebels around the world. If we can find food for them, feed our enemy, we are surely going backwards.

Severe storms in June took most of the food, or cereal crops. And during this time many of the households' animals died, they also starved to death, if not froze. A survey by the WFP has said 91% of the children are suffering with malnutrition in that area. Send the trucks, the planes lets get food to them. Everybody waiting on the US, while the fat cats and healthy millionaires-club at the UN discuss whose pockets the money is going to come out of, how about Annan's he's got a pocket full (by the time his scandal is over he may not); he's done his dirty deeds and can afford it anyway, but he's for Annan no one else, other than his son who he is most likely in business with. Time will tell.

It is well understood, half of Peru's population is below the poverty line; and of that 25% or close to 7-million in extreme poverty, they live on less than one dollar a day; are good Christian folk, not Islamic Killers. Geneva, wake up and send the money, take a few trucks out of the PLO-war zone (the ones you give to them to haul bombs back and forth with), and stop helping them kill Jews for a few days, and do a humanitarian deed. These people of Peru do not kill anything and are starving, and the UN gives them less priority than anyone else. It leads me to believe the more destruction you do, the more the UN wants to help you.


United Nations Part 33; Bill Clinton As Secretary-General?

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 23, 2004

Bill Clinton for UNSG [chief]

A likely United Nations candidate: Bill Clinton. Yes, yes, he's going to try and fit into the big shoes of Kofi Annan, secretary-general. I thought about this all day, pondered on it. Good or bad idea. Well, here is what I came up with (don't like it turn the page). He'll never make it if Bush is president, and I don't blame him (blame Bush that is). If John Kerry is president, he will not like it either (a thorn in the butt), but it would be hard for Kerry not to assist him in his grab for the power strings at the UN. Will he be worse than Annan, not sure anyone can be. One of the problems I see is: he is the one that let bin Laden become The Bin Laden we know today. He could have taken him out of the story book, had he had enough guts, or is it courage, or indifference - its one or all three of them. Bush inherited what Clinton left behind and it was a big garbage can full. But I'm sure France, Germany, Russia and China would love to have him there, they can get what they want. And Hillary can start her prancing about Arafat again; I think she's got it for that guy, her hero. It can't be bad for the UN thought, or all that bad as far as image goes, they are as un-prestigious as a moron with a golden necklace. That is to say, when your down - how low can you go, because they are there, you got no place else to go: except if you start digging. Bill would love to live in the glass tower of the UN. Something tells me if Clinton gets in, if the Security Counsel lets him in, and Bill is running around buying votes this very minute; not sure what he is promising, or can offer the UN beside more controversy and scandal in the sexual area. He has Jimmy Carter backing him up, another loser. As I was about to say, if he gets in, we are in for a merry-go-round ride.

Lunatics Leading the World

There recently have been a number of books published on the affairs of the UN, but one in particular seems to have gotten the United Nations chief mad, Annan and his associates. Why: because they have exposed them, and if you think I have done a job trying to expose them, I've done nothing compared to these three authors. The UN is so mad they have tried to censure it, block its publishing, which of course only makes people more interested in what they do not want them to see. So I shall tell you what they do not want you to see, just a little: 1) The UN Bulgarian battalion of Criminal lunatics [drunk all the time], hired by the UN to fill quotas. 2) Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda and Liberia, "It actually allowed genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia," says the authors [Thomson, Cain and Postlewait/ considered whistle-blowers]]. They add also in so many words 3) there is lots of sex involved with the UN. Postlewait was almost killed in Somalia, and its seems she went a little crazy over there [calling it "Emergency sex"]. It is surely not a normal life she had to live under the UN-banner.

Thomson saw his share of body-bags, corpses in Rwanda and Bosnia, only to give this advice: "If blue-helmeted U.N. peacekeepers show up in our town or village and offer to protect you, run. Or else get weapons. Your lives are worth so much less than theirs."

As I have said once if not a hundred times, the blame goes to none other than Kofi Annan, it happened on his watch, just like the growth of al-Queda happened on Clinton's watch. We can blame Bush, but it is well understood when he took office, the plans were already in motion for 9/11.

The UN has over 100,000-personel, peacekeepers, and 17,000 of them making 1-billion dollars. Our train to destiny is not with Annan, or Clinton; just more scandalous, and more books about them wanting to be written; but it should be interesting.

United Nations Part 34; The Butchers From Damascus

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 24, 2004

You ever hear the old saying: when you want to get something done, that was urgent, needed at the moment: the other person says have patience, but adds "It's a slow boat to China." In a like manner, the world at large, and the United Nations [and Israel and the US] are all too slow to help little Lebanon. This is a growing issue, and the UN has only scratched its surface. A resolution is being passed, or has been [a few of them I think], but like Bosnia and Rwanda the world waits (not sure for what; more blood?), do we wait to enforce it while the Butchers from Damascus, keep butchering the kind and friendly Lebanese people.

They do have a hero, but the Syrians butchered him, Danny Chamoun. The Syrian Arab Republic did a good job on him, so good the nurses could only look in mortification at him and his family after the butchers took over, there was little they could do but clean him up. Kofi Annan! Listen-up, and watch - you are again, watching butchery and doing nothing (as you have done so many other times): the UN is supposed to be a place to create safety and peace. But again our ungrateful, secretary-general can do little but put forth a resolution that does very little to scare the Syrians. Ingrid Chamoun was full of blood like her husband from her head to her ankles, the Butchers from Damascus did a good job on her also, in what they call, traitors, whom are trying to stand up for liberty and freedom to run their country - in their own country. These folks do not get the benefits of what oil can bring, nor do they belong to the Ben Laden gang. That is why they have tried to build up Beirut, which was once the Berlin, and/or Paris of the Middle East. It was coming back to that, with the nation's hard work. Not like dusty-bowl of old Damascus.

- Danny Chamoun had a wholesome smile, and was a fighter, and family man, all the things a man should be. He didn't have to ask what a man was made of he was one. His wife was lovely, and so were his children, I think a boy and girl, they would have been proud of him, and he them. His family was assassinated on October 21, l990, this elegy is past due by a few days, if not a decade. But how long does one have to wait for the Syrians to withdraw their troops.

The Lebanese people do not want them there, Danny said: "Our President takes his orders from Damascus." And that is the whole picture in a nutshell. I'm surprised no other Arab countries have intervened to kick these nasty Syrian roaches out. Maybe they are too busy trying to scorn America, and can't find time to take care of its own kind, and so let the US deal with it.

The last legitimate and constitutional government in Lebanon was dismantled on Oct 13, l990, since then the government is a puppet n a subservient game to Syrian interests (if I know this, the UN has to know this, and the US President has to know this, and Paris and Berlin has to know this, and Cairo and Saudi Arabia has to know this, but where are you, hiding like an Oustrage over puny little Syria, no wonder Syria wants the Atomic Bomb; once they get it, they will never move out of Lebanon (it will become an annexed state, which in essence is now; unofficially). And here we are talking about one of the most horrific governments in support of terrorism worldwide ruling in violation of the United Nations resolutions; a country with some 40,000-troops hidden in the texture, not only taking their jobs away, so they cannot feed their children, but their freedom. Another Kuwait, without Saddam's oil or Kuwait's wealth; it is not really news to say, over one-million jobs have been lost to the citizens of Lebanon, and taken by untaxed Syrians. Here is a country begging for Democracy and liberty and where are we Americas, the United Nations, out playing volley ball?

United Nations Part 35; [Sour-Milk Issues]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 25, 2004


I'll explain the sour milk in a moment, please have patience with me, I'm in slow motion this evening; the reason being, when I was working on this article in the coffee shop, I was reading the St. Paul, Pioneer Press paper, and our Governor was asking for the Indian Casinos of Minnesota to pay 25% of their earnings, or some figure around $350-million dollars. The paper said they make something like 1.4-billion off gaming. Than a spokes person for one of the tribes bluntly said, something to the effect: I'll talk but not negotiate (I think I read between the lines - : white man's greed again and breaking of Indian treaties again, the same old stuff: its kind of the old news really: can water get any wetter); the idea of the article, or what I got out of it was: you have no right to tax us or ask us to be taxed. They are probably right. So let's stop begging them and just build a hell of a lot of Casinos and put them out of business. Greed breeds greed. I'd rather go downtown and gamble [which I do not do much of, $20, every six-months] than drive forty-miles out to Treasure Island. This is a two way street, not a one way highway, as they'd like it (and in which they've had it for a very, very long time). Anyhow, competition is good for the spirit - right now they got a monopoly on the sport; I got distracted; I hope the Governor of Minnesota starts building tomorrow. Now that I think of it the UN should get into the gaming business, give more money to the Millionaires Club they secretly horde. Actually when I was a counselor, I was certified in screaming compulsive gamblers for compulsive gambling, like drug or alcohol addiction. But I really want to talk about is terrorism, and a few items that are presently sticking to them issues, and as always, the UN-has some kind of fluid that makes everything stick to them.

Fallujah/UN & Syria

This is not the time to negotiate either with the terrorist in Fallujah; when they start loosing the battle, like the PLO, they cry uncle, and run to the Iraqi government to talk, or to the UN to stop the bullies from winning the battles or war (an old trick to gain time to get re-supplied). Let's just win it, and forget about the crying, and do the talking later. I know this is not Annan's way or Clinton's, but then look at the mess we are in, and it is mostly because of them. I see also they have kidnapped an aid worker (British), it's a sad case again, but we do not stop wars because of that. They know [the enemy] "no," is the policy for such doings, that involves kidnapping, and than blackmailing, and I know "no," can be an adverb to negotiate, but we've already tired that. Once we stop and give into them (and the Iraqi Government has said no to their demands as well (Al-Arablyla Television)), once we stop, they will start killing employees at the Baghdad airport again, as they have done already. Recently four people were killed, and 11-wounded. Let us not forget also, the recent killings of three Iraqi workings in the Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's Office. You see, giving in is not the trick to acquiring peace.

What needs to be done, and what the UN and Syria are not doing, nor is its neighbors, is a simple equation that would bring about peace: bending two parallel lines, which would normally otherwise not meet, together. The US is trying to do that in Lebanon with Syria, but Syria is like the moon, which causes the wild tides of the ocean on earth to mount to a crisis. And the tides cannot fight the moon without the whole earth on its side, and the UN is suppose to be the representation of the world body, and they talk, and talk and talk. While people die, die and die. And should the US take action again, it would be alone to fight terrorism, and be named the bully again. So we stand back and watch Lebanon become a hornet's nest of Syrian discontent.

I'm sure some people in Lebanon are asking the question: what is the world waiting for; we are dying while our country is being taken over by Syria. It's being said in Africa, and has been said in Cambodia, and recently in Bosnia, and Kosovo. I'm not a politician, nor would I want to be in today's lawless world, but I do know nonsense from good-senses, and there is a lot of nonsense going on. There's an old saying: do we leave the milk in the cow so it doesn't get sour. In Lebanon that is what we are doing. We analyze until we become paralyzed.


United Nations Part 39; John Kerry The Jew, UNSG/IAEA

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 28, 2004

Before I get in to the Jewish part of John Kerry’s life, let’s settle a few other issues. For those who didn’t know, John Kerry’s relative [a cousin] works at the IAEA, in Vienna. Second, Kerry’s wife was a former classmate of the Great and Honorable [piece of crap] Kofi Annan; the two go together possibly. And third, Mr. Kerry has solid Jewish roots, or so it seems. (A Vienna-based UN Staff member ((Let’s call him, Big Boy)) notified me of the information today). Now I don’t mind having a Jewish President, matter of fact when I learned this, I thought, could I change my vote now, but I still couldn’t, he is just too unchristian for me, John Kerry that is. But I don’t think he likes being a Jew, Christ was a Jew, Mr. Kerry. Anyhow, I need to give you some background. I had mentioned this a while back in another letter to you folks, but I wasn’t certain so I only implied I thought so. Now it seems to say (my information), ‘seeing is believing,’ for those who have more time, check out ‘Reform Judaism,’ online, and get his full history, by Jennifer Anne Perez, “A Jewish Czech in John Kerry’s Court.’ Sounds like a Mark Twain book.

She traces his history back to 1873; a son was born by the name of Fritz. Fritz became a brewer in Europe, in a world of German-speaking Catholics. Many Jews hid their names for business sake; I know this to be true, I went with a Jewish German in l970, in Augsburg, Germany [Chris Schmidt], she had told me she had to (her mother and herself) change their names during WWII, and run to London, after they took her father from their study, while they were hiding behind a sofa chair, and he was never heard of again. So I can believe Anne Perez’s research on this issue. Anyhow, the Jewish lineage goes on to l902, Fritz takes a wife Ida and an infant son is born, Fritz Kohn, henceforth he becomes known as Frederick Kerry. The Kerry family settle in Austria for a spell, and during their voyage across the Atlantic to Ellis Island, where my grandfather stopped on his way from Russia to the US also, so does John Kerry’s history, ‘…Kerry identifies his family as Germans from Austria…’ very convenient. Now they got a record.

In 2002, the story of his background came out more, Journalist Michael Kranish, helped piece the history together. Records were checked also in Poland and Prague, and Krakow by Gundacker. Everything was coming together. Gundacker and Stibor started to search archives. In l921, things did not settle very well for Fredrick Kerry’s American dream, and he ended it in suicide, he shot himself in the head after becoming almost bankrupt in the lobby washroom of Copley Plaza Hotel. He left a car, some stocks and $25-dollars. This came to light only this year. So we have a pot of crickets here.

My wife, who is from Peru, was reading my article and said: “You know, he doesn’t look gringo,” adding: “…matter of fact if you look at him closely, he looks Jew.”

United Nations Part 40; [St. Paul, Arafat, UN Greed]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 31, 2004

St. Paul

Just when I thought there was no hope for my dear lovely city of St. Paul, a light shines from the heavens, a hope light. We are the land of 10,000-lakes, and 10,000-biased judges [two being Finley and Rosas]; Judges that rule on tenant housing and feel sorry for the tenants no matter if the overwhelming evidence is in favor of the landlord (Rosas); and Finley who likes to make his own laws for the Second Amendment. We got a mess of senators also who are like the activist judges. But we got a good Governor, and now the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota’s oldest newspaper has selected Bush to be its mascot, sort of speaking, good, the Minneapolis Tribune is arrogant anyhow, we can live without them, they are in the city across the river, good place for them. We got a mayor who turned from Ferry, I mean Kerry, to Bush, kind a Benedict Arnold, but I’ll take him, as long as I can see him.


Al-khityar (Arafat)

Alas, Arafat got leukemia I heard; it seems to me he will be meeting his maker soon (if I were him, that would be scary), maybe. Sharon will be happy about that, and so will half the civilize world I’d expect. Maybe: Hillary, the UN (Annan in particular), Castro and a few other dictators, terrorist-groups, and war-hyenas will be a little sad, for a short time (such people are often forgotten quickly; like a puff of smoke that was, than was not); maybe even Paris will be sad, home of the terrorists, or day or two. Possibly Ahmad Qurei will get his job, lit would serve the world a lot better (I think).


How can one cope with the world, or try to get straighten out when the United Nations is not worth taking serious; so the US sees the UN as (as I see the UN as), and many other countries. And should the US continue not see them as a serious entity to world peace, but as a hindrance, as they have been, with the 3rd world countries ruling the General Assembly, and trying to dictate to the US, there will be no reason to support it.

Russia and China together pay $35-million dollars to support three UN-facilities around the world, the US pays 7-billion, and Japan pays 6.5-billion (and Japan gets little or nothing out of it). Now why is not Annan telling Russia and China to pay more, they have the privileged of sitting on the five-seats that make the rules for the world. China can spend billions of dollars on war-materials; send there crap over here to us Americans to buy, but only 17-million on the United Nations. Something is very wrong here. Should the US walk out on the UN once and for all, I don’t there would be much reason to carry on with the UN, who would support it (Libya? They’d have to pump oil day and night). The only reason it has traction, is because of the US’s involvement.

So when we get all these jerks saying, ‘The US needs to do more,’ lets take a closer look at who is doing what, and who is not doing. Most are talking about the US, and how they should be doing this and that, while they are running to their banks with our tax money.

United Nations Part 41; Osama Bin Laden And More

By Dennis L. Siluk
Oct. 31, 2004

Big Bin

I see Osama bin Laden has tried to submit his vote in the soon to be US elections by trying to instill fear and using Bush as his stepping stone. Well, it is as you’d expect; if it wasn’t Bush, it would be Israel, or it would be Saudi Arabia, someone, somewhere would not be adjusting to his liking. With such a person you are never safe, nor can you ever please, not even his: wife, kids, father or mother are safe from him. The only thing sacred to him is his next meal, his toilet bowl, and who he gets to sleep with for the night. Even Allah his God is not sacred to him, for he is Allah’s equal, or so I hear him say (read between the lines).

Arafat’s Paris

I see Arafat flew into the safety arms of Paris again, and his longing wife who is some 30-years younger (nothing wrong with that, except he is about the ugliest man I’ve ever seen, but rank has it privileges, and money, and he needs them), his wife was waiting. Anyhow, he is ill, and his family of course is out of harms way, not like the rest of the Palestinians; maybe the war-mongrel will die, he is 75-years old you know (but I do not wish any harm); but he will be forgotten like a piece of crap flushed down the toilet a few years, or months after he’s gone, they all are, and they all think they will be remembered forever. He of course is Hillary’s hero, what a selection. He well not be I fear, any big discovery to God (God has dealt with many like him), and I doubt a hero in Allah’s eyes. And the world will be glad to have gotten rid of him, so where will he go. Only one place left. I am sure he would like to see Kerry in office before he crocks, and then he’d get on with Hillary again (Suha, be watchful of her, she has tiger eyes, and a hyena’s mind).


I see the UN-has also cast their vote in whom they want as US President (as has the NAACP ((supposed to be none affiliated because of their tax exempt status)); and the Post Office) by announcing the missing 377-tonnes of ammo, at such a late date. Big deal, we already blew up 400-million tones of ammo in Iraq; why is this big event today? Even if we missed 377-tones (a drop in the bucket), we do not know all the circumstances surrounding it yet, and there are many possibilities. Again I ask, why did the United Nations wait until a few days (weeks) before the election to mention it? In Vietnam we lost more than that in a day loading convoys we thought were the good guys only to find out two days later they were the VC; no president got whipped for that. I think the military has done an outstanding job over there and Kerry and the UN are just Whistling Dixie.

United Nations Part 42; Mohamed Elbaradei And More

By Dennis L. Siluk
Nov. 1, 2004

UN-Mohamed Elbaradei

It is no coinsidence Mohamed Elbaradei plans on going to the UN to speak today he is the duck that follows UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan around, the head of the IAEA, in Vienna. The reason the UN is so eager to get rid of Bush, is that he exposes their incompetence; everyone is hanging loosely on to their jobs. It is why China is scared to have another Bush administration, Bush exposes, and no one wants to be exposed. China is a two-faced Panda Bear, and should any president look twice, they’d know that. Russia at least had the curtsy to back Bush up. The IAEA is so corrupt, and so wacky with the world nuclear foreknowledge, they are hiding behind Elbaradei, hoping he can put the last straw over Bush’s grave.

It should be obvious to votes tomorrow that the world has seen a new America, one that is no longer taking orders as it has for the past fifty years, it is rethinking its goals at a dearly cost, but we are keeping our values, which the world wants us to push aside, as they have. They want us to use our military power to assist them, not us. They want us to use our financial bank and influence to assist them. Some countries still need us others can live without us now that we have already rebuilt them. Well, that’s just par for the course. I do believe Bush has not pleased every one, not even me, but he is what the US needs, maybe not the world. But then who else does the world got: China and Russia and Europe: god help us all if that is the selection.


When I was in Vietnam (l971) China said we were ‘Paper Tigers,’ when they were killing Tibetan’s in Tibet, and saying their country belong to them, they were butchering them alive. A few million died, they had in intentions of killing the whole race but stopped short, just like the Japanese in Nan king they have no room to talk. They have worsened the world security: they threaten Taiwan with war, and Singapore is scared to death of them, and Japan is wondering how to get rid of them in the Japanese Sea, and South Korea is now skeptical. They have even tried to sway Australia from supporting the US. And China tells us how arrogant we are (they should talk). They loved us when we got them into the World Trade Organization, the Bush administration, that is, like spoiled brat. What they are worried about is Bush exposing them for who they are: a weak Panda bear with ambition to rule the whole coast line of Asia on that side of the world. They are happy about Europe not in touch with the US, and Europe should worry when the Panda Bear is happy, just like the Tibetan’s. Actually this would be a good time to go to war with China (a first and final strike would be great), and get rid of them once and for all, we’re going to have to sooner or later. And now we can beat the crap out of them. With them sending us all their carp, all they do is take jobs away, and build more nukes for the future. They are afraid of our first-strike philosophy because now they got to think twice.

German Jerks

A German said in Germany a few days ago in the FT-Newspaper, and I must translate it to how I perceived it: the American image is no longer a symbol of freedom or liberty (Gunter Habenmann). First of all it is a matter of opinion, if you ask the Afghanistan’s and the Iraqi’s, you might get a different estimation; if you go over to the New Europe, they may have a surprise for Gunter also.

I lived in Germany twice, l970 (for a year), and l974-77. I must say, Germans did not give Germany freedom, America did; but what I was about to say was: when I first arrived in Germany in l970, they spit at me while in my American uniform, and they haven’t stopped I see. So in one way, what Gunter is saying, is really old, nothing new. On the other had, they have lost jobs because of a few American businesses closing down, and a lot of Americans being reassigned to other countries (soldiers, can’t sell that pork), so they can not sell their crap to the American GI’s anymore. And American Tourism has mostly closed up, not like it used to be. And we took some Iraqi contracts away from them when we went to war: greed, greed, greed, and he uses liberty, how about the German symbol: greed, greed and more greed: just like the French. And they would like to get a permanent seat on the UN Security-Counsel, you got to be kidding.

You see, Europe believes the only war worth fighting is a European war, like in Bosnia, or Kosovo, even if a UN mandate was not properly given from the UN. My son was in Bosnia, I didn’t hear him say anything about that. If the US had not helped Europe in these little conflicts in the East, they would have beaten the crap out of them in the West. So when you talk about symbols, look in the mirror Germany, you’ve done nothing for anyone but yourself, like the French, and like Old Europe, you’ve drained our American tax money ($40-billion of it) a year on keeping your rude and ungrateful a… free.


Should the Jews move out of Gaza? I wouldn’t move them out, but I’m not the boss. On the other had, if it would create a home for Palestine and peace, I might give it a try. But then does the PLO or Hamas want peace. Their manifesto says no. It says that is the last think they want. It says: no peace at any price; rather, the destruction of Israel [or call it Zionism—however you want it dished out to you]. So have they changed their outlook—not really? So how do you acquire peace? Do like Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the rest of the Middle East have done, kick them out once and for all. No Arab country wants them, why should a Jew.

United Nations Part 44; [A Pot Of Crickets--Cloning]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Nov. 6, 2004


True Christians are of course against cloning [like stem cell research] because it requires organisms taken from the dead; kind of like robbing an underdeveloped corpse. Anyhow the United Nations was holding off, the committee’s delegations until after the US elections, hoping the US would co-sponsor the program. Actually they were hoping the US Government would pay the whole damn thing so they could put their money in the bank [possibly Annan’s idea]. These people are something else. They are mad because they cannot rob us blindly, and are not sure if they can with our eye-wide open. And people wonder why we do a double take on the UN. Belgium and twenty other atheists’ countries are supporting the project. Good, don’t bring it to the US, keep it in your own refrigerator.

Of course the UN is sad Kerry lost, they had special projects for him to do for them [Good Catholic boy Kerry], at our expense. Now they got to drain their piggy bank. Let’s hope we can now go for a total ban on the issue. Kerry, like the UN, like the EU was hoping the US had lost its moral values completely. How can Kerry every walk into a Christian Church again, is beyond me.

North Korea

Are we not getting tired of this back and forth crap of North Korea saying one day: we’ll negotiate, the next, forget it. My god, open your eyes UN, they have come out and told us, or so Kim Chang Guk has, totally rejected the IAEA [International Agency’s call]. Saying they are only tools for the US. In essence, screw off. Even Iran has a little more respect for the International Community [I think].

Iraqi Official

I see now that time has passed the UN is questioning the 377-tones of explosives that were missing after the war, saying [IAEA], they didn’t [don’t] really know what happened to them. You see, it all comes out in the wash, they try to hype it up to dethrone Bush, when in essence, it was all a ploy, all a sick dominated UN ploy to get their man Kerry into the White House so they can rob the US more. Is their no end to this ongoing free-riding UN.


China is dreaming it will be the 21st Centuries Asian undisputed power and the USA will not be able to defend it once they have their Qian Doctrine in place. You have to remember they are now planting seeds and will expect to harvest them in the next five to seven years. The Panda Bear can wait they have for 3000-years. Bush may set their plans back a few years though, with the Bush Doctrine. We need to do with Taiwan what we did for Israel, give them all they need to challenge the threats in the future, if we don’t we will be fighting them. Had we not with Israel, we’d be over there now fighting the PLO, but Israel can kick the crap out of anyone there so we don’t need to be there. Also let’s load Japan and South Korea down with all then Nukes they want; Japan is on China’s hit list, and so are the Philippines, and so is South Korea, Singapore, and Australia, or a starter. They are a little scared of Indonesia at the moment, but they are figuring that out.

United Nations Part 50; Poetic Justice For Kofi Annan

By Dennis L. Siluk
Nov. 22, 2004

I don’t believe life will allow me to see poetic-justice swamp over Kofi Annan’s head, our United Nations SG, life couldn’t be so fair, but miracles do happen. In any case, the UN employees are gong to take a historic vote of no confidence; due to his ongoing scandal and hideous rampage at the United Nations’ playground. Why has the whole world allowed this to go on for years, tells me we got a bunch of goofballs up there trying to lead the world—hide it from the public, and most of the world believes their dumb chitchat. Hitler once said: it is easier to fool the masses, than the few. I had a woman a few months email me, she just couldn’t believe the UN was so nasty: I, me, the messenger, was the guilty one she said. Well if that lady is still reading my comments, lay an egg on this one. I always shake my head when so many goofballs write me and have not looked into any of this and doesn’t even know where the UN’s are located, telling me how much they know, when all they know is a name that pops up now and then because Kofi Annan took a false-stance against Bush. Well now the truth is coming out.

He is guilty of giving aid to the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, yes embezzling billions of dollars, with and for Him. So when we go to war, we got to fight the pickled French, the Gestapo’s in Germany, and the Saddam lover’s at the UN, then we go to war. Why can we not, just have a nice little war, and get all the creeps out of our way, and it would not have cost us so many lives. Annan is guilty of killing 500 of our 1000-soldieres that died in Iraq; oh yes, had he not got in the way, we would not have had the insurgent problems we have now; and that is a proven fact. And out of the other 500-soldiers left, France and Germany is guilty of killing 250-of those lives, and we should not forget it. As the French said, “If the Americans are our true Allies, they will help us.” WWI. I think Ms Rice got their number; I hope so (that is, they only want to use us for their benefit). Yes, we need friends, but we do not need to support these kinds of friends who live to use us, and they’ve been doing that for years. It is like my wife ((Rosa)) has said who is from Peru: the only reason the Spanish are friends with Peru, is because they are allowed to continue to rob us blindly (they buy our companies out, and lay off thousands of employees; then they take the money to their country).

Back to Annan, the cannon, man of the world, of the hour. This creep even pardoned the criminal Dileep Nair, who has been accused of harassing UN members, sexually; this guy was facing charges of favoritism for sex. He was exonerated by Annan, after Catherine Bertini did a so called ‘review.’ Annan said, in essence: he had every ‘confidence,’ in Nair. Well Mr. Annan, you may have but no one else has any confidence in you (and that is the big problem). Annan and Nair are like two peas in a pod (so what would you expect to get, is exactly what you get), so what are we to believe. What an orgy parlor he runs. His son dealing with him and both robbing the ‘Food for oil,’ and now this; and all the other carp I’ve written about lately.

For all of us out there: me, you [and Big Boy], the observers, we need only wait a while longer to get the next episode of this live ongoing soap-opera. No wonder the US and Japan doesn’t want to spend 15-billion dollars on another year of paying 100,000-employess to shake their ass for the top dogs.

United Nations Part 49; [The Oversexed UN Workers]

By Dennis L. Siluk
Nov. 19, 2004

UN peacekeepers

Big Boy woke me today and said: “Look at this carp, the UN peacekeepers, the NCRI and IAEA, and Chirac on the Iraqi war.” Then he added, “Dennis we got to do something…” I hesitated, and said, “Like what?” And he said, “Article #49, you got to write another one!” He seemed kind of concerned, and to be honest, he is the one that has taken this matter more serious than I, and has done more work than I by providing the information. So I said, “You got it Big Boy; short and sweet.”

So we see the UN peacekeepers having their afternoon sexual appetite filled to the rim, or is it the brim of their cup. I respect Big Boy because he takes this UN thing serious, and wants to clean house, if only he could. Jean Marie Guehenno, a big shot at the United Nations, is calling for an overhaul of staff discipline, before it turns into a Sodom and Gomorra. So we got two people at the UN concerned with its integrity thing, thank God.

So what is happening out there at all three locations: New York City, Vienna, and Switzerland [Geneva]. I think we got some horny birds on the payroll: pumping away like there is no tomorrow. A survey has been taken and the problem is deep, deep rooted. Prostitutes, minors, by troops and civilians, its crazy: put on a blue-UN hat and pump away and you got the blessings of the United Nations: or had them. The Financial Times has done one good thing in the past six months, now that they got their biased ass off Bush for a minute, they are exposing this crap. I know the paper [FN] loves Annan, and is on the left bank most of its time, but it got a little courage and produced something worthwhile for once (go shake the trees in the Congo, see what falls out, maybe a child whore, with a blue-UN hate stuck to her ((or him)).

What we have here my friends are weak, mighty weak minded oversexed individuals [send them to Amsterdam and have them pay the red light ladies a few bucks and get it out of them, they get paid well].


I know, all these acronyms, The Vienna UN has the IAEA, or atomic watchdog for the United Nations; and the NCRI, the National Council of Resistance of Iran—the pro-choice for the IAEA people, and anti Iran nuclear folks are doing a better job than the IAEA in providing information on the Iranian Nuclear Development Programs over there, and are saying, they know were the secret sites are for Tehran’s nuclear program. So what are we doing: fighting with old Europe, as Europe takes their promise not to destroy the world with their secret sites once they get the bomb perfected? Israel is right around the corner, I think they will have to take them out, and tell the US, sorry but we got to, and tell the EU, move on over, or we’ll take you out with them, and they could: luckily they got the US protecting the them, they are so anti Jew [the EU], others wise I’d be tempted if I was Israel to move quicker.



The goofball Chirac is running around France with his toad like face trying to play Napoleon with had full of rages. He is telling the world again, in so many words: gee, we should have kept Saddem in power, look at all the trouble we got with terrorism now: what a moron statement. Where is this guy, I mean he really thinks a nuclear Iraq world have been safer, then us taking him out. He thinks had we not got Saddam out, the terrorist’s would be baking cakes at the Lipp‘s café for the French President (they could care less about the frog faced goofball). I think they are still trying to figure out how to destroy the Eiffel Tower, as they have in the past (patience is their virtue; we know it, but we are too dumb to believe it). The only thing that is going to satisfy the Islamic left is to bury Israel, and break the bank in America, and a subservient EU. Other than that, you’re farting in the wind.

United Nations Part 48; Judges

By Dennis L. Siluk
Nov. 15, 2004

It seems to me lately our judges, not only in Minnesota, but in Washington DC feel they got the miracle touch to cure every and any thing put on their plate, even the Presidents owes. I know how the president must feel getting these noisy little critters up his nose; yes, just because they sit behind a bench, were give decision making power, they think for some reason they can use it at their discretion, without responsibility or accountability. Kind of like the United Nations is doing lately. We all want to think of the United Nations as our pure and clean path to peace and prosperity, and often by having the American tax payer making that possible. Likewise we like to think as our judges uncorrupted: but not anymore; they are turning out to be the worse spoiled meat in the pie. Now the judges—mostly activities and sympathy judges—in every city in America now I do believe, knowing little of the issues and subject at hand are making vital decisions not according to data under the law, or documentation, but go out of their way to bend it towards their way of thinking; their emotional, and ideological views. It is not only seen in people running up to the bench and trying to grab the judges because of their decisions, but many taking summer vacations in winter, or shopping on paid working time; and chumming with the ones paying for the decisions to be made on behalf of; sexual favors are not unheard of either.

District Judge Salvador R. Roses’ in Minnesota is on that list, knowing nothing, or very little on landlord vs. tenants disputes he favors the tenant over documentation and proof on behalf of the landlord. I’ve seen this a hundred times with Minnesota judges, not sure what is on their mind, and the referees in this area in Minnesota are even worse. Go to court and carry documentation with you in hand, and they don’t even look at it and rule on behalf of the tenant. It is not only outrageous; it is against all leases and proper ethics.

Judge Finley, with our 2nd Amendment, has done everything to stomp on it, cut it up, and try to burn it.

And the Supreme Courts, they are now using: judicial imagination to rule by; they have even gone farther with our president to fight tooth and nail with him. We do not rule by a judge’s imagination, or not suppose to, or public opinion, we rule by constitutional responsibility. John Ashcrof said it best, when he implied Judge James Robertson is trying to control the US Military now. Should we allow this, we will not need a President anymore. The Supreme Court Judges will be like the Senators of Rome [little-gods; like in Minnesota], back during its Republic days; we will only need a man to point his fingers to whoever wants to take the floor and take charge.

United Nations Part 46; Yassir Arafat Dies

By Dennis L. Siluk
Nov. 11, 2004

I found someone that thinks like me, or at least we both parallel each other in our writings, him in his book, and me in my last #46 Articles on the United Nations. The book is called, “Tower of Babble,” by Dore Gold. And he touches on basically the same things I have, but adds a little more spice to it, a little more history, and dives into areas that I skimmed over. But he does a great job of it. Let me point out some of his parallels: 1) The US must go outside the UN to protect itself from the terrorist and for national security (the UN is not going to save you) 2) he believes as I do, and so states it in his book: the UN jeopardizes the success of war on terrorism (they actually support it in many ways; and Dore Gold worked for the UN for many years to my understanding) 3) The UN has turned a blind eye on mass murder (and let me add, in the most recent cases, we can pick a half dozen locations in Africa that Annan, the SG of the UN has added to the murder list his incompetence). 4) Oil for Food, scandal is only the top of the iceberg (as we all know now by the news reports, Annan’s son has been linked to it) 5) Dore points out also, as I have in the past the UN’s failure has led five presidents to bypass the UN security council, one being Clinton, everyone forgets.

We must not allow the UN to take a major role in American foreign policy, which I have constantly pushed, and my friend from the Vienna UN [Big Boy], list we find ourselves their puppets. They will bury us in our own dirt with a clap of an eye, should we give them the chance.

If we look close enough we have not far to look back. In most of my articles I’ve used more recent data, but let me use Dore’s data of l994, the UN stood back and watched 800,000 Rwandan Tutiss’s slaughtered. They were warned of the extermination by the Hutu; by General Romeo Dallaire. I looked at the general’s face when this happened, it was a very sad face, a hopeless face; I remember this quite well.

—Annan, United Nations Secretary General, has befriended the terrorist group, Hezbollah (even took a pictures with the leaders), which is an element of al-Qaedo’s network. There is no blood in Annan’s face, no shame, no anything. He is part of the Palestinian terrorist group he has created in the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). The PLO is wearing UN uniforms with his blessings, and hang them up next to PLO-terrorist heroes in there rooms, which have killed Jews. And his world court condemns Israel, how dare the murderer stand tall in front of the world and proclaim his righteousness; he is the Antichrist’s assistant if anything. We should never, ever give ourselves over to the demonic World Court; it will be the end of America as we know it.

—In l991, if the US and Britain would not have assistant the escape of the Kurds out of Iraq, 1.5 million would have been killed, as the UN stood back and watched it happen. The UN is Satan’s parlor by all means. And thank God, Kerry never made it to the White House (we don’t know how lucky we really are), we’d be under the heal of the UN tomorrow. Had NATO not waited two years at the UN’s request, many lives would have been saved in Bosnia. And let us not forget, Syria is still a supporter of terrorism, the UN has done zero to protect mankind from these henchmen.

The United Nations seems to have done a good job in Humanitarian aid throughout the world that is about it. In any case, go check the book out it is a quick and good read; or go back through all my 46-articles.

[Yassir Arafat: Dies] Mr. Arafat died today, well, maybe now we can talk peace in the Middle East; I’m sure he is in Hell trying to yell to God he done such good job on earth killing so many people—helping Him get rid of the Jews, he deserves a award. Or maybe he’s looking for the whore house he was promised by Allah. Whatever, the world is better off without him, than with him; and we can all think God he took him.


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