Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Wheels of War [Japan, North Korea, Vietnam and the USA]

by dlsiluk

War is not always a mere battle over concrete things, but rather a contest of wills, or power over mentalities (state of mind, attitudes) and perceptions (observations, discernments, etc). One might conclude President Bush is fighting the war still in Iraq (and now Korea and Iran on the front) with these precepts in mind. Vietnam was fought by the North with these weapons in mind, with the US Army being advanced tenfold to the VC’s disadvantage; yet the will of the north overwhelmed Washington D.C. What the insurgents in Iraq would like to do today with Washington. And North Korea with Japan,and perhaps, China and Russia with the US.

So it has been throughout human history in wars, be it with armies or between individuals, who has the will, may very well win the war; if not the battle.

Our pride, for thinking we were untouchable, sank in our soil when we endured 9/11. I had heard as a soldier for many-years, “No one would dare hit America;” and there were many more comments I heard that made that look like baby talk. Europe was not so blind to think they could not be touched by the hand of terror once again (although recently I wonder). The war on terror has a long and solid will. Let’s hope those who want to give it are less than those who want to rid ourselves of it.

Ultimately the US entered a conflict in Iraq (and I'm sure this will not be the only one in the future: as Mother Shipton has warned us from the grave for 500-years);against the greater out pouring of sympathy for a government system that Satan didn’t even want (Iraq); yet it was against the US, and its president, not Saddam (its King of Kings). The world is changing for sure. Again I repeat myself, what is right or wrong is not really part of this article, but rather the ‘wills,’ of those willing to die or kill, and in saying that, we must look at the will of our president for it is his policy to stop them. Should Bush’s will survive all this, it could bust a stone. Our next president will be tested under fire as Mark Twain said, is the only way to test a man's girt.


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