Three Headed Dragon: Russia, China and North Korea [Japan: the Gofer] 7/7/2006
by dlsiluk
Three Headed Dragon: Russia, China and North Korea [Japan: the Gofer] 7/7/2006
[CNN] “Bush was asked why he was committed to going before the Security Council in an effort to restrict North Korea's missile and nuclear programs while he ignored the council's opposition to going to war in Iraq in 2003.”
I said it a long time ago in several articles concerning China, Russia and North Korea, that Japan better hurry up and wake up before they find a missile in their backyard, right down in Tokyo. It almost happened a few days ago. Russia and China can play games with the UN and look at diplomatic options for years, it is in their interest to do so; but by that time, when all is said and done, there will not be anymore Tokyo (also in the interest of China, North Korea and Russia). If the missile tests (taken a few days ago) were in the North Sea, the Russians would not be concerned about diplomacy, or if it was heading toward Beijing, China would not be sending all those messages to re-establish ties with its so called antagonist. It is always easy to look the other way when it is not your head being cut off. Russia and China, even the USA are looking at it from a surface issue, when it is a Japanese problem. It is a problem under the surface. And know that North Koreas Missiles can reach America; it is turning into an American problem.
The war is not over with North Korea, it was an armistice in 1953, so they are acting—North Korea, in a war like attitude (are they not), thus, if I were Japan, I’d do likewise, turn the factories into Arms plants, and counter the offensive, or be left out in the cold. I’d not count on the USA to back them up, if they did, it might be too late; it is time they make a big investment in the 21st Century, before they become the Gofers for the three-headed dragon: China, Russia and North Korea.
Japan is a mighty economic country, and they have warriors, much better than Chinese, Russia or North Korean, they’ve proven that in the past; they’ve kicked a lot of ass! North Korea is nothing but a dirt ridden country telling Japan to kneel, they need to take a few of those dollars out of the damn back and, out of the UN’s big fat pockets [20-billion they give the UN to keep peace, and the only thing they can do is back up China, Russia, and North Korea’s cries]. Take the money, build a defense system that will pluck the thoughts out of North Korea’s thinking they may roast Japan alive, like Hitler did to the Jews. The Security Counsel of the UN, along with its chiefs, is a worthless asset for Japan, in the long run.
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