Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Friday, July 21, 2006

The Top Ten List of Bullies

By Dennis L. Siluk
Aug 11, 2004

If David Letterman can do it, so can I: who are the Top Ten Bullies? Not hard to find them. A lot of foreigners are saying the US Government is the number one Bully. Could they be right? They do not talk about the Top Ten givers, or freedom fighters, no: Arafat gets that Top Ten billing, number one Freedom Fighter, hailed by Hillary Clinton; and the contributions to a world starving, we feed over 500,000-million people on earth. How come there is no Top Ten here; where would the EU be or France, Germany, Russia, China be on such a list? But I want to talk about Bullies, I get off course now and then, don't I; forgive me.

Now who can we start with, how about Iran: number ten [10]; freedom of speech, just try and say what you want [Egypt can be put into that category also, and Saudi Arabia and Jordan]. How about Castro, number nine [9], there you might just as well through the "Bill of Rights," off the dock into the bay. How about the PLO, number eight [8]; if you talk to an Israeli, you're dead, if you don't put on a explosive belt, you're dead, if you put it on, you're dead, if you say the wrong word, you're dead; if you're American, you're a bully - so think and do as they say. North Korea, number seven [7], they haven't seen sunshine in 50-years, what more can I say, they control everyone's lips. Don't forget, these are bullys [within their society, and around, if not wanting the world at their feet], it takes a bully to keep a society in line. Bill Clinton number six [6], he tried to be a bully but didn't succeed. Russia, number five [5], they give and they take; imprison people for making money, and subdue those who have not catered to the Kremlin. They lost the war of will with America, and have not forgot it, they will be surfacing in the near future, and I'm sure will be a bigger billing in the Top Ten Bully list.

Civil Liberties seem to be protecting the criminals, the terrorists, they get honorary mention, for they'd like to be a bully, yet do not make the grade: their flag is flying high though.

Back to the Bully Top Ten. Number four [4], Sudan, Kenya, South Africa, the Congo, Liberia, and a half dozen more countries over there, in Africa, they are all on a power gig, to see how long they can last, how many they can rape, how much they can steal and kill. Number three the EU and the UN [they are the exclusive team now, with Germany and France leading the way], and would like to dictate to the world, and is trying through international financing and manipulation to run a new world order, yet they'd like the US to join, and be their fighting force [do their dirty work for them] as we have in the past, now with NATO, before with WWI, WWII dollars, men and machines, etc. Number two, China, the bully of Tibet, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, to mention a few. And the top dog of the day, Bin Laden with his al-Queda gangsters; he and his Muslim assistants would like to put the world in bondage - Bully Number Ten. Well, it's not what you might have expected, but it is as David Letterman would have put it, the Top Ten for the day, I can't do a thing about it.


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