Arizona’s New Law on Immigration: Harrah!
Arizona’s New Law on Immigration: Harrah!
Well, all I can say is it’s about time a state takes the courage and puts the law into effect where the Federal Government will not, instead of playing games and trying to appease the illegal immigrant—the criminal. The words to this immigration issue have all been said before but I guess they got to be repeated. It’s easy for Shakira to say what she says, that we should overlook the illegal issues (and in essence, that is what she is really saying), and not profile them, she’s legal, thus, no problem. And the folks that get stopped to be checked for proper entry cards are not legal inmost cases, what’s the problem, you got to carry your license and SSAN card around, so why not your green card, or whatever. Shakira is just trying to justify the unjustifiable. When I travel I obey the laws, and carry my passport—no problem, and obey the other county’s laws, and that’s called regard and respect. And these Mexicans are not in any danger, so the statement on the Statue of Liberty does not apply to them, they are not destitute, or in harms way. And they take jobs away from everyone, in a time America needs their own people working, not some other country's, whom will drain America dry, and go home with all the money they made, and have never paid a penny in taxes, and laugh all the way.
These people are invaders--nothing less, my grandfather came over to America in 1916, legal, and had to fight in WWI, to become a citizen, or be shipped back. Now the Mexican comes across the boarder and says “I want my rights!” And Shakira says “We’re profiling everyone,” but no one’s complaining but the illegal and folks like Shakira, who never went to war or had to fight a day for the soil of America, just drain her juices. I went to Vietnam, I had two uncles in WWII, one died one a POW, and my son went to Bosnia, and my uncle to the Korean War, and how about Shakira and her Mexican family? What have they done for America? Nothing I would expect, if they have, then I apologize for this last statement--but I think I'm more right than wrong.
These illegal Mexicans don’t even pay taxes (most of the time), turn the music up so their folks in Mexico can hear it, and parade down the American street with Mexican flags, and throw trash all over the place, and that goes for most of South American Countries that come over to the United States also--illegel, and the Cubans, they have no respect for their neighbours—as my mother used to say: if the shoe fits, put it on. That’s called a fact of life, not meant to be a racist or general statement for all, but I live in a South American Country half the time, and been to Mexico several times, and central America, and my home in Minnesota of which I never had a Mexican family that lived around me (and my wife is from Peru, and clean and one of those few that had to pay to get her green card the right way), now I got blaring music all night long, and I have to call the police on the weekends, and they park their cars in front of my house so my guests don’t have any parking space, and they don’t pay a lick of tax, they rent the whole house across the street, and party. In other words, they live different than North American’s and when they get ready to go back home they say: “Now we don’t have to put up will all this crap and laws (which they don’t anyways).” Their laws are worthless they know that, they have them, but nobody enforces them, and that is how they like it. In America they can’t bend the laws so they get folks to feel sorry for them, and try to change the laws.
Anyhow, I simply see Arizona does not want a little Mexico in their backyard, and I don’t blame them.
If you wait for Obama to do something about this, you’ll get old fast, I can’t think of a worse and unaware president than him at this moment.
Well, all I can say is it’s about time a state takes the courage and puts the law into effect where the Federal Government will not, instead of playing games and trying to appease the illegal immigrant—the criminal. The words to this immigration issue have all been said before but I guess they got to be repeated. It’s easy for Shakira to say what she says, that we should overlook the illegal issues (and in essence, that is what she is really saying), and not profile them, she’s legal, thus, no problem. And the folks that get stopped to be checked for proper entry cards are not legal inmost cases, what’s the problem, you got to carry your license and SSAN card around, so why not your green card, or whatever. Shakira is just trying to justify the unjustifiable. When I travel I obey the laws, and carry my passport—no problem, and obey the other county’s laws, and that’s called regard and respect. And these Mexicans are not in any danger, so the statement on the Statue of Liberty does not apply to them, they are not destitute, or in harms way. And they take jobs away from everyone, in a time America needs their own people working, not some other country's, whom will drain America dry, and go home with all the money they made, and have never paid a penny in taxes, and laugh all the way.
These people are invaders--nothing less, my grandfather came over to America in 1916, legal, and had to fight in WWI, to become a citizen, or be shipped back. Now the Mexican comes across the boarder and says “I want my rights!” And Shakira says “We’re profiling everyone,” but no one’s complaining but the illegal and folks like Shakira, who never went to war or had to fight a day for the soil of America, just drain her juices. I went to Vietnam, I had two uncles in WWII, one died one a POW, and my son went to Bosnia, and my uncle to the Korean War, and how about Shakira and her Mexican family? What have they done for America? Nothing I would expect, if they have, then I apologize for this last statement--but I think I'm more right than wrong.
These illegal Mexicans don’t even pay taxes (most of the time), turn the music up so their folks in Mexico can hear it, and parade down the American street with Mexican flags, and throw trash all over the place, and that goes for most of South American Countries that come over to the United States also--illegel, and the Cubans, they have no respect for their neighbours—as my mother used to say: if the shoe fits, put it on. That’s called a fact of life, not meant to be a racist or general statement for all, but I live in a South American Country half the time, and been to Mexico several times, and central America, and my home in Minnesota of which I never had a Mexican family that lived around me (and my wife is from Peru, and clean and one of those few that had to pay to get her green card the right way), now I got blaring music all night long, and I have to call the police on the weekends, and they park their cars in front of my house so my guests don’t have any parking space, and they don’t pay a lick of tax, they rent the whole house across the street, and party. In other words, they live different than North American’s and when they get ready to go back home they say: “Now we don’t have to put up will all this crap and laws (which they don’t anyways).” Their laws are worthless they know that, they have them, but nobody enforces them, and that is how they like it. In America they can’t bend the laws so they get folks to feel sorry for them, and try to change the laws.
Anyhow, I simply see Arizona does not want a little Mexico in their backyard, and I don’t blame them.
If you wait for Obama to do something about this, you’ll get old fast, I can’t think of a worse and unaware president than him at this moment.