Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Obama: The United Nations? ((the tough guy)(Ltr: 16, 4-18-2009))

Obama: The United Nations?
((The tough guy) (Ltr: 16, 4-18-2009))

Two things he’s done right in less than a week, this is unbelievable, but who knows maybe he’s got more get up and go, more than I thought anyhow, more than I gave him credit for. He allowed American Armed forces to use deadly force in killing the abductors of an American Ship recently, to free the Captain, off the coast of Somalia, and goodbye to trash, three bagged and one in the coop.
Now he’s done it again, he is not attending the UN meeting in Switzerland, and for a good reason, and every president before him should have done this long ago: boycott the meeting, everyone that takes any interest in United Nations’ affairs, knows how deep the bigotry and discrimination is against Israel at the UN. To attend would be to sanction their prejudice, if anyone should know this, “The Congressional Black Caucus,” should, but they are on the same path as the UN I guess. I have to ask the question, why hasn’t a white president done this—I shouldn’t say that, forbidden words, but how true they are? Oh well, out of sight, out of mind. Europe will not like this, they hate the Jews also, always have, but now they know where Obama stands, as long as he doesn’t push the point, and try to force Israel to buy bunk beds for Palestine.
Hugo Chavez has fallen in love with our president, I should warn him, having more experience in this psychological field than he, Chavez has a duel personality, Mr. President, don’t turn your back on him, unless you have a mirror; he perhaps is laughing, making funny faces, he’s something else.
If only he could get our troops out of Iraq, as he said he would, and not send them over yonder, into another Middle East backyard. We’ll need our hands free for North Korea soon. It should be interesting how he handles North Korea. I do think that the UN did right in its message to North Korea, now we need to tell North Korea: loud and clear, we can do to them what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps send over the 50,000 troops we are leaving in Iraq, to make a point, or perhaps point a few nukes at them, and let them take pictures, and see if they still hold the same intentions, which are to make South Korea into an infernal.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

E- Book Mall Best Sellers List (ebookmall)

E- Book Mall Best Sellers List (ebookmall)

Of their top Horror best Sellers, 100-list, Mr. Siluk’s “Tiamat, Mother of Demon,” was number 52 on, 4-16-2009. Steven King’s: “The Girl Who Loved Tom,” 65; “From a Buick 8” 66. “Frankenstein,” 67.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama: A Miricle ((A path to Friendship: Cuba's Door)(Ltr: 15, 4-14-2009))

Obama: A Miricle
((A path to friendship: Cuba’s Door) (Ltr: 15, 4-14-2009))

I started writing my Obama letters a few days after he made president, and tried to keep up with the mess he’s been creating, but I am happy to say, I am half proud of my president today. He has done three things correct since he’s been in office, soon to be 90-days. One, he allowed an old black lady to get on the welfare line; two, he made an international speech to the college kids in Heidelberg, Germany, on leaving something behind with their skills and talents, instead of robbing your neighbors blind, and in the last day or two it occurred to him this stupid blockade with Cuba is silly. We’ve had it for fifty-years, and we don’t even know why we have it. I mean, we allow every other dictatorship in the world to carry on as usual, normal business with the USA, and we kick our neighbor in the ribs for doing the same thing.
Let’s face it, China is no democracy, and look what they’ve done to Tibet; and they’ve got the guts to scorn Japan for their atrocities in WWII, and we opened the international trading door for them, brought them into the World Trade Organization as if they were our blood brothers, only to build more rockets and aim them at us. And I suppose I could crisscross the globe and pick out a dozen more countries, like Vietnam, and Burma, and so forth, but here we are chopping away at little Cuba. Take the chains off and let’s go have a party over yonder, under the Cuba sun: to have and have not, I heard that some place. And if the people want a dictatorship, let them have it. It’s called the people’s choice. They could change it if they had a heart to, we did. We get into this mode; we got to change everybody to fit into our box. Cultures, histories, economics, they all play a role in the way of life for a country. As long as they are not building missiles and aiming them at us, let them alone, and let’s open a door of friendship, like we did with our real enemies in Vietnam. Did you know they got a statue of liberty in Havana? They like us, and there are not a lot of folks out there that do; so Mr. President, with all respect, you’ve started to do something right for once. God bless you, and I hope I can soon write a letter and stipulate a forth thing you’ve done correct.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Obama: World Disorder ((the blind follow the blind)(Ltr: 14, 4-6-2009)

Obama: World Disorder
((the blind follow the blind)(Ltr: 14, 4-6-2009))

Let’s see what we find in the Obama box today. Turkey, he says is a much needed friend, one we can trust, and Christian and Muslim, works together. Perhaps there is some truth to this, but it stops at a very narrow corner I do believe. Our values are different, the Western World hasn’t figured this out since the 11th Century, and how long does it take. Whatever friendship we build, and I have Muslim friends, the center is hollow. I know this and they know this, but for coexistence we also know, not to carry guns on our person when we say hello. Foolishness comes at a price.
On another note, related to the above slightly, is the only thing President Chavez of Venezuela had to say that was correct, that I ever heard come out of his mouth was Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing, and he is so right.
On North Korea: We stood by and watched North Korea send a rocket into the sky, soon it will be a nuke, we all know this, and we all scream to the high moon as if North Korea could care, they careless. It has taken us 50-years to figure this out, that we should have taken charge when we had a chance, back in 1954. Now they have big toys, I don’t know what we are waiting for, perhaps for them to get the Nuke on the tip of that rocket, and nuke Japan or South Korea, so it would seem, and that will be their blackmailing gimmick soon. If I was one of those countries, I’d be building me some fast flying missiles, and aiming them directly at the one doing all the threatening. Perhaps the better choice here is for Japan to wakeup and smell he rotting roses, from their passive past, and be the great warriors they are known for. South Korea, simply doesn’t believe their neighbors will butcher them, Kuwait, felt the same way with Iraq.
Heidelberg, Germany. President Obama, gave a lecture there the other day, and advised the young folks to leave something behind, for posterity sake. That is the best I can do Mr. President. It was a great speech.