Political and Miscellaneous Articles by: Dennis L. Siluk

Here are Dennis' views on the political scene, along with other issues, be looking for them in the future, they will be coming off and on; along with guest articles, for those who wish to share their opinions, simply email Dennis at dlsiluk@msn.com, and he will select those he likes and put them on his site. see site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Logic for an illogical war: Lebanon vs. Israel

Logic for an illogical war:
Lebanon vs. Israel

Lebanon is boasting Israel can’t win the war, and therefore why make concessions; I suppose the best thing to do is drop more bombs, if that is the way they feel, until there is no one lift, and then boast over some street in Damascus, where it all started. I do know this: last week they were shooting 80-rockets a day into Israel, and a week before that 110, and now 39-a day, so Lebanon is not as healthy military wise, as they were a few weeks ago.
Why the UN wants Israel to stand down before victory is claimed haunts me, normally you shoot for victory, and then talk. Every week, the foe boast less and less, and the UN, cringes that Israel might walk away proud, and god forbade they should do that.
CNN, for once is showing two sides of the war, perhaps they’ve come to the conclusion, better journalism requires reporting of the whole story, not one sided propaganda, we get enough of that.
My suggest for the UN observation posts, is to leave the country until after the war; they only report one side of the fighting, and that is the enemies side, so one can’t blame Israel, if indeed they are targeting UN posts. One of the reasons there is a war in Lebanon today, is because the UN’s peacekeeping force, could not, or would not, keep peace, all those years, Hezbollah was shooting rockets over the boarder from Lebanon, into Israel. Had they done their job right, they wouldn’t have to be trying to broker a peace deal that they know, and we know, they can’t keep anyhow. My suggestion is, let them fight it out, and if they get wiped, the entire world will benefit for it. Save us Americans a lot of effort doing it ourselves.
Another point is, if you really want a peace, you disarm, and Hezbollah specifically will not agree to that. They would although like time to rearm I’m sure, and is hoping for the UN to get it for them.
Hezbollah has not stepped back, they have used larger bombs, with a longer range, thus, expanding the war (in fear they may lose the war I suppose, they really didn’t want the Jews to know they had them but when push comes to shove, they just couldn’t help but use them big Syrian bombs now could they), and a good lesson for Israel, that should they stop now, you can imagine what Hezbollah has in store for them later, or had in store for them, with their new bombs.
You don’t need a ceasefire, there are ways to get in and out of the fighting zones, Israel has allowed a road for that, so the UN is full of crap, and wants Israel to silence their guns, so Syria can rearm, Hezbollah. Perhaps, Israel should take on Syria and stop the channeling of the weapons into the hands of Hezbollah: faze II of the war.


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