American’s Going to Peru
I am happy that Peru has so much tourism lately; when I started coming here—seven years ago (now my 9th time), it was one plane load at a time descending at the airport in Lima, now there are three or four, within a matter of minutes; coming in from Texas, Florida and George (not to mention Europe). Peruvians love Americans, but I fear the Americans are starting to be quite rude, belligerent, and down right pigs. It is almost daily I see this now; loud and rowdy Americans in the nice outdoor restaurants, having contests with eating Ginny pigs, and eating them like a cow would hay, shoving it down and screaming to the tops of their lungs, while on lookers can’t believe their eyes; Peruvians have had a high regard for Americans, in a few more years, I think that will change.
For the most part—as I’ve already mentioned—Peruvians have a high opinion for Americans, and many wish to be in their shoes, but I don’t see this kind of behavior with other cultures coming to Peru, like Europeans, or Asians, or even South Americans visiting Peru, only Americans. It is not completely the young crowd, it is a mixture; they show indifference to those around them eating or doing whatever business they are doing.
I have written many articles on Peru, all positive, and I think this one can also be, we must, as Americans, remember, we are in another persons backyard, please act like you’d expect them to act, should they visit us.
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